What is forgiving, and exactly what does it involve?
Forgiving yourself and others is one of the most important aspects of your ascension journey.
It's something that is often misunderstood, so in this post angels go over what forgiving means, and how to do it.
Forgiving is not about making excuses for someone nor pretending that what they did wasn't wrong. It's about letting go of the anger, resentment, and hurt that you're holding onto.
When you forgive, you free yourself from the negative emotions that are blocking your progress.
Plus, find out what to do when forgiving feels too hard to do.
Keep reading to heal your past and move forward in your life.
Forgiving yourself and others is one of the most important aspects of your ascension journey.
It's something that is often misunderstood, so in this post angels go over what forgiving means, and how to do it.
Forgiving is not about making excuses for someone nor pretending that what they did wasn't wrong. It's about letting go of the anger, resentment, and hurt that you're holding onto.
When you forgive, you free yourself from the negative emotions that are blocking your progress.
Plus, find out what to do when forgiving feels too hard to do.
Keep reading to heal your past and move forward in your life.
What is Forgiving? It’s First Purpose is to Free You
Forgiving is a tool to set yourself free.
However, forgiving someone does not mean you are condoning their actions, or that what they did was okay.
Forgiveness means that you are releasing the unpleasant emotions you have been holding onto because of what happened.
Remember that feelings are all energies, and you have the power to release any emotions that do not feel good to you.
When you forgive, you are freeing yourself from the pain and anger that those emotions cause. This allows you to move on with your life in a positive way, without the weight of those negative feelings dragging you down. Forgiving someone can be difficult which is why you should only focus on healing yourself first.
However, forgiving someone does not mean you are condoning their actions, or that what they did was okay.
Forgiveness means that you are releasing the unpleasant emotions you have been holding onto because of what happened.
Remember that feelings are all energies, and you have the power to release any emotions that do not feel good to you.
When you forgive, you are freeing yourself from the pain and anger that those emotions cause. This allows you to move on with your life in a positive way, without the weight of those negative feelings dragging you down. Forgiving someone can be difficult which is why you should only focus on healing yourself first.
Channeled Message about What is Forgiving and How to Forgive
Greetings from Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael.
Dearest beloved soul, throughout your lifetime you will encounter many situations and people that are not acting from a place of love.
Sometimes you will encounter a soul who is lost and unable to see the love and light within them. There are souls who desperately try to seek out love in the external world without it ever showing up. This can cause some people to enter into a very dark place. A state of extreme unhappiness, feeling unloved, and acting uncaring toward other people.
When you come across souls who are carrying around significant amounts of fears, it will be easy for them to not treat you very well. However, it is important during times like these to remember that the person is only reflecting their inner state into the outer world.
Dearest beloved soul, throughout your lifetime you will encounter many situations and people that are not acting from a place of love.
Sometimes you will encounter a soul who is lost and unable to see the love and light within them. There are souls who desperately try to seek out love in the external world without it ever showing up. This can cause some people to enter into a very dark place. A state of extreme unhappiness, feeling unloved, and acting uncaring toward other people.
When you come across souls who are carrying around significant amounts of fears, it will be easy for them to not treat you very well. However, it is important during times like these to remember that the person is only reflecting their inner state into the outer world.
Stop Yourself From Being Pulled Down Too Far
When faced with someone’s unkind words and actions, remember that oftentimes there is nothing that you have done wrong. Yet the other person may try to blame you, criticize you, or attempt to pull you down to their level.
This is where forgiving is powerful. It helps you regain dominion of your own energy.
Even after you have been exposed to disharmony, negativity, and fears from others, you can maintain a high vibration.
It all begins by taking a step back and choosing to not allow the other person to drag you down. You most likely will be affected by the other person, but it does not have to be to an extreme level.
Use breathwork within the moment, and ask Archangel Raguel to bring peace into the situation. Then, do a full chakra and aura cleanse later to finish rinsing away any heavy energies you picked up.
This is where forgiving is powerful. It helps you regain dominion of your own energy.
Even after you have been exposed to disharmony, negativity, and fears from others, you can maintain a high vibration.
It all begins by taking a step back and choosing to not allow the other person to drag you down. You most likely will be affected by the other person, but it does not have to be to an extreme level.
Use breathwork within the moment, and ask Archangel Raguel to bring peace into the situation. Then, do a full chakra and aura cleanse later to finish rinsing away any heavy energies you picked up.
What is Forgiving? It’s Healing Only For Yourself First
When you are forgiving, only forgive first so you can heal. Your healing process is the most important first step. Later on after you have healed, then you can start thinking about forgiving the other person.
Whether or not you are able to do this second step is something that you should not let your mind wander into while you are still on step one.
It is too easy to say or think the words “I forgive you.” Forgiveness must come from a place within your heart where you genuinely forgive. This is how your healing process begins. And is how you break the chains that were keeping you attached to the situation and the other person.
Whether or not you are able to do this second step is something that you should not let your mind wander into while you are still on step one.
It is too easy to say or think the words “I forgive you.” Forgiveness must come from a place within your heart where you genuinely forgive. This is how your healing process begins. And is how you break the chains that were keeping you attached to the situation and the other person.
Practice Forgiveness on an Ongoing Basis
When you live each day in the present moment, keep remembering to extend forgiveness as new situations arise. People make mistakes; it is part of being human and learning.
Practicing forgiveness helps you maintain a high vibration. Plus, it assists you in living a life where you can more easily keep returning to a state of love, peace, and joy.
When needed, allow extra time to heal. If tears need to flow, let them flow; crying has a healing effect. Then, re-center within love and light.
Practicing forgiveness helps you maintain a high vibration. Plus, it assists you in living a life where you can more easily keep returning to a state of love, peace, and joy.
When needed, allow extra time to heal. If tears need to flow, let them flow; crying has a healing effect. Then, re-center within love and light.
What is Forgiving? It’s a Powerful Healing Tool
Forgiveness is a powerful aspect of maintaining a strong foundation for your life. Forgive others with a kind, compassionate, caring heart. And through this action, you brighten up the world along with taking humanity one step closer toward world peace.
At this time, we send you a waterfall of white light to rinse away a layer of emotions that do not feel good to you. Then, we fill you back up with divine white light and unconditional love.
From all of us in the angelic realm, we love you unconditionally for eternity. And we send you blessings of healing love and light.
At this time, we send you a waterfall of white light to rinse away a layer of emotions that do not feel good to you. Then, we fill you back up with divine white light and unconditional love.
From all of us in the angelic realm, we love you unconditionally for eternity. And we send you blessings of healing love and light.
Thank you, Archangels Michael and Raphael for this information. Channeled by Brenda Lott.
5 Things To Do When Forgiving Feels Too Hard To Do
Sometimes it can feel hard to even want to open up to the angels.
But, remember that the angels already know the details of what happened. They are here for you, waiting for you to ask for help with healing.
The angels always want to help you. Say yes to receiving their help and let go of any embarrassment or feelings of wanting to stay small and hide.
But, remember that the angels already know the details of what happened. They are here for you, waiting for you to ask for help with healing.
The angels always want to help you. Say yes to receiving their help and let go of any embarrassment or feelings of wanting to stay small and hide.
1. Acceptance of Your Emotions
First, be accepting of the types of emotions you are feeling. If you feel angry, be okay with feeling angry. These intense emotions are a natural part of being human especially after you have been hurt by someone.
As memories from the past appear, notice if forgiveness is still needed. If yes, there may also be energetic cords still keeping you attached to the past situation.
As memories from the past appear, notice if forgiveness is still needed. If yes, there may also be energetic cords still keeping you attached to the past situation.
2. Cut Etheric Cords to Free You
Second, severing energetic cords frees you from being energetically tied to the other person.
Ask Archangels Michael and Raphael to cut etheric cords that are tied to this specific situation. To do this, relax with your eyes closed, then do this process by thinking or saying out loud:
Ask Archangels Michael and Raphael to cut etheric cords that are tied to this specific situation. To do this, relax with your eyes closed, then do this process by thinking or saying out loud:
- “Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael, please connect with me now. Cut all the etheric cords that I have with _____ (insert the name of the person and brief details about the situation that caused you to feel hurt).”
- Give the angels at least a full minute to perform this work.
- Continue with: “Archangel Raphael, please heal me from all the cords.”
- “Archangel Michael, please fill me back up with white light and increase my vibration.”
- “Thank you.”
3. Heal with Archangels
Third, call upon angels to heal your emotional body. Intense emotions are a sign of trauma that needs healing.
Choose at least one archangel to help you based on who you feel most comfortable letting in.
Archangel Haniel is perfect to ask for help with women’s issues. She is very gentle, loving, and understands how you were deeply hurt.
Archangel Zadkiel helps you heal painful emotions and memories.
Say the following to invoke help from one or more archangels:
“I now call upon Archangel Haniel (and/or Zadkiel). Please connect with me now to help me heal from _____ (insert the trauma/situation/emotions you want healing for). Assist me in letting go of these intense and hurtful feelings so I may heal and become freed from them. Also, please help me to forgive so I can heal. Thank you.”
Choose at least one archangel to help you based on who you feel most comfortable letting in.
Archangel Haniel is perfect to ask for help with women’s issues. She is very gentle, loving, and understands how you were deeply hurt.
Archangel Zadkiel helps you heal painful emotions and memories.
Say the following to invoke help from one or more archangels:
“I now call upon Archangel Haniel (and/or Zadkiel). Please connect with me now to help me heal from _____ (insert the trauma/situation/emotions you want healing for). Assist me in letting go of these intense and hurtful feelings so I may heal and become freed from them. Also, please help me to forgive so I can heal. Thank you.”
4. Cleanse Your Chakras and Aura
Fourth, be sure to cleanse your energy anytime after removing heavy energies. This ensures any remaining debris is removed. Plus, it uplifts you while refreshing your mind, body, and spirit.
Flow a waterfall of white light through your aura and all your chakras. Relax in a meditative state while imagining you are inhaling white light. Focus on the waterfall of white light flowing all the way through you and around you. If desired, ask your guardian angel to help you with this cleansing.
Flow a waterfall of white light through your aura and all your chakras. Relax in a meditative state while imagining you are inhaling white light. Focus on the waterfall of white light flowing all the way through you and around you. If desired, ask your guardian angel to help you with this cleansing.
5. Increase Your Vibration
Fifth, take extra good care of yourself while also uplifting yourself. When releasing deeply buried emotions, you may need some extra sleep. Plus, drink extra water to continue helping the process of flowing new light into you.
Increase your vibration and uplift yourself by doing an activity you enjoy. Or get out in nature to relax. Whether it’s going for a walk or only sitting outside, nature will help refresh your mind, body, and spirit.
Find ways to laugh more even if it’s only through watching a funny video. Laughing instantly boosts your vibration.
Increase your vibration and uplift yourself by doing an activity you enjoy. Or get out in nature to relax. Whether it’s going for a walk or only sitting outside, nature will help refresh your mind, body, and spirit.
Find ways to laugh more even if it’s only through watching a funny video. Laughing instantly boosts your vibration.
Angelic Assistance for When Forgiving is Too Difficult
If you’re struggling to forgive, there is a powerful way to easily shift into being able to genuinely forgive. Arcfusion Energy Healing has the ability to dive deep into the core of your hurt emotions to help clear them away.
As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light.
About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation.
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