What To Do During The 11:11 Gateway

11:11 Gateway
The 11:11 Gateway is a time when the universe opens up and ascension energies are at their peak. It's an opportunity to take action, do something that will help you grow, and learn about what is holding you back in life.

The 11:11 gateway can be used to heal old wounds, release negative energy, or boost your ascension journey. It also provides you with an opportunity to release old fears which opens you up to embrace new opportunities.

Overall, the 11:11 Gateway is a time to recharge, reflect, and recalibrate your energy levels. Additionally, it’s a wonderful time to manifest new things based upon actions that you’ve been taking.

This blog post explores what you can do during the 11:11 Gateway to gain the most out of this powerful time frame. 

Basic Information about The 11:11 Gateway

The four watchtower archangels, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel, each represent one pillar inside of 11:11. Each of these archangels links source light down into the Earth plane during the gateway opening. This assists humanity and the entire planet in accessing new light frequencies.

The shape of 11:11 itself indicates a new doorway opening up for you. 11:11 also symbolizes this heightened time for new opportunities, manifesting, and obtaining new light codes. 

Channeled Message For The 11:11 Gateway

Greetings from the Council of Light. Right now the 11:11 Gateway is open, and these energies will peak on November 11th. However, we recommend that you start taking full advantage of the new light codes and activations that are available for you.

All lightwork that you do at this time will have an even greater effect because of the 11:11 energies flooding the planet. This includes cleansing your chakras and aura along with releasing all feelings and patterns from the past that do not feel good.

After cleansing, you can hold more new light codes within your system. 

Connect To Your Heart

To make the most of the 11:11 Gateway, we suggest that you close your eyes and focus within your heart.

If you find that it is challenging to focus within your heart, first start within your mind. See a spark of light within the middle of your mind, glowing brightly. Then, imagine this light flowing straight down like an elevator. Imagine gravity pushing the light orb down until it flows into your heart where it stops. Here you are able to enter into your heart's light.

Next, fully open up your heart chakra by imagining a lotus flower blossoming as if it is opening up to the sun. You are now centered within your heart, and centered within your column of light. This light directly connects you to source light, Gaia, and to the wisdom contained within your soul. 

Download New Light Codes

From this heart space, feel your connection to source light. Then, either think in your mind or say out loud your intention. “I am ready, open, and willing to receive all new downloads of light codes for this 11:11 Gateway activation. Please download into me now. And so it is. Thank you.”

After thinking or saying these words, remain focused within the center of your heart, resting in silence for at least one minute. This ensures the downloads are able to fully reach your mind, body, and spirit.

Once these codes have downloaded, they will slowly activate within you over time. There is nothing more you need to do. Once you have the codes, they will activate on their own and accelerate your ascension journey. 

Volunteer To Help Humanity

If you wish to help humanity and the entire Earth during this 11:11 Gateway, you will gain good karma. There is an easy exercise you can do as a lightworker to assist humanity during this 11:11 Gateway.

Start by focusing within your heart, grounding your energy to the center of the Earth, and rise up. Expand your consciousness when connecting to source light.

Then, ask Archangels Michael and Metatron to assist you in the process of being a strong bridge between source light and Earth. Request that the 11:11 ascension codes flow into your light body and ground into the earth.

Next, from within your heart space, see waves flowing outward across the entire Earth. These waves flow the 11:11 ascension codes across the entire planet to reach all of humanity, and help all people who are ready to receive them. 

What Do 11:11 Gateway Energies Do?

As these waves of ascension codes flood the collective consciousness, they assist people in awakening.

Remain within this space however long you would wish. There is no required time. Trust your intuition and do what feels best.

Know that you are helping the Earth and humanity by flowing these 11:11 ascension codes. You are uplifting yourself, your journey, and helping the collective consciousness at the same time.

The universe will reward you for your generosity and your willingness to assist. 

It’s Extra Important to Take Good Care of Yourself Now

We suggest that you spend some extra time focusing on self care and self-love. Make extra time every day from now through the 11th.

Take extra good care of yourself because your physical body needs time to fully incorporate the new light codes.

You will gain more faster and easier by ensuring that you are eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and drinking enough water.

Also, make time to have fun for your inner child to laugh, feel joyful, and play. This can be as simple as going for a walk, playing with a pet, or watching a funny movie. If you enjoy a certain activity, such as cooking or doing a craft project, then do it to connect more with your inner child's innocence and playful nature. This will also uplift your life and increase your vibration. 

Release Fears During The 11:11 Gateway

Maintaining awareness is extra helpful now because it assists you in discovering exactly what is holding you back in life. When you know what is blocking you from moving forward, then you are able to release the fears, hurts, and outdated beliefs and patterns.

While it is not always easy dealing with intense emotions and past hurts that appear, it helps to view the 11:11 Gateway as a gift.

When you do not know what is holding you back, it takes longer to discover it, release it, and move forward in life. By being shown your blockages, you have an opportunity to heal from them, and to release them. Continue maintaining awareness. And more importantly, take action to remove undesirable feelings when they arise. When the 11:11 Gateway is over, you will feel so much lighter with the density gone. 

November 11th Peak Energies

On the 11th, we highly recommend dedicating some time for yourself. Meditate, cleanse your energy, and release everything that does not feel good.

Also download new light codes into you on the 11th even if you already downloaded some before that date. There are always new light codes being created, and we wish for you to access the newest codes as soon as they become available.

From all of us who serve on the Council of Light, we love you. And, we send you a blessing of love and high vibrational light codes for this 11:11 Gateway. Thank you for shining so brightly in the world. 
Thank you, Council of Light for this 11:11 Gateway message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Feeling Triggered Right Now?

If you notice yourself dealing with intense emotions, they could be related to past life traumas. Even if you thought you already cleared something, deeper layers reveal themselves during times such as the 11:11 Gateway.

You do not have to struggle alone. Archangels are always available to call upon for help. Or, remove the unwanted feelings the easier way through an Angel Energy Healing session

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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