Why Your Feelings Mean The Truth is Exposed

When your feelings are getting in the way, it's important to pay attention. Why? Because your feelings mean the truth is being exposed to you.

When something feels really good or really bad, it’s showing you that it deserves your attention. So do not ignore those strong emotions because they are often messages from your soul.

Listen to what your feelings are saying. And you will gain valuable insight into what needs to improve in your life.

Trust that your feelings are there to help you. And allow these revelations to guide you on your journey toward enlightenment.

Keep reading to find out how and why your feelings expose the truths within you.

Also, remember to remain non-judgmental over your feelings. They are energies that you can resolve and remove from your energetic system. 

What Your Feelings Mean

All of your feelings are your direct guide to the truth. Feelings inform you about exactly what types of past hurts and beliefs are within you.

Your feelings are messages from your soul and emotional body. They are expressing your innermost truths to you. Whether this is love or fears, your feelings are always honest with you.

For example, the feeling of sadness is showing you that someone or a situation has caused you to feel down. The sadness might be related to feeling hurt, depressed, or discouraged.

Feeling sad sometimes is a natural part of experiencing a human lifetime. However, it is important to monitor those feelings.

Take plenty of time to heal along with properly removing the energies of sadness so you can recover from what caused your sadness. 
Every feeling reveals the truths of the exact types of energies within you.

How Your Feelings Expose The Truth

Your feelings can change in an instant, according to your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

When you pay attention to your feelings, they can guide you in the right direction.

Monitor the intensity level of each feeling. Use a scale of 1 to 5 to rank its intensity if you want.

Then, note down how frequent this feeling occurs. Does it go away quickly, or does it affect you the rest of the day?

Is there anything specific, or a certain person who triggers this feeling in you?

Review your list of unpleasant feelings. What is the underlying truth in each of these feelings?

For example, are you feeling frustrated often?

Is the truth behind this frustration due to you wanting to escape a stressful situation?

Or, is the truth behind the frustration from living your life according to how another person told you to live your life? 

All of Your Feelings are Energies

Because you are an energetic being, every type of feeling sends out energetic signals into the universe.

Through your feelings, you are telling the universe to bring you more of the same types of feelings. The same happens with your thoughts and beliefs too.

Can you see how this becomes a major issue if you have feelings that you dislike?

You are continuously sending out energetic signals automatically even when you are sleeping.

You can simplify all feelings into two main categories: loved-based or fear-based. Love-based feelings will always feel very good to you. Fear-based feelings include everything that does not feel good.

Aim for building up your love-based feelings more and more. Doing this increases your vibration so you align with manifesting your desires. Plus, you start feeling better faster. 

Why Your Feelings are Attracting The Same Back to You

Each of your feelings, which are energies inside your emotional body, show you and other people your inner feelings.

Think of it like a mirror. Your actions, reactions, thoughts, words, beliefs, and feelings are all reflecting back to you. In the same way that your reflection appears in a mirror.

Your outer world experiences are reflecting the exact types of energies, feelings, and experiences that are within you.

All your feelings are exposing the truths of the types of energies within you. They show up as feelings, spontaneous reactions, and recurring patterns.

Recurring feelings indicate that deeply buried hurts need to be healed. This often involves making major internal changes at the energetic level so you can move forward in life. 

Discover What is Causing Your Undesirable Feelings

It helps to dive deeper to uncover the source of why you are having any undesirable feelings. They may have roots in a subconscious mind belief, past life trauma, or might be part of a soul lesson.

In certain circumstances, it may be easy to blame others for the feelings you have that you dislike. However, this does not solve the problem. Use the power of forgiveness so you can heal in addition to removing the unwanted feelings.

Is your recurring struggle related to how someone hurt you in the past?

Are you reacting in an unloving way toward the same person over and over again?

What truths are your feelings revealing to you?

Be honest with yourself; no one else ever has to know this information. Only you need to know it so you can heal and become freed to move forward in life. 

How to Let Go

The process of letting go of feelings that do not feel good can be difficult. Humans can become attached to feelings and unpleasant situations.

The reason why is because it is what you have become accustomed to. It can even provide a sense of security and safety to resist changes.

Addressing the root cause of the feelings is how you can start to let go. And remove them at the energetic level.

When the energies of each unwanted feeling are gone, then you will start feeling better on the inside. This is then followed by improvements in your external life.

Lean on your guardian angel for support and love. And never bury any feelings without properly dealing with them. Doing so only hides them again and ensures they reappear later.

Use easy breathwork exercises to remove some of the unpleasant feelings as they arise. 

Angelic Help for Your Journey

Are you feeling overwhelmed with too many unwanted feelings to clear, or want a boost on your journey?

Allow powerful healing archangels to remove the energetic blockages for you. They do this for you through a distance Angel Energy Healing session so you start feeling better right away. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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