August contains a very special portal that opens up only once a year. It’s a time for accelerated spiritual growth, and to take a giant leap forward.
Find out what guidance the angels have for you in this month’s angel card reading.
Find out what guidance the angels have for you in this month’s angel card reading.
Sacred Portal Open in Early August
The overall energy for August is highly centered around the Lion’s Gate portal. This portal recently opened up in late July.
The Lion’s Gate energy reaches its peak on August 8th, and lasts through August 12th.
This is a time of accelerated growth and breakthroughs. A time to truly reach for the stars and your highest dreams.
Utilize this magnificent portal that only comes along once every year by first connecting to source light. And feeling the infinite possibilities that reside within your soul.
Then, open up to expand higher. And see the steps illuminated before you that are leading you toward manifesting all of your wishes, goals, and dreams.
Claim the blessings and new beginnings for your life during this time of accelerated spiritual growth. It all begins within you, and now is the perfect time to make great leaps forward.
The Lion’s Gate energy reaches its peak on August 8th, and lasts through August 12th.
This is a time of accelerated growth and breakthroughs. A time to truly reach for the stars and your highest dreams.
Utilize this magnificent portal that only comes along once every year by first connecting to source light. And feeling the infinite possibilities that reside within your soul.
Then, open up to expand higher. And see the steps illuminated before you that are leading you toward manifesting all of your wishes, goals, and dreams.
Claim the blessings and new beginnings for your life during this time of accelerated spiritual growth. It all begins within you, and now is the perfect time to make great leaps forward.
Synchronicities Reveal Angelic Guidance
Keep paying attention to the synchronicities that the angels are showing up within your life. For the synchronicities are divinely placed upon your path for you to have a clearer vision of what to do within each present moment.
This especially relates to the angelic guidance that is taking you closer toward achieving your greatest dreams.
This especially relates to the angelic guidance that is taking you closer toward achieving your greatest dreams.
Which Challenges are Present Throughout August
The challenges for August relate to self reflection and revealing the true you to the world.
Self reflection involves being honest with yourself about the feelings you have that you dislike. Look at them in a non-judgmental way to uncover what is interfering with your progress.
What are the challenges in your life pointing out to you right now?
Use your feelings as a guide for they always reveal the truth to you. While continuing to view all lower emotions for what they really are: just energies.
They do not define who you are. However, it is your responsibility to remove them from your own energetic system.
Self reflection involves being honest with yourself about the feelings you have that you dislike. Look at them in a non-judgmental way to uncover what is interfering with your progress.
What are the challenges in your life pointing out to you right now?
Use your feelings as a guide for they always reveal the truth to you. While continuing to view all lower emotions for what they really are: just energies.
They do not define who you are. However, it is your responsibility to remove them from your own energetic system.
3 Ways to Quickly Remove Unwanted Emotions
There are several options to do this. If one way does not work to fully remove them, then try another way.
First, utilize your spiritual tool of connecting to source light to do a quick meditation. Ask and allow archangels to rinse away undesirable feelings and energies from you. During this time, focus your attention first on a waterfall of white light flowing through you and around you. Then, inhale white light while exhaling the heavy energies.
Second, use the breathing exercise tool. It allows you to easily release density during any moment of any day, no matter where you are. You have this wonderful tool that you can use without anyone else around you knowing what you are doing.
Third, is to ask Archangels Michael and Zadkiel to surround you with the violet flame. The violet flame is a powerful energy that transmutes lower-vibrational energies.
First, utilize your spiritual tool of connecting to source light to do a quick meditation. Ask and allow archangels to rinse away undesirable feelings and energies from you. During this time, focus your attention first on a waterfall of white light flowing through you and around you. Then, inhale white light while exhaling the heavy energies.
Second, use the breathing exercise tool. It allows you to easily release density during any moment of any day, no matter where you are. You have this wonderful tool that you can use without anyone else around you knowing what you are doing.
Third, is to ask Archangels Michael and Zadkiel to surround you with the violet flame. The violet flame is a powerful energy that transmutes lower-vibrational energies.
Honor Your Progress and Inner Beauty
Take a moment to honor your progress so far up to this point. See how you have already moved on from parts of your old life. And, how you are in either a transition phase, or are already living your new life.
Always see the beauty within you, the beautiful light of your soul that you can consciously choose to shine brightly in the world.
One of the most beautiful ways to do this is through spreading love and light to people around you. This increases your vibration and assists you in maintaining a higher vibration.
Always see the beauty within you, the beautiful light of your soul that you can consciously choose to shine brightly in the world.
One of the most beautiful ways to do this is through spreading love and light to people around you. This increases your vibration and assists you in maintaining a higher vibration.
Reveal The True You
Another challenge for August is revealing the true you to the world. This theme is continuing from last month.
Since humanity recently made a major timeline shift, it’s becoming easier to reveal who you really are into the world. It's also easier to do this without being harshly judged by everyone. And, to accept that not everyone will resonate with the gifts you have to share with the world.
It’s okay for those souls are exactly where they need to be within the evolution of their soul’s journey. Understand that they are not ready for your gifts yet. And allow any of their unkind words to be transmuted immediately into source light.
The right people who are ready for your gifts will naturally be magnetized to you. Keep opening up little by little to show the world the true you.
Since humanity recently made a major timeline shift, it’s becoming easier to reveal who you really are into the world. It's also easier to do this without being harshly judged by everyone. And, to accept that not everyone will resonate with the gifts you have to share with the world.
It’s okay for those souls are exactly where they need to be within the evolution of their soul’s journey. Understand that they are not ready for your gifts yet. And allow any of their unkind words to be transmuted immediately into source light.
The right people who are ready for your gifts will naturally be magnetized to you. Keep opening up little by little to show the world the true you.
Angelic Guidance for August
The guidance for August is first related to forgiveness. Remember the power of forgiving and how it frees you from the past.
It severs the chains of being emotionally and energetically attached to any person who hurt you in the past. Forgiving only for you first frees you to release any resentment.
It does not mean you have to let the person back into your life. Forgiving is only to free you from the past so you can heal to move forward.
Forgiveness is a powerful tool on your ascension journey to use not only with others, but also with yourself. It is part of human nature to make mistakes, whether big or small.
When you make a mistake, be forgiving of yourself. Recognize the mistake, forgive yourself, and learn from it.
It severs the chains of being emotionally and energetically attached to any person who hurt you in the past. Forgiving only for you first frees you to release any resentment.
It does not mean you have to let the person back into your life. Forgiving is only to free you from the past so you can heal to move forward.
Forgiveness is a powerful tool on your ascension journey to use not only with others, but also with yourself. It is part of human nature to make mistakes, whether big or small.
When you make a mistake, be forgiving of yourself. Recognize the mistake, forgive yourself, and learn from it.
Leap Forward by Following Your Intuition
Throughout August, the angels are guiding you to tune into your intuition in a deeper way.
And be willing to embrace the new possibilities and doors that are opening up for you. When you have the option to do something new, start a new goal, or take a big step toward making your dreams come true, go for it.
Be willing to take a big leap forward right now. Whether it is starting a new goal or changing directions. The pathway to your destination now has the option for you to take a giant leap forward. Be willing to do that at this time.
And be willing to embrace the new possibilities and doors that are opening up for you. When you have the option to do something new, start a new goal, or take a big step toward making your dreams come true, go for it.
Be willing to take a big leap forward right now. Whether it is starting a new goal or changing directions. The pathway to your destination now has the option for you to take a giant leap forward. Be willing to do that at this time.
You are a Multidimensional Bridger
As a lightworker, take moments throughout August to reflect upon how you are multidimensional. Being in human form makes it easy to get caught up in the 3D world and lose sight of who you really are as a soul.
Because you are a lightworker, you are a bridge, an essential bridge, between source and Earth.
It is through a massive joining together of lightworkers that humanity and the Earth are able to ascend.
Even when you only focus on yourself and flow source light into your energy field to improve your life, you are helping the collective.
You are contributing to uplifting humanity. Because when you improve your life, it helps the entire human collective consciousness. Which becomes clearer and more high-vibrational. It is your choice what role you choose to play as a lightworker, but always start with your own life. Then, expand to others.
Because you are a lightworker, you are a bridge, an essential bridge, between source and Earth.
It is through a massive joining together of lightworkers that humanity and the Earth are able to ascend.
Even when you only focus on yourself and flow source light into your energy field to improve your life, you are helping the collective.
You are contributing to uplifting humanity. Because when you improve your life, it helps the entire human collective consciousness. Which becomes clearer and more high-vibrational. It is your choice what role you choose to play as a lightworker, but always start with your own life. Then, expand to others.
Exiting August Peacefully
The outcome for August is feeling more at peace within you from ascending higher. It will also be easier to be gentle with yourself and others while being more compassionate.
Maintaining a higher level of peace means that you are properly taking time for self care, filling up your own cup first, and then caring for others.
Ascending to the next highest level also assists you so that when an emotional storm appears, you can let the emotions flow. Along with recognizing what needs to be cleansed and healed so you can release it. Then, re-center within your heart and source light.
There will also be fewer emotional storms when you are carrying around higher levels of light and more peace.
Maintaining a higher level of peace means that you are properly taking time for self care, filling up your own cup first, and then caring for others.
Ascending to the next highest level also assists you so that when an emotional storm appears, you can let the emotions flow. Along with recognizing what needs to be cleansed and healed so you can release it. Then, re-center within your heart and source light.
There will also be fewer emotional storms when you are carrying around higher levels of light and more peace.
Seeing Your Life Mission
When you are living a heart centered life, at the end of August, it can be easier to see your mission. And be ready to make a change in your life so you can take the necessary steps to achieve your dreams.
Let your soul and your higher self lead your life, and each step will fall into place. Tune inward to receive a sense of intuitively knowing the details of your life's mission that you need to work on in the present moment.
This is also how you allow the brilliance of your soul’s wisdom and your magnificent light to shine brightly in the world.
Let your soul and your higher self lead your life, and each step will fall into place. Tune inward to receive a sense of intuitively knowing the details of your life's mission that you need to work on in the present moment.
This is also how you allow the brilliance of your soul’s wisdom and your magnificent light to shine brightly in the world.
Personalized Angelic Guidance
Don't let the Lion's Gate portal pass by without taking actions. Get a personalized angel card reading to discover where you to focus now. So you can accelerate your journey to its fullest potential this month.