How To Heal From Trauma with Angels

Everyone deals with trauma of some sort during life. And you know how it feels when someone tells you to "just let it go." It feels impossible! You cannot just forget what happened. Especially when the feelings that come up during those moments are intense. You might have anger, sadness, or fear. Healing from trauma is needed, and can be an easier process with help from archangels.

When you transmute traumas with help from angels, the intense emotions become neutralized.

This blog post teaches you how to remove fears and intense emotions from traumas at the energetic level. And explains why healing at the energetic level is needed. It does not matter if the traumas are old or new. You can heal from anything with the angels. 

Why Healing from Trauma at the Energetic Level is Important

The reason why is because everything is energy including your thoughts and emotions. Everything carries an energetic frequency.

You might remember the following famous quote by Albert Einstein.

"Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

Every thought and feeling that you have creates an energetic vibration. These vibrations ripple outward into the universe to tell the universe to keep sending you more of the same types of energies.

The universe only knows energies; it does not understand human words, only the vibrations from words.

This is why shifting your energetic vibration into a higher state helps you to easily attract more positive experiences in life. 

What to Expect When Healing from Trauma with Angels

Angels will provide you with comfort, and wrap you in love when you release intense emotions.

The angels understand how difficult it can be for humans to heal from traumas. And they understand why you might feel embarrassed by what happened, or feel fearful, angry, or sad.

It is okay to allow these intense emotions to flow through you when releasing them. Holding them inside only traps the unpleasant energies which means they can reappear later. So let the tears flow. And allow yourself to feel angry if needed.

Healing from intense emotions is a process. It will require time, however you can start to feel better and better each time you heal from trauma with archangels. 

3 Archangels Help You Heal from Trauma

When you need to heal from any type of trauma, these three archangels are best to call upon for help.

Archangel Raphael is best known as a powerful healing angel. He can assist you in healing from trauma, plus help you with any type of healing that you may need.

Archangel Raziel helps with past traumas including past life issues. He also clears blocks so you can tune into your intuitive abilities more easily.

Archangel Haniel is a very sensitive angel who is perfect to call upon for healing emotions that are attached to deeply buried hurts. Additionally, Archangel Haniel helps your inner child to heal. When you work with Archangel Haniel, she also helps bring more joy into your life.

Channeled Message from Archangels Raphael, Raziel, and Haniel

Dear one, we see how deeply you are hurting, and we want you to know that we are here for you. We are sorry about the traumatic experience you are still suffering from. Please do not feel embarrassed. It was not your fault.

You can heal from these deep wounds, sadness, fears, anger, and all other unpleasant emotions related to this past situation.

Only you can make the decision to heal or to keep holding onto the effects from the traumatic experience.

The Law of Free Will prevents angels from stepping in to help without direct permission from you. Therefore, it is essential to keep asking us for help with this exact traumatic experience. It is the only way we are allowed to help you peel away the deep layers to fully recover from the past. 

Angels Wrap You in Unconditional Love

We now extend our hands and hearts out to you. And wrap you in a comforting blanket of unconditional love.

Please trust us angels to help you every step of the way as you release the intense emotions, and we transmute them away from you. Know that each time you remove heavy emotions, angels will fill in the newly created gaps in your energetic system with love. 

A Message for Females From Archangel Haniel (a feminine angel)

I, Archangel Haniel, have a special message for women who are dealing with very sensitive traumas. It is understandable if you are keeping it a secret from everyone. Whether or not you knew the person who violated and harmed your physical body, it is time for you to heal.

There is no need to keep carrying around those intense emotions, and feeling hurt or embarrassed. If it makes you feel more comfortable, only call upon me, Archangel Haniel. I am a feminine angel, and work with all females with any female-only issues you may have.

We will work together, just us two. And I will comfort you as the tears fall. No one has to know about what happened unless you choose to tell them. What is important is that you heal. Take back your life, and be freed from these intense hurtful feelings. 

How to Release Intense Emotions to Heal from Trauma

At this time, we lead you through an exercise that you can use daily if needed. It will begin to lessen the intensity of the feelings. And help you start to release the unpleasant energies tied to the traumatic experience.
Listen to this short session with the angels, or read the process below.
Music: Angels of Healing by Thaddeus. Used with permission.
Call in Angels
Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Ask us, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Raziel, and Archangel Haniel, to connect with you. And surround you in a protective orb of light. This creates a safe place for you to heal from trauma with angels.
Release the Emotions
Release the intense emotions by imagining them flowing out of you and entering into a violet ball of light that is in front of your physical body. If it helps, see the words from each feeling moving away from your body and into the violet orb of light.
Angels Transmute the Energies
When you are done releasing the intense emotions, imagine the violet orb popping like a balloon.

See the large orb with the intense energies you released now appearing as tiny specks of light.

Watch as angels safely transmute these dense energies into the light of the divine. 
Refresh in a Waterfall of Divine Love and Light
Finally, watch a waterfall of white light from above your head flow all the way through the inside of your body, filling up every cell with new light. This fills in any gaps in your energetic system from the emotions you just released.

Now see the waterfall of white light also flowing around your physical body. Allow it to fill up your aura with unconditional love and healing light. And so it is.

Continue focusing on this waterfall of light for as long as you wish. Thank you, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Raziel, and Archangel Haniel. 
Thank you, Archangels Raphael, Raziel, and Haniel for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

The Power of Forgiveness

When dealing with anything traumatic, sometimes it is not easy to even consider forgiving the other person.

Have you ever thought about forgiving only for yourself? Forgiving only so you can fully heal is something that you do for yourself first.

What the other person did to you is not okay. Forgiving does not mean you have to trust that person anymore. You forgive for the purpose of healing yourself from the trauma.

To learn more about the power of forgiveness, click here to read a blog post about forgiveness

Heal from Trauma with Angels Starting Today

With the right kind of assistance from angels, you can begin to lessen intense feelings today. Follow the exercise above to begin releasing the unpleasant feelings. It might take some time to fully remove all the emotions especially if there are deep layers to be removed.

However, over time the intense emotions from traumatic experiences can go away. The memories might still be there, but their energies will be neutralized. So they do not affect you emotionally anymore.

If you want more help, consider a personalized Angel Energy Healing session. It can remove more deeper layers of the energies attached to the traumatic experience. A session also leaves you feeling relaxed, peaceful, and uplifted. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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