How to Master Aura Protection

Have you ever wondered why sometimes you feel drained or overwhelmed without any apparent reason? The answer might lie within your aura - the invisible electromagnetic field enveloping your physical body.

This energy shield is unique to every individual, just like a fingerprint. And works tirelessly day and night, scanning and interacting with the energies in your environment. It absorbs energetic vibrations, both positive and negative, from people and places around you.

Over time, these energies can accumulate and stress your aura, leading to emotional and physical discomfort. This is where the significance of aura protection comes into play.

Through this blog post, learn how the aura functions. Plus, explore techniques on how to protect and cleanse your aura. Let's dive deeper and explore the fascinating world of auras.

Why is Aura Protection Important

Your aura functions as an active sensor, scanning the energetic landscape around you. And stores energies from your surroundings including negativity and stress from other people.

It is an intuitive alarm system that picks up on potential threats and subtle shifts in your surroundings. Alerting you through feelings of unease or apprehension.

So, do not ignore those gut feelings or sudden shifts in your emotions. They might be your aura's way of communicating with you, signaling that it is time to shield up and navigate your path with caution.

When your aura is congested with dense energies, it is harder for the aura to function properly. And can lead to physical ailments as the dense energies travel into your body.

This is why the health of your aura is more than just spiritual wellness; it is intricately tied to your physical well-being too. 

How the Aura Functions

Imagine moving through life as if you are swimming in an invisible ocean of energies. Every person you encounter, every public space you navigate, is like a wave crashing against you. Leaving behind its unique energetic imprint on your aura.

These energy exchanges, especially the toxic ones, can wear down your aura, much like relentless waves eroding a cliff.

Additionally, people sometimes attach energetic cords to you that latch onto your aura. Picture these cords as invisible energy vampires or chains. Siphoning off your vital life force energy until they are cut loose.

When your aura is under stress, it sends out distress signals. These include feeling stressed, irritable, anxious, negative, or impatient. Exhaustion enters into your life, and nervousness shadows your every step.

These are more than just emotional states; they are red flags. Warning you that your immune system is under attack from dense energies.

Understanding why Daily Aura Protection is Critical

When your aura becomes overloaded with too many heavy energies, such as fears or negativity, it has to move those energies. So your aura can continue to perform its job.

These unwanted energies begin their journey from your aura into your body's chakra system - a network of seven main energy hubs. Think of these chakras as spinning wheels of energy.

But when the chakras get clogged with toxic energies, they cannot spin properly. This is the point where health issues can appear.

Remember, your aura is not only your protective shield. It is your spiritual barometer, reflecting your energetic health. When it is in disarray, it could lead to illness. So, pay attention to these signs and take steps to cleanse and protect your aura.

7 Layers of the Aura

The combined seven layers of your aura are also called your light body. Each layer corresponds with a distinct aspect of your existence - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

These auric layers are like invisible threads weaving the intricate tapestry of your being. With each layer adding depth and dimension to your identity.

Your aura is also more than an energy field. It is a treasure trove of information about your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Additionally, your aura is the gateway to your higher consciousness.

Chakras Connected to the Aura
  1. 1
    Etheric body: closest to your physical body; associated with the root chakra
  2. 2
    Emotional body: connected to the sacral chakra; changes colors based on your emotions
  3. 3
    Mental body: linked to the solar plexus chakra
  4. 4
    Astral body: connected to the heart chakra; spiritual health
  5. 5
    Etheric template: connected to the throat chakra; psychic abilities; holds the blueprint for your physical body
  6. 6
    Celestial body: linked to the third eye chakra; plane of enlightenment; connection to the divine
  7. 7
    Causal body: furthest from the body; associated with the crown chakra; contains information about your soul and past lives 
The Size of Your Aura Fluctuates

Your aura is an ever-changing energy field, as flexible as it is powerful. Imagine it as a radiant bubble surrounding you, its size shifting in response to your emotional states.

When fear or stress cast their shadows over you, your aura reacts instinctively, pulling inward like a protective shell. It shrinks until it is only a few inches away from your physical body - a compact shield to ward off the negative vibrations.

On the flip side, when joy fills your heart, your aura mirrors this positivity. It swells with delight, expanding outward, sometimes until it fills an entire room. Spreading your uplifting energy to everyone present. 

How to Expand and Contract Your Aura

Most people walk around with their auras extending two to three feet outward from the physical body. But remember, your aura is under your control.

You can expand or contract it at will. All it takes is a little practice and the power of intention.

Your intention is like a magic wand. It has the power to shape reality. So, close your eyes and visualize expanding and contracting your aura. Take a moment to feel joyful, and sense how your aura expands. Then, pull your aura inward close to your body.

Feel the difference and harness this power to master your aura's size. Then, witness the fascinating interplay between your emotions and your energy field.

Mastering Aura Protection: Essential Tips and Techniques

Protecting and cleansing your aura daily does not require much time. Yet the results can be profound.

How to Protect Your Aura Daily

Think of daily aura protection as a spiritual hygiene routine, akin to brushing your teeth. Here is one technique to create a shield around your aura.

  • Begin by connecting to white source light that is always above your head.
  • If desired, call upon angels for assistance in purifying your aura.
  • Visualize a cascade of golden light streaming down, washing over your entire aura. This is your aura’s shower, cleansing away any dense energies clinging to your aura.
  • Imagine this waterfall of light continuing its journey down to the Earth's core, grounding your aura and anchoring you to the Earth.
  • Visualize a golden orb of light descending from above, enveloping you from head to toe. Envision it weaving a tight, mesh-like structure around your aura.
  • Complete the process by signing your name in light at the base of your feet, sealing the protective sphere.
Aura Protection 101: Safeguarding Your Spiritual Energy

This luminous signature, etched within your protective orb, is your energetic "No Trespassing" sign. It declares your energetic sovereignty. Warding off unwanted etheric cords and low vibrational energies.

However, remember that this shield is not impenetrable; some negative energies may still invade your space.

Your protective orb has an expiration time: it naturally fades after 12 hours. However, if a negative person crosses your path, it could dissipate instantly.

Stay vigilant and reapply your protective orb whenever necessary. Consider it your personal force field, guarding your precious energy from unwanted intrusions.

3 Powerful Emergency Protection Techniques for Your Aura

There will be times when you need to instantly protect your energy. Here are three potent methods to quickly secure your aura.

They are simple yet incredibly effective at the energetic level. Remember, everything in the universe operates on energetic frequencies.

These quick-fix techniques come in handy when you unexpectedly find yourself in the company of a negative individual. Or before plunging into the bustling energy whirlpool of public spaces.

Consider them your emergency aura protection kit, ready to safeguard your energy at a moment's notice.

1. Invoke Archangel Michael’s Protection

When you do not have time to use any other technique, rely upon Archangel Michael.

In your mind, simply think: “Archangel Michael, please protect my energy on all levels. And so it is. Thank you.”

2. Diamond Hand Gesture

This sequence of simple actions forms a powerful ritual for emergency aura protection to close your aura. Use it wisely and remember, your energy is sacred. Refer to the image below when reviewing the steps. 

Remember to open your aura back up later so you do not trap any heavy energies. 

  • Gently press your tongue's tip against the junction of the roof of your mouth and your upper teeth.
  • Rest your hands comfortably on your thighs.
  •  Interlace your fingers in a self-embrace, as if you are holding your own hands.
  • Arrange your thumbs and index fingers so their tips meet, forming a diamond.
  • Point your thumbs toward your solar plexus chakra, located right above your navel.
  • Mentally or verbally affirm: "My aura is now closed."
  • Once you return to a tranquil environment, think or say: "My aura is now opened."

Closed Aura Mudra

3. Aura Protection while Standing

This method is ideal for situations when you are standing and unable to sit down. However, refrain from using it if it might compromise your balance.

  • Gently press the tip of your tongue against the spot where the roof of your mouth meets your upper teeth.
  • Cross your arms over your chest in a self-hugging gesture.
  • Either cross your legs at the knees or cross your ankles.
  • Affirm in your mind: "My aura is now closed."
  • Reopen your aura when you are back in a safer environment.

Opening your aura up again allows the energies to flow freely. This is beneficial in preventing low vibrational energies from infiltrating your chakras.

Also, remember to perform a thorough chakra and aura cleanse later that day when you have some quiet time. Consider this your spiritual detox, essential for maintaining your energetic health.

3 Ways to Easily Cleanse Your Aura

When you have been in the presence of someone exuding fear, stress, or negativity, it is vital to purify your aura. Here are a few easy techniques to swiftly cleanse any dense energy that may have infiltrated your aura.

1. Waterfall of White Light

Connect with universal source light and visualize a waterfall of radiant white light washing away all density.

Imagine this light picking up and guiding the dense energies safely into the Earth’s core.

This dual-action visualization not only grounds you but also expels any toxic energies from your aura.

2. Aura Sweeping with Selenite

If you are a crystal enthusiast, selenite offers a fantastic way to swiftly cleanse your aura. Hold a piece of selenite and sweep it across your aura in all four directions.

Start from the space around your head, making sweeping motions all the way down to your feet. Repeat this at least once or twice on your front, back, left, and right sides.

Upon completion, request that the angels cleanse your selenite with white light. Conclude by expressing gratitude to the angels.

3. The Violet Flame

The violet flame is another potent tool for dispelling density within your aura. Envision the violet flame enveloping you and transmuting all heavy energies.

If desired, call upon Archangel Zadkiel to aid you in eliminating low vibrational energies from your aura.

Maintaining Your Aura's Health

Mastering aura protection is easy to achieve. And adding aura protection and aura cleansing into your daily routine does not require much time.

Your aura is your first line of defense against the energies in your surrounding environment. Cultivate a habit of closing your aura when you find yourself unexpectedly in an unfavorable setting.

And remember to always reopen and cleanse your aura anytime you close it. This practice prevents harmful energies from getting trapped within a sealed aura.

Care for your aura and it will reward you in countless ways.

If you are concerned about the types of energies within your aura, an aura drawing reveals where issues are present. In addition to cleansing away heavy energies to restore the well-being of your aura. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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