Powerful Violet Flame Meditation

Violet Flame Meditation
The violet flame is a powerful spiritual tool that can be used to transmute unwanted thoughts and feelings. And to cleanse and uplift the energies within any physical spaces.

In this blog post, you will learn what the violet flame is, how to benefit from it, and different ways to use it.

It also includes a violet flame meditation to connect to its amazing energy. So you can more easily use it anytime, anywhere without going into a meditative state. Keep reading to learn more about this wonderful tool.

What is The Violet Flame?

The violet flame is an amazing energy that can help you clear away negative emotions and create a space for more positive thoughts and feelings.

If you are looking for a way to improve your mental and emotional health, the violet flame may be just what you need.

This energy is accessible anytime with or without help from archangels. Read the channeled message below to learn more details about the violet flame. 

Channeled Angel Message about The Violet Flame

Greetings from Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, and Saint Germaine.

The violet flame was created by a team of archangels and ascended masters to provide people with a powerful spiritual tool. Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Germaine are the leaders of this project, and they were responsible for bringing it to Earth.

This amazing energy helps you to more easily remove unwanted energies. Such as stress, negativity, nervousness, anxiety, and any other feelings that do not feel good.

The violet flame also helps you to break up energetic blocks within you so they are easier to remove. 

3 Ways to Use The Violet Flame

The violet flame can be used three ways. And, you have access to connect to it anytime, anywhere.

When you connect to the violet flame, either on your own or through a violet flame meditation, you can specify how you want to use the violet flame. 

1. The Violet Flame Transmutes Energies

First, the violet flame is a tool for transmuting low-vibrational energies. It works by burning through them and then transmuting them.

The angels and violet fire transmute energies by breaking them apart and removing them from your energy field. Then, the unwanted energies are transported to source. This is where they are changed into high-vibrational energies such as love. 

2. The Violet Flame Transforms Energies

Second, the violet flame is a transformational tool.

You have the ability to request that the violet flame transforms one particular type of energy into another type of energy.

For example, if you are feeling stress, you can ask the violet flame to transform the energies of stress into peace and calmness. Or, request that negativity is transformed into positivity.

Another idea is to transform sadness into joy. 

3. Use The Violet Flame for Energy Protection

Third, the violet flame is a tool for energy protection.

When you are in any public area, ask Archangel Zadkiel to place the violet flame inside your aura. For the purpose of transmuting all low-vibrational energies from people and physical spaces around you. This is especially helpful if you are very sensitive to energies and need extra support with energy protection. 

How to Use The Violet Flame Meditation for Past Life Issues

The violet flame is helpful when you have an ongoing struggle where the energetic block is deeply rooted.

An example is with a past life issue attached to a current lifetime soul lesson. If your soul chose this lifetime to heal from a past life trauma, you can recognize a pattern. Notice if a similar challenge is recurring throughout your lifetime.

These types of energetic blocks are many layers deep. Which is why they require more time to fully heal. It may even take years of gently removing one layer at a time. As each layer is cleared, you might think that the issue is resolved. Then, it comes up again.

This is where the power of the violet flame can assist you. When you notice the recurring struggle showing up again, use the violet flame meditation daily to help break it apart and transmute it.

Regularly Connect with The Violet Fire

Using the violet flame daily for at least two minutes can assist you in making great strides on your ascension journey.

The power of the violet flame is within you.

If desired, ask Archangel Michael and Archangel Zadkiel to assist you. Or you call upon Saint Germain.

When the violet flame enters into you, it merges with your energy. You become one with the violet flame.

It always works in accordance with what you wish to use it for. As long as it is used with good intentions and according to divine will, you can expect the violet flame to work how you want it to. 

Benefits of The Violet Fire

  • Powerful spiritual tool that can be accessed anytime and anywhere without meditating
  • Transmute or transform energies, thoughts, and feelings that you dislike
  • Helps you feel uplifted and energetically lighter
  • Reduces stress, tension, and negativity
  • May provide you with a boost in confidence
  • Boosts your progress of breaking through your deepest energetic blocks
  • Helps with energy protection in public spaces
  • Cleanses your home and other physical spaces
  • Provides you with an instant shift in energy

How to Use The Violet Flame Anytime, Anywhere

If possible, close your eyes. Repeat either in your mind or out loud the phrase: “I am the violet flame.” This brings the violet flame into you and around you.

Taking deep breaths helps you focus on the violet flame. However, this is not a necessary step.

Imagine the violet fire burning through you and around you. It is okay if you are unable to visually see it in your mind's eye because it works with your intention.

Whether or not you see it, hear it, or feel it, the violet flame will flow into you.

We leave you now with a blessing of the violet flame flowing all around you. And we send you our unconditional love. 
Thank you, Archangels Michael and Zadkiel, and Saint Germain for this information. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Violet Flame Meditation

Listen to this violet flame meditation to connect to the powerful transmuting power of the violet flame. Once you are familiar with this amazing energy, then you can more easily feel it working when you use it anytime, anywhere.

Feel free to download this mp3. 

Transcript of The Violet Flame Meditation

Greetings from Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, and Saint Germaine. We bring to you, the power of the violet flame to transmute all low-vibrational energies from within you and around you.

Either think in your mind, or say out loud, confidently: "I am the violet flame!"
Continue repeating to yourself: "I am the violet flame!"

I am transmuting all low-vibrational energies within my aura into the violet flame where they are removed from me.

I am the violet flame.
I declare that I am transmuting everything in my mind, body, spirit, and aura that does not feel good to me.

I am the violet flame burning through all distortion, all negativity, and stress from within me, my aura, and my surroundings.

I am the violet flame burning through my entire mind, body, and spirit.

I am the violet flame.
I declare that I am the violet flame transmuting everything from within me and around me that does not feel good and that is no longer serving me. I let it all go right now.

I am the violet flame burning powerfully and brightly.
I am the violet flame.
I am the violet flame.

I extend the violet flame into my entire home and surroundings to transmute all low-vibrational energies. And to keep burning brightly to completely cleanse and uplift the energies within this entire physical space.

I am the violet flame in action.
I am the violet flame.

I am a powerful force with the transmuting power of the violet flame.
I am the violet flame.

I am a powerful transmuting force at any time. Within any environment. Within any situation. I can always call in the powerful violet flame to transmute all low-vibrational energies. And to uplift situations where there is disharmony, negativity, or stress.

I am the violet flame.
I am a powerful transmuting force through the violet flame.
I am unlimited in transmuting everything that does not feel good. Through the powerful force of the violet flame and with assistance from Archangels Michael and Zadkiel.

I am the violet flame.
I am the violet flame.
I am a powerful force of the violet fire burning brightly all around me and within me.

I am the violet flame burning through my entire aura.

I am the violet flame burning brightly in my entire mind to transmute all thoughts that are not love.

I am the violet flame.
I am the violet flame burning through my emotions to transmute everything that does not feel good to me. I let it all go now.

I am the violet flame.
I am the violet flame burning brightly within my entire physical body.

I am the violet flame burning brightly within my entire mind, body, and spirit.

I am the violet flame.
I am a powerful transmutive force through the violet flame. That I extend now into my entire home to transmute all low-vibrational energies. And to keep burning brightly. Until the energies within this entire physical space and my surroundings are cleansed and uplifted.

I am the violet flame.
I am a powerful transmuting force through the violet flame
I am unlimited in transmuting anything and everything within me and around me with the power of the violet flame now.

I am the violet flame.
I am the violet flame.
I am the violet flame.

And so it is.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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