The Meanings of Ascension Explained

Spiritual awakening
When you are starting a spiritual journey, there are often many questions followed by a desire to learn more about how to ascend. Whether you are new or have been traveling this path, ascension offers a transformative experience. But how do you explain the meaning of ascension?

Overall, ascension is more than personal growth; it impacts every area of your life.

The journey of spiritual ascension begins with a conscious decision to enhance the quality and meaning of your life.

By choosing to read this blog, you are already taking a significant step toward following a higher path. Your progress is determined by your commitment and openness to evolve. As you ascend, you have the freedom to decide how far you wish to go, and to strive toward higher levels of existence.

What are the Meanings of Ascension

The general meaning of ascension is about embracing a higher level of living. It is a continuous journey that invites you to open your heart and expand your consciousness by cultivating an open mind.

This transformative process involves shifting toward living a more heart-centered existence. Healing from past wounds, and initiating profound changes within yourself. This journey opens up the opportunity to live a life that resonates with greater compassion, awareness, and inner peace.

Difference Between Spiritual Awakening and Ascension

The difference between spiritual awakening and ascension is what you choose to do after awakening.

Spiritual awakening is often described as a profound shift in awareness and perception. It is the beginning point of discovering that you are a soul of light. And recognizing that much more exists than what you can see with human eyes.

Once you are spiritually awakened, then you have a choice whether or not to follow an ascension journey. 

Signs of Spiritual Awakening and Ascension Steps

When a person first awakens, these signs can vary greatly from person to person, and not everyone will experience all of them. Your pathway through spiritual awakening and ascension is unique and is always deeply personal.
Heightened Awareness and Intuition
  • Increased perception
  • Heightened senses and noticing more about the environment
  • Stronger intuitive insights
  • Making decisions based on inner knowing rather than logical analysis
  • Practicing mindfulness of self in a non-judgmental way
Cultivating Inner Peace and Contentment
  • Deep sense of peace and contentment, even amidst chaos
  • Embracing the Law of Oneness
  • Feeling connected to everything and everyone around you
Questioning Reality and Beliefs
  • Challenging previously held beliefs and seeking deeper truths
  • Removing outdated beliefs and patterns that you inherited from your ancestral lineage
  •  Desire to understand the nature of existence and your soul purpose
Emotional Sensitivity
  • Experiencing heightened emotions and empathy
  • Feeling more compassionate and understanding toward others
  • Becoming sensitive to the energies from full moons, solar flares, retrogrades, etc. 
Detachment from Materialism
  • Losing interest in material possessions and societal status
  • Prioritizing experiences and relationships over physical goods
  • Embracing gratitude for all that you already possess 
Desire for Solitude, Reflection, and Expansion
  • Seeking alone time for reflection and nature walks
  • Enjoying silence and introspection more than social activities
  • Meditating to expand your consciousness and expand your heart light
  • Noticing patterns and synchronicities that feel too significant to be mere chance
  • Seeing angel numbers and following their guidance
  • Feeling that the universe is guiding, supporting, and communicating with you
Changes in Sleep Patterns and Dreams
  • Experiencing vivid dreams or disrupted sleep cycles
  • Feeling restless or energized at unusual times
  • Supernatural experiences including Kundalini awakening 
Physical Sensations
  • Unexplained physical sensations like tingling, heat, or pressure, often referred to as energy shifts
  • Changes in appetite, diet, or overall health
  • Sensitivities appearing, such as allergies to chemicals or intolerance to processed foods
Seeking a Sense of Purpose, Unity, and Oneness
  • Strong urge to find and live your true purpose
  • Experiencing a profound sense of unity with all life forms and the planet
  • Understanding and feeling connected to the universe at a fundamental level
Shifting Your Life Through Major Transformations
  • Transitioning away from people, places, and activities that no longer align with your new path
  • Meeting new people in your soul family to create deep, supportive friendships
  • Healing from old wounds
  • Replacing outdated beliefs with new values
  • Discovering new high-vibrational activities that you enjoy
  • Desire to keep learning more about the universe and spiritual topics
  • Learning and living according to the Laws of the Universe
  • Growing desire to help others and contribute positively to the world
  • Learning to keep the ego mind calm and quiet
  • Merging more with your higher self
  • Discovering how powerful your intention is and the beauty of your soul
Changes in Relationships
Relationships have the power to influence your ascension journey. Often in ways you might not immediately recognize. As you increase your energetic vibration, any relationship that does not serve your highest good will evolve or dissolve.

Those meant to remain in your life will support your new choices and transformed way of living.

Navigating this shift can be particularly challenging. Especially with relatives or long-time friends who may not be supportive or understanding. In such cases, it might be necessary to temporarily distance yourself from those who are not supportive. Or, limit time with them while keeping topics light and neutral.

This space allows you to grow without resistance. Creating a more harmonious environment for your continued ascension.
An essential part of your ascension journey is learning to embrace acceptance. Particularly with things beyond your control.

This means letting go of wanting to change other people's actions, alter situations, or fix world events. By allowing these things to just be, you can redirect your energy toward your own growth and well-being.

If you feel compelled to help, call upon archangels to send love and healing light to those in need. This practice brings peace to others. And enhances your own spiritual development, fostering a sense of compassion and interconnectedness.
Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle
As you ascend, you may feel a natural inclination to transform your diet. Often opting for healthier and more organic foods. This shift occurs because your body is in the process of purifying itself. Shedding substances that no longer serve your higher purpose.

Alongside dietary changes, you might also develop a heightened sensitivity to chemicals. Particularly those found in cleaning products, cosmetics, and body care items. Embrace this transformation by switching to natural alternatives. Or crafting your own homemade solutions.

For example, a simple yet effective homemade toothpaste is mixing equal parts coconut oil and baking soda. Add cinnamon or peppermint oil for flavoring. Or, create your own household cleaner by mixing 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water.

These adjustments enhance your physical well-being. And align your lifestyle with your elevated state of consciousness.
Examples of Increased Sensitivities
  • Sounds, especially loud noises
  • Lights
  • Smells and fragrances
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Foods, especially white sugar and meats
  • Chemicals
  • Actions and words from unawakened people 

The Meaning of Ascending to a Higher Level

What does it mean to ascend to a higher level? The meaning of ascending to a higher level involves several self-improvement steps. All of which lead to tapping into your unlimited potential for this lifetime.

One of these steps is increasing your energetic vibration. Which you can do by cleansing your energy daily to remove energetic blocks. And open up the flow of life force energy coursing through you.

Another meaning of ascending higher is aligning with higher timelines. Stepping onto a higher timeline makes life feel a little easier than before. And, it is a stepping stone to manifesting more of your desires and dreams.

Additional meanings of ascending higher include increasing your self-love, and feeling energetically lighter. Feeling freed from the past, and choosing to only react toward others in a loving or neutral way. 

Embrace Your Ascension Journey

The journey of ascension offers the potential for a profound life transformation. Imagine a new existence filled with unconditional love, where you radiate your soul's light more brightly into the world.

Remember that this path is unique to you, so be gentle with yourself and savor every step of your ascent.

To get a boost on your ascension journey, receive an energy healing session with angels. During a session, archangels work on your energetic system to clear blockages. Which leaves you feeling uplifted, relaxed, and refreshed, ready to start anew. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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