October Angel Card Reading

October Card Reading
Discover how to meander through October easier with angelic guidance in this angel card reading.

In this blog post, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel come together to provide you with this October card reading. 

October’s Energies are Bright and Unlimited

The overall energy for October is being receptive to higher levels of light that are streaming in from the angelic realm and the universe.

The purpose for these higher levels of light and new light codes are to uplift your life. And to assist you in expanding your consciousness, and opening up to new possibilities. 

Heal Your Heart with Archangel Raphael

Additionally, this month Archangel Raphael is stepping forward in a more prevalent way to assist you in healing your heart.

What is inside your heart chakra from the past that has continued to hold you back?

Are there still painful memories stored within your heart chakra? Especially from times when you experienced heartache, rejection, or even disappointment?

Release these all now by handing them over to the angels. As you release those heavy energies from your heart, fill in the gaps with new white light.

This process is as simple as asking the angels to do it for you while you remain quiet, still, and focused within your heart.

The angels will flow a waterfall of divine white light and healing energies into your heart. And anywhere else where this new light is needed. 

More Angel Messages Arriving

You are also more receptive this month to the incoming messages that are streaming in from angels. This occurs through angel numbers, signs, and synchronicities.

Follow these messages and this guidance. They help you make the most of this beautiful opportunity to expand and grow on your journey through this month. 

October’s Challenges

The challenges throughout October are focused on your inner calling, and around remaining in a state of love.

Your soul is attempting to shine more brightly through your human self, especially through your heart. When you are able to tune into your soul, it will reveal to you the gifts, wisdom, and your soul purpose.

This month there could be a challenge related to deeply tuning into the wisdom contained within your soul.

If this happens, ask Archangel Michael to assist you with connecting to your soul by opening your heart chakra and focusing inward. 

Do You Know Your Current Action Step?

The pathway ahead is brightly illuminated from the angels and from your higher self. One step at a time is how you are made aware of your inner calling.

However, there may be a challenge this month with knowing the details of your inner calling.

Do you know what action step to take next? If you are unsure, ask the angels for guidance, messages, and support daily.

The angels will always light up the next step for you to take. And, they are more than happy to show you in different ways if you do not understand their message the first time they send it. 

Continue Filling Yourself up with Love First

The other challenge throughout October is overflowing love to others. Remember the importance of first filling yourself up with love. Then you can more easily and naturally overflow love to others.

When struggles appear, keep returning to a state of love. Do this by flowing love into your mind, body, and spirit.

Fill up your entire energy field with divine unconditional love. And in doing so, this provides you with having a clearer vision of the path ahead which will be illuminated one step at a time. 

Angelic Guidance for October

The angelic guidance for overcoming these challenges is to recognize how you are beautifully growing.

Just like how a rose seed is planted, it takes time for the seed to sprout, grow, and blossom. The tiny seed’s full potential is reached only with the proper amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients so it can flourish.

You too are growing on your journey through life, and within the development of your soul continuing to evolve.

Take a moment to think about how far you have come so far.

What is one way that you have grown or learned something important?

Now congratulate yourself for reaching this point on your journey through life. You are growing and continuing to blossom more and more just like a vibrant rose bush full of magnificent flowers. 

Move, Stretch, and Balance 

Pay more attention to how you are nurturing your physical body in all ways to assist yourself in growing more. Ensure that you have plenty of clean water, healthy foods, and sleep.

Additionally, participate in a physical activity that you enjoy most. Whether it is walking in nature, doing yoga, or dancing, move your physical body more. This also assists your natural flow of light moving more smoothly through you. 

Focus on Your Inner Child

The focus for October is to provide your inner child with more attention.

How is he or she doing?

Is there anything your inner child is scared about or holding onto that does not feel good? If yes, help him or her to release it. And then do something fun together to help your inner child feel happier.

Ask your inner child: what is one thing you can do together today that would make him or her happy? Then, do it.

Sometimes the answer will be very simple; such as playing outside, playing with a pet, or dancing. 

Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Spirit in Source Light

Another part of angelic guidance this month is connecting to source light daily to refresh yourself in a waterfall of white light.

The healing light, comfort, and strength needed to endure life's challenges can always be found by reconnecting to source.

Allow the waterfall of sparkling white light to rinse away unwanted energies in your aura that were picked up from other people.

Then, let the light flow all the way through your central column of light that links together all your chakras.

Finally, expand the light into every part of your mind, body, and spirit for the rejuvenation and nourishment you need. 

Conclude October with Infinite Possibilities

By the end of October, keep recognizing when something is holding you back, so you are able to release it sooner. Then, you can more easily get back to co-creating your life with the universe.

This cycle of releasing and renewing yourself with source light opens you up to utilizing your unlimited potential. If you need assistance with releasing and cleansing, use the free chakra cleanse found here.

Keep dreaming big because the infinite possibilities are here, and will remain present throughout your life.

What is your biggest dream?

How can you add to this dream to make it even more amazing?

What are the first few action steps needed to begin this journey?

Or, review your destination if you are already taking steps toward fulfilling your most amazing dream life. 

What are You Creating for Your Life?

As a co-creator of your life, your thoughts and feelings are immensely assisting you in attracting everything you need to succeed.

If you find that situations are not improving, then reflect upon what is holding you back. So you can release it and return to manifesting all your dreams, desires, and wishes.

Sometimes deeper energetic blocks can cause struggles to continue for years. Despite trying over and over again, you may still feel that you are not making enough progress.

You are not alone in dealing with recurring issues. Powerful archangels are available to help you anytime. Keep calling upon angels daily for assistance.

Or, get help resolving struggles faster with Arcfusion Energy Healing. Within 24 hours, angels start working on your mind, body, and spirit to break up energetic blocks. So you can finally start seeing improvements. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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