Story about the Evolution of the Soul

Evolution of the Soul
The evolution of the soul is a magnificent journey spanning countless lifetimes. With each lifetime contributing to the growth, wisdom, and gifts that your soul retains for eternity.

Through a channeled story from the Council of Light, explore the creation and evolution of the soul. Their insights offer a unique perspective on the ultimate purpose of the soul. Providing you with a refreshing perspective on life. Encouraging you to look beyond your immediate reality and understand your place in the vast tapestry of existence.

Enjoy this deeper understanding of the intricate dance of existence. Where every step is part of a grander journey toward enlightenment and self-discovery. There are also a couple of scientific facts about the soul at the end of this post. 

Channeled Story about the Evolution of the Soul

A tiny spark of light, a soul, was born in a distant star system. As it grew into a bright light, it began learning as much as it could. The new soul learned about compassion, kindness, and the importance of extending love toward others.

Over time, the small soul of light continued to learn and gain wisdom until one day it was no longer small.

It had grown into a huge light, shining so vibrantly that it was given a new mission. The soul courageously accepted the new mission, knowing that it was brave to venture out into the vast universe soon. 

Evolution of the Soul’s Early Days of Training

While this soul of light was growing up, it had been trained by angels. Archangels taught the soul that love is more important than anything else. Additionally, they taught the soul about the power of love, and how love can heal anything.

This education from the angels assured the soul that it was well-equipped with all the tools it would ever need for its continuing evolution.

The soul of light began a new journey of traveling around the universe with a mission to help bring love and healing to other star systems. 

A New Adventure Begins

One day, the soul of light heard about a new planet called Earth. And was excited to explore this new planet in the universe. The soul helped create the start of humanity on this beautiful planet.

Then, as time went by, humans started fighting against each other. Darkness through duality and negativity began to take over. Life on Earth was very different from what it had been like when the soul had its first incarnation on Earth.

But throughout all the darkness, hope remained alive. A never-ending spark of hope within the soul's heart. Hope for a wonderful transition someday with more people reconnecting to their inner lights. 

Evolution of the Soul’s Journey Throughout Countless Lifetimes

The beautiful soul of light returned to Earth, lifetime after lifetime. Continuing to evolve, learn, and grow. Gaining wisdom and a variety of skills as the soul grew to become advanced.

The soul always provided hope, love, and healing to other souls during each lifetime. Becoming an expert in the area of helping people to heal.

Now the soul was preparing for an important mission that it knew was vital for humanity's ascension. Passing through the veil of forgetfulness, the soul returned to Earth for another lifetime.

During the first half of this lifetime, life was very different for the advanced soul. It was extremely challenging, and the soul did not feel loved. Believing what other people told the soul during childhood, the soul felt not good enough. And thought life had to be difficult. These outdated beliefs made the soul feel hopeless.

The Soul’s Reconnection to Itself

One day, the soul of light suddenly had an unexpected awakening. It was reminded of the love and light within that had always been there, but had been forgotten about.

The soul dove into learning as much as it could about ascension and energy. Along with cleansing, healing, and rediscovering itself. The human connected back to its beautiful soul of light, shining brightly within its heart space.

As the soul healed from the past, it remembered how to share love and light. Especially from Source light in a way that is healing for others.

Then, the soul of light was reminded of its mission to help improve the world.

Knowing its soul purpose inspired the soul to glow even brighter. It immediately became dedicated to assisting others. Particularly through healing, ascending, and assisting people in improving their lives. 

A Tiny Spark Evolved into an Immense Light

The evolution of what originally began as a tiny spark of light had expanded into a huge soul of light.

When the human mind reconnected to its soul, it realized the importance of its mission.

The soul felt fulfilled with each person it helped. This joy and fulfillment continued to make its light grow even bigger. The love and healing light the soul radiated outward into the world was beautiful. And at times, the soul expanded its light across the entire planet.

The evolution of the tiny spark of light grew into a magnificent soul with access to infinite wisdom and unlimited possibilities.

Now the soul of light was blissfully living life, embracing its love and the healing power of love. 
Thank you to the Council of Light for this beautiful and unique story about the evolution of the soul. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

You are Multidimensional

The soul's vastness exceeds the confines of the human body. Enabling it to experience multiple dimensions simultaneously while living in a human body.

Challenges faced in one dimension can impact the soul across all realms. Therefore, elevating your vibrational frequency benefits your soul's multidimensional journey.

Even outside human form, the soul's evolution persists across higher dimensions.
The soul's weight, 21 grams, stems from early 20th-century experiments. Which sought to measure the mass purportedly lost by a human body at the moment of death. 

The Soul in Between Human Lifetimes

Upon the completion of its earthly journey, the soul embarks on an ascent into higher realms of existence.

It is in these higher dimensions that the soul contemplates its next phase of evolution. Whether it chooses to reincarnate for another human experience. Or serve as a spirit guide, or take on another role.

The soul is eternally engaged in a process of learning, expansion, and ascension. This endless cycle of growth underscores the soul's infinite nature. Inviting you to view life through a lens of spiritual continuity and boundless possibility.

You are Composed of Stardust

Thanks to a scientific study, there is evidence that many of the elements found within the human body are also found in stars.

This discovery deepens the understanding of the origins of life on Earth and connects humans to the universe. As carriers of these celestial particles, you are a living testament to the universe's ongoing story of transformation. Embodying the literal dust of stars in your very being.
“A new study has mapped the abundance of elements found in the human body, the building blocks of life, in the stars of the Milky Way. Humans and their galaxy have about 97 percent of the same kind of atoms, and the elements of life appear to be more prevalent toward the galaxy's center. Although humans share most elements with the stars, the proportions of those elements differ between humans and stars.” - Elizabeth Howell at

Everlasting Journey of the Infinite Soul

The journey of the soul is an awe-inspiring odyssey. Starting from a mere flicker of light and possessing the potential to blossom into a radiant beacon of brilliance. Transcending the boundaries of time and space. Embodied within you is an eternal soul of luminous energy, temporarily residing inside a human body.

Tap into the immense beauty of your soul's light, and shine it confidently in the world.

I hope you found the story from the angels both enlightening and uplifting. Share your reflections and any personal insights or experiences in the comments below.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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