What are Lightworkers and How To Be A Lightworker

What are lightworkers
Lightworkers are people who have a strong connection to the divine and help to spread love and light. Anyone can choose to be a lightworker, but some people have chosen to do lightwork as part of their soul purpose.

What are lightworkers, and are you one? Lightworkers are healers, teachers, psychics, artists, writers, etc. They can be found in every profession.

The one thing that all lightworkers have in common is that they spread love and light in the world. They just do it in their own unique way. 

What Are Lightworkers?

Lightworkers are people who create a positive, healing energy in the world. They embody light by being kind, compassionate, and loving toward others. Plus, they're accepting and understanding of all people because they understand the concept of oneness.

The best way to become a lightworker is to practice these qualities in your everyday life. And, to increase your vibration by ascending higher.

There are some ways you can spread more light into the world. These include radiating love and light through meditating and fulfilling your soul purpose. 

What Are Lightworkers Required To Do?

Lightworkers are only required to spread love and light into the world. However, there are important things to do daily that are immensely helpful in assisting you with being a lightworker.

Following a spiritual journey of ascending higher and higher requires working on yourself.

It’s vital to take care of yourself first. This is not being selfish because draining yourself means you unable to overflow love and light to others. And, it can seem impossible sometimes to take care of others when you’re not feeling your best. That is why self care and self love is a crucial part of your journey as a lightworker. 

Why Are Lightworkers Needed?

The world needs lightworkers to help humanity and the Earth to heal and ascend higher. Currently, the Earth has ascended into 4D (the 4th dimension), and is slowly heading toward reaching 5D. Once humanity and the Earth rise up into the 5th dimension, then we will experience more love and peace across the entire planet.

Everything in the universe is energy, including humans. There are lots of dense energies being stored within humans. And, too many toxic energies that have accumulated within the Earth from when we were in the 3rd dimension.

Lightworkers are immensely needed to help remove dense energies. And, to bring the Earth more energies of love and high vibrational light from source. It sounds like a simple process. But, it requires thousands of lightworkers working over time to clear enough density so humanity as a whole can ascend higher. 

Energy is Always in Motion

Energy has no boundaries, and cannot be created nor destroyed. This is why humanity needs lightworkers to transform dense energies.

You might hear phrases such as “remove dense energies” or “transmute low vibrational energies.”

While these terms sound as if you’re getting rid of energies, what it means is moving dense energies away from a person, location, or object.

For example, undesirable energies are moved away from your energetic system and into source light. Then, they're transformed into high vibrational energies by angels or source.

Humans also have a natural tendency to absorb energies from other people through the aura. Unwanted energies that you pick up from others will affect you eventually if you don’t properly remove them. This is another reason why lightworkers are needed in the world to help others remove those dense energies. 

How To Know if You’re A Lightworker

To sum up this question in the simplest way possible, you are a lightworker if you have a desire to help humanity, animals, or the Earth.

Signs You Are a Lightworker

  • Feeling you have a deeper purpose in life which you haven’t found yet
  • You had lots of challenges or traumas during childhood that possibly extended into adulthood
  • Experienced a “dark night of the soul” before suddenly awakening
  • You’re intuitive or have psychic gifts
  • While you are spiritual, you might not be religious
  • High level of creativity and/or wisdom in any area (arts, healing, writing, etc.)
  • Not fitting in very well with others
  • You’re sensitive to energies, and might also be deeply empathetic
  • Strong connection with nature or enjoy rejuvenating yourself in nature
  • Enjoy helping others and/or animals
  • Intense emotions can surface quickly especially if you’re triggered by another person
  • Babies, children, and/or animals seem to be magnetically drawn to you

What are Lightworker Roles?

The roles you have as a lightworker vary depending on the unique gifts that you have to share with the world. However, the roles that all lightworkers have in common are to bring love and light into the world.

How do you do that in your own unique way? By fulfilling your soul purpose.

Additionally, spreading love and light in the world is an opportunity that exists within every moment. You always have the ability to touch another person’s heart and uplift them.

This does not always happen since we live in an energetic world where everything is constantly changing. You are perfect exactly as you are. Yet, you are not expected to act perfect within every moment.

As a lightworker, you will learn more about yourself. This helps you recognize when you need to step back from situations or people that have potential to trigger you into negativity. 

How To Ascend Higher

Your spiritual journey as a lightworker means ascending higher and higher. As you cleanse away dense energies in your energetic system, you’re able to carry more light. This is how you increase your vibration, ascend higher, and align with the vibration of love.

If it sounds like a lot of work to become a lightworker and to get started on this journey, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can get a significant boost with cleansing away dense energies through an angel energy healing session

Challenges on Your Ascension Pathway

What are lightworkers supposed to do when faced with adversity or negativity from others?

Part of the journey is learning how to better deal with challenging situations. Learning and practicing mindfulness assists you with this, and it’s an important part of creating a strong foundation for your journey.

For example, if someone around you is acting negatively or is angry, you have a choice how to respond. You can remain calm while thinking about the best way to respond. Or, quickly engage in negativity to match their low vibrational energies. You always have a choice, and part of the learning process involves accepting things you cannot control.

Forgiveness is also an essential tool for your journey as a lightworker. As new things appear, it helps so you’re not holding onto hurt feelings or allowing another person to control you energetically. 

The Lightworker Journey

Following an ascension journey is a beautiful pathway to walk along through life. It’s always your choice how far you choose to ascend because you have free will.

Inviting angels into your life to walk side by side with you makes the journey even more blissful. And, communicating with angels brings you more helpful guidance so you can more easily create your dream life.

The world will continue to ascend, and as a lightworker, you are very much needed to assist in this process. Shine your inner light brightly by sharing your unique gifts with the world.

Schedule an Angel Energy Healing session today to get a boost. One session uplifts you, helps you on ascend higher, increases your vibration, and much more. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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