How To Work with The Law of Giving and Receiving

Law of Giving and Receiving
In this blog post, I give you a few tips on how to work with the Law of Giving and Receiving. Plus, you get a channeled message from three archangels.

Succeeding with this universal law means creating a balance in energy exchanges. Mastering the Law of Giving and Receiving can be easy. And it can quickly become a beneficial lifestyle habit after some consistent practice. 

What is The Law of Giving and Receiving

The laws of the universe are in a specific numerical order, and the last law is the Law of Giving and Receiving. As the twelfth universal law, it’s one of the easier laws to master.

The Law of Giving and Receiving is simple to understand. It states that when you’re well-balanced in the middle of both giving and receiving, the universe will keep flowing more good things to you. 

Why Only Giving is Unhealthy

Many people have been conditioned to only give, and may even have subconscious mind blocks that receiving is bad.

Only giving to others is unhealthy. It can even get to the point where it’s stressful for you, and may lead to feelings of not being respected or appreciated.

You need to be open and willing to receive things too. Giving all the time means certain people will take advantage of you. And, you’ll never get anything back in return when you’re unbalanced with this law.

It is very important not only to give but also to receive. This is how you keep the energies flowing more easily and successfully with the Law of Giving and Receiving. 

Understanding The Importance of The Flow of Balance

Succeeding with the Law of Giving and Receiving means recognizing the importance of keeping the flow of energies going both ways.

Look at the Law of Giving and Receiving as if it’s a seesaw. If you pile on too much giving, you will never move anywhere and will remain stuck on one side.

The flow stops when you only give or only receive. You can improve a stagnant flow by opening yourself up both ways to become more balanced.

The more you continue to both give and receive, the easier it is to remain in the flow. This is when you'll be beautifully balanced in the center of the Law of Giving and Receiving. 

2 Ways To Open Up To Receiving

There are a couple ways to help yourself feel better about opening up to starting to receive more.

First, remove outdated beliefs that are related to only giving and not receiving. If society or family beliefs led you to believe that it’s better to only give, releasing those restrictive energies is needed.

How do you improve the outdated beliefs in your subconscious mind?

Reprogram your subconscious mind with positive affirmations. Then, you will truly start to feel that you also deserve to receive good things in life.

Second, increasing your self-love greatly assists in helping you to feel better about receiving. Click here to read a blog post about how to increase your self-love. 

Ideas For Using The Law of Giving and Receiving Daily

For one week, pay closer attention daily to what you’re giving and receiving. While you do not need to track exactly how much you give and receive, remaining aware is helpful.

Each time you receive something, try to find a way to give back to someone. Also apply the opposite of giving to someone, and then paying attention to what you receive. Remember to be patient because sometimes the universe needs more time to bring you bigger rewards.

Try not to give simply for the sake of wanting to receive. Giving from the heart with no expectations of return is an essential part of the process. Also, the majority of the time, the same people are not directly involved in one full exchange of giving and receiving. 

Examples of Giving

Giving to others does not have to cost any money. Doing little things can be an enjoyable and easy way to remain balanced in the flow of giving and receiving energies. 
  • When you walk by people, share a hello and a smile
  • Give someone a compliment
  • If you know of someone who is struggling, ask archangels to help that person
  • Hold a door open for someone
  • Help a relative or neighbor

Examples of Receiving

Every day be sure to receive the magnificent gifts around you that can go unnoticed.  
  • Receive love from a pet
  • Enjoy a child's laughter
  • Receive a hug
  • Be grateful for hearing a lovely song from a bird
  • Express gratitude for receiving a like on social media 
Don’t forget to appreciate receiving from nature too. Spending time in nature provides you with relaxation and relieves a layer of stress. 

Channeled Message From Archangels Gabriel, Jophiel, and Michael

Greetings dear one. We are here today to bring you a message about the Law of Giving and Receiving, and how to succeed with it in your life.

The Law of Giving and Receiving is best utilized by keeping it constantly in motion. Every action that you do has potential to give to another human being or an animal.

However, when you are only giving all the time, it can begin to drain your energy.

It is equally important to receive so you can be balanced within the center of the Law of Giving and Receiving. When you are well-balanced, the universe will continue to bring you more things to be grateful for. 

Gratitude is Part of The Law of Giving and Receiving

One aspect of the Law of Giving and Receiving is feeling gratitude daily. It helps to feel grateful for both all the good things you have received in addition to the things that you are able to give to others.

Help a friend simply by listening and being there when they need you. Or, share a piece of advice or information that can help another person.

When you are in the flow of giving and receiving, more good things will continue to come to you. And, when you add in feelings of gratitude, it means you will also be more aligned with succeeding at the Law of Attraction

Maintain The Flow of Giving and Receiving Energies

Giving and receiving is like a beautiful piece of artwork that remains a work in progress. When you keep the energies constantly in motion, they will continue to flow more naturally.

Being grateful for both what you have to give to others along with grateful for what you receive is how you maintain a beautiful balance. And, it is how you remain centered within the harmonious waves of giving and receiving.

Keep this flow open by practicing this law for seven consecutive days. Doing this will aid you in beginning to create a valuable habit that becomes a natural part of your daily life. It not only improves your life, but it also enhances the lives of many other people too.

We love you, and send you blessings.
Thank you Archangels Gabriel, Jophiel, and Michael for this message about the Law of Giving and Receiving. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Mastering The Law of Giving and Receiving

Becoming exceptionally skilled at utilizing the Law of Giving and Receiving can be an enjoyable journey. And it never requires spending any money.

Remain balanced by paying attention to what you’re receiving daily along with ensuring you’re not giving excessively.

There is a way you can gain a powerful boost from angels to remove unhelpful subconscious beliefs and speed up your ascension journey. Get an angel energy healing session to help balance your mind, body, and spirt. When you're balanced within, it's much easier to be balanced in your outer world too. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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