Auras are a fascinating topic because they reveal what you need to know about your energies.
Have you ever wondered what your aura looks like? If you're interested in finding out, an aura drawing is a wonderful way to discover what is inside your aura.
The types of energies within your aura directly influence the condition of your mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, caring for your aura is an essential part of creating an optimally functioning energetic system.
Sit back, relax, and get ready to learn about your unique energy field!
Have you ever wondered what your aura looks like? If you're interested in finding out, an aura drawing is a wonderful way to discover what is inside your aura.
The types of energies within your aura directly influence the condition of your mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, caring for your aura is an essential part of creating an optimally functioning energetic system.
Sit back, relax, and get ready to learn about your unique energy field!
How an Aura Drawing Helps You
An aura drawing assists you in finding out what is currently inside your aura. This includes past life issues that need your attention. And, shows density to remove before it causes complications in your energetic system.
Additionally, it helps you reach and maintain optimal aura health when you also do daily aura cleansing.
Every aura drawing includes Angel Energy Healing to address all issues found. And, removes heavy energies clogging up your aura. Archangels also cut cords and repair damage to prevent energy from leaking outward.
Additionally, it helps you reach and maintain optimal aura health when you also do daily aura cleansing.
Every aura drawing includes Angel Energy Healing to address all issues found. And, removes heavy energies clogging up your aura. Archangels also cut cords and repair damage to prevent energy from leaking outward.
Benefits of an Aura Drawing
- Boost your ascension journey through removing blockages
- Discover how angels are helping you through energetic gifts
- Reveals energies that are currently an issue, or may become a physical issue, so they can be removed and/or prevented from worsening
- Elevates your vibration
- Feel freed from others who attached etheric cords to you
- Clears away stress and tension from others
- You receive Angel Energy Healing for optimal aura health
- If a certain chakra or physical body area needs attention, it shows up in an aura drawing
- Learn your main aura color
Track Your Progress
Your aura is continuously modifying itself. This happens through picking up energies from other people, and cleansing your energy.
Keeping copies of your aura drawings helps you track your progress over time. And is a great way to monitor any ongoing issues.
The angels recommend getting a new aura drawing every three to six months. However, listen to your intuition to know exactly what is best for you. If you experience a traumatic situation, more density may pile up until you're able to resume regular aura cleansing.
Keeping copies of your aura drawings helps you track your progress over time. And is a great way to monitor any ongoing issues.
The angels recommend getting a new aura drawing every three to six months. However, listen to your intuition to know exactly what is best for you. If you experience a traumatic situation, more density may pile up until you're able to resume regular aura cleansing.
Channeled Message from Archangel Michael and Melchizedek about Auras
Dearest one, your aura is a magnificent energetic field with the center being in your heart space. It encompasses the space surrounding your physical body in all directions. Its shape looks like an egg because it also extends above your head and below your feet.
All seven of your main chakras are linked directly into your aura. This is why energies from your aura are able to flow into your chakras.
All seven of your main chakras are linked directly into your aura. This is why energies from your aura are able to flow into your chakras.
Your Aura Drawing Tells Your Energetic Story
The condition of your aura is important, much more important than what most people realize. Your aura drawing is like a map from earlier in your life, and also from past lives. It tells a story.
If you have an energetic cord attached to a past life, it will show up in an aura drawing. Once you are aware of what is inside your aura, then you have the opportunity to begin resolving issues.
Please understand that cords to past lives may require time and repeated energetic healing to fully resolve. The reason why is because traumatic past lives may be part of your present life challenges.
If you have an energetic cord attached to a past life, it will show up in an aura drawing. Once you are aware of what is inside your aura, then you have the opportunity to begin resolving issues.
Please understand that cords to past lives may require time and repeated energetic healing to fully resolve. The reason why is because traumatic past lives may be part of your present life challenges.
Overcome Recurring Challenges
Examine the types of recurring challenges and situations in your life, especially those that continue on for years. They may not be repeating continuously, however they keep coming back. They represent either past life issues or soul lessons.
Once you are aware of a past life issue, begin working with Archangels Raphael and Raziel. Ask them to help you understand the past life issue so you can resolve it. Remember that forgiveness and sending love to all involved is the fastest route to resolution.
Once you are aware of a past life issue, begin working with Archangels Raphael and Raziel. Ask them to help you understand the past life issue so you can resolve it. Remember that forgiveness and sending love to all involved is the fastest route to resolution.
Your Aura Expands and Contracts
Your aura is consistently expanding and contracting.
When you feel uncomfortable, you have the ability to pull your aura in close by your physical body. Sometimes your aura naturally does this on its own. However, you also have the option to control this feature of your aura.
When you are feeling elated, joyful, and wishing to uplift others, your aura will expand. This helps more of these energies to reach others.
Remember the aura reads and stores energies that match others. While you are able to give energies of joy to others, you keep these energies yourself too.
This is the beauty of your aura, and is how energy exchanges between peoples auras.
When you feel uncomfortable, you have the ability to pull your aura in close by your physical body. Sometimes your aura naturally does this on its own. However, you also have the option to control this feature of your aura.
When you are feeling elated, joyful, and wishing to uplift others, your aura will expand. This helps more of these energies to reach others.
Remember the aura reads and stores energies that match others. While you are able to give energies of joy to others, you keep these energies yourself too.
This is the beauty of your aura, and is how energy exchanges between peoples auras.
Aura Drawings Show Damage in Your Aura
When your aura has holes or tears, it causes precious energy to leak outward. This can lead to issues with your mind, body, spirit, and emotions.
Anytime you sever etheric cords, it is extremely important to always ask Archangel Raphael to repair your aura. He does this by applying green healing energies to the damaged spots in your aura. This green healing energy protects your aura while repairing it at the same time.
Whenever your aura is too stressed or has damage, it will change colors. However, your main aura color often remains the same throughout life unless there is a major illness or trauma.
No two auras are exactly alike. And even your own aura continues to modify itself over time.
Anytime you sever etheric cords, it is extremely important to always ask Archangel Raphael to repair your aura. He does this by applying green healing energies to the damaged spots in your aura. This green healing energy protects your aura while repairing it at the same time.
Whenever your aura is too stressed or has damage, it will change colors. However, your main aura color often remains the same throughout life unless there is a major illness or trauma.
No two auras are exactly alike. And even your own aura continues to modify itself over time.
An Aura Drawing Reveals Details of Your Aura
Now that you recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy aura, we recommend taking a closer look at the types of energies within your aura. A wonderful way to do this is through an aura drawing. It reveals the most important things you need to know right now.
Aura drawings reveal only the types of energies that you are ready to deal with in the present moment. Anytime you are working with energy healing or cleansing, the angels only reveal to you that which you are presently ready to release.
If you are not ready yet to handle something, it will remain hidden until you are ready to heal from it.
Aura drawings reveal only the types of energies that you are ready to deal with in the present moment. Anytime you are working with energy healing or cleansing, the angels only reveal to you that which you are presently ready to release.
If you are not ready yet to handle something, it will remain hidden until you are ready to heal from it.
Daily Aura Protection
Take time daily to protect your aura. We understand that you have a busy life and it can sometimes be hard to fit everything into one day. However, cleansing your energy without protecting your aura leads to your aura becoming stressed.
Protective orbs of light are only one form of energy protection. Their strength and protection wears down after 12 hours. Or, sooner if you are around a negative person or in a public place.
Other forms of energy protection include activating your Merkaba, or utilizing Metatron’s Cube.
Protective orbs of light are only one form of energy protection. Their strength and protection wears down after 12 hours. Or, sooner if you are around a negative person or in a public place.
Other forms of energy protection include activating your Merkaba, or utilizing Metatron’s Cube.
Optimal Aura Health
As you go forward in life, remember to include daily cleansing and protection for your aura. When your aura is operating at an optimal state you feel more joyful. Life flows easier, and you are able to more effortlessly attract your desires through the Law of Attraction.
We send you our blessings, and look forward to serving you in obtaining optimal aura health. We love you.
We send you our blessings, and look forward to serving you in obtaining optimal aura health. We love you.
Thank you Archangel Michael and Melchizedek. Channeled by Brenda Lott.
Get Your Aura Drawing
Discover your main aura color, and what energetic gifts the angels have placed in your aura.
Get your aura drawing with Angel Energy Healing now.
Get your aura drawing with Angel Energy Healing now.
As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light.
About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation.
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