The Power of Sacred Geometry Symbols for Your Spiritual Journey

Sacred Geometry Tetrahedron

Have you experienced the powerful energies from looking at sacred geometry symbols?

Incorporating sacred geometry into your spiritual journey can be a transformative experience. The reason why is because these ancient symbols contain powerful energies. Which positively imprint your mind, body, and spirit.

Even if you only add one of these into your life, expect to be amazed and uplifted.

This blog post explores the significance of sacred geometric symbols, and how to use them to enhance your spiritual journey. 

What is Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is the study of proportions and meanings of certain symbols. It explores the relationship between symbols found in nature and how they relate to the world as a whole.

These symbols have been used for centuries in many cultures due to the spiritual meanings embedded within them. They are a powerful tool for manifestation, healing, and spiritual growth. Along with having a direct impact on human consciousness.

Each time when humanity has made a shift in elevating consciousness, the sacred geometry symbols appear. This resurfacing of sacred geometry now is to assist us in the ascension process to reach 5D.

Sacred geometry also reveals the interconnectedness of everything in the universe. Even stars contain sacred geometrical symbols and patterns.

You can use sacred geometry to achieve balance, alignment, healing, protection, and harmony. 

Symbols in Nature

Sacred geometric symbols are hidden gems waiting to be discovered within nature. Their elusive characteristics makes them easily overlooked, unless you seek them out.

Nature's patterns unravel the secrets of growth for plants, trees, and all living beings. Spirals and divine designs weave their way into these patterns. Which creates an ideal environment for flourishing.

These intricate structures are strategically positioned. Allowing the gentle touch of sunlight to grace every petal, leaf, and branch. Through sacred geometry, a solid foundation is laid for achieving optimal growth potential.

Imagine a pinecone developing in perfect harmony with the Fibonacci Sequence, a magical spiral that traces its growth. Such marvels are only a glimpse into the captivating world of sacred geometry.

What is the Fibonacci Sequence?

The definition is “a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The simplest series is: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc…”

This sequence can be seen in how a pinecone grows. When looking at the bottom of a pinecone, it is easy to notice the spiral pattern. 

Pinecone Sacred Geometry

What are Sacred Geometry Symbols

Sacred symbols are often created based upon simple geometric shapes.

A sacred geometric symbol is usually composed of basic shapes. These include circles, triangles, and spirals that are woven into a specific design.

An example is with the triangle. When pointed upward, it represents the mind, body, and spirit.

Spirals are found within our DNA, and represent how energy flows in a spiral motion through the chakras.

Meanings of Basic Shapes

  • Circle: oneness, unity, wholeness, cycles of life
  • Triangle: balance, harmony, building blocks of the universe, higher consciousness
  • Square: solid foundation, grounding, stability, safety, dependability, and balance
  • Cross: union between heaven and Earth
  • Spiral: connects the physical body to the higher self, links you to the center of Gaia, represents “as within, so without”

How to use Sacred Geometric Symbols

Sacred geometric symbols contain high-vibrational frequencies and light. Utilize them to heal yourself, awaken to higher levels, and to connect to the universe.

They also assist you in expanding your consciousness, and in connecting with oneness.

First, choose one symbol that intuitively feels best for you in the present moment. Get to know that symbol, the benefits it offers, and spend some time connecting with it daily.

Excellent options to start with include the Flower of Life, Metatron's Cube, and the Merkaba.

5 Ways to use Sacred Geometry

  1. 1
    Print out an image of the symbol, hold it in your left hand, and connect to its energy
  2. 2
    Visualize the symbol expanding within the physical space where you desire its benefits
  3. 3
    Place the image inside a picture frame and hang it on the wall
  4. 4
    Meditate with the symbol
  5. 5
    Create a crystal grid over the symbol 
Crystals Contain Sacred Geometry

The crystalline structures of crystals contain sacred geometric patterns. This is why connecting with crystals is a wonderful way to begin using sacred geometry on a daily basis.

It is as easy as wearing crystal jewelry, carrying around a pocket stone, or creating a crystal grid. You can place a crystal grid anywhere, and can also create one on top of a printout of a sacred geometric symbol. 

How to Create a Crystal Grid

While many crystal grids use the same types of crystals in a repeating pattern, use whichever crystals you have available.

In this example, I used a mix of different crystals to illustrate how easy it is to create your own grid. Circles are the most common type of crystal grid. However, they can be in any shape you choose. 

Crystal Grid

The rods are selenite, the middle is a rose quartz heart, and the rest are a variety of similar sized crystals.

You can also use pieces of twigs, acorns, or dried flowers in between each crystal to create more elaborate grids.

If you love the crystal grid that you create, take a picture and frame it as a wall picture.

It is not always easy finding a reputable seller when looking for crystals. That is why I already did some research for you. 

Click here to visit Conscious Items. They have crystals, crystal jewelry, home decor, lamps, gift sets, and zodiac sets.

Meanings of 7 Sacred Geometric Symbols

Flower of Life

One of the most well-known sacred geometric symbols is the Flower of Life. This pattern can be found in various cultures throughout history. And represents the interconnectedness of all living things.

  • Represents the beginning of all life and everything
  • Blueprint of the universe
  • Cycle of creation
  • Holds the building blocks of the universe
  • Contains codes and secrets of the universe
  • Everything is interconnected
  • Blessings
  • Creativity
  • Protection
  • Unity 
Flower of Life

Metatron’s Cube

Metatron's Cube was uniquely designed by Archangel Metatron. Spin this three-dimensional symbol around your energy field, counterclockwise, to easily cleanse your energy.

  • Holds high-vibrational light
  • Divine love
  • Healing energies
  • High-vibrational sound frequencies to elevate your spiritual journey
  • Holds the secrets of the universe
  • Contains an immense amount of knowledge
  • Represents divine will and manifestation
  • Energy protection 
  • Assists in multidimensional traveling
Metatron's Cube


The Merkaba represents the energy field surrounding the body. It activates your light body and enhances spiritual awareness.

You also have your own personal Merkaba star that can be activated and programmed to assist you with anything in life. 

  • Merkaba means ‘light, spirit, body’
  • Represents your light body
  • Powerful protection once activated
  • Expands your consciousness during meditations
  • Aids you in rising up into higher dimensions
  • Represents balance of dualities such as masculine and feminine
  • Connects your spirit and body to the higher realms
  • Harmony
  • Balance
  • Over time, it powerfully increases your vibration and makes you more magnetic for manifesting 

Activating your personal Merkaba star is an easy process. Read this blog post to learn all the details.

Seed of Life

The Seed of Life represents the divine design within all structures of reality. Plus, it represents the seven days of creation.

  • Blessings
  • Protection
  • Abundance
  • Prosperity
  • Fertility 
Seed of Life

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is found in various religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions around the world. In relation to sacred geometry, it represents the connection between all living things and the cycle of life.

  • Represents creation
  • Individual uniqueness
  • Personal development
  • Beauty
  • Knowledge
  • Wisdom
  • New experiences
  • Everything is connected
  • Family
  • Fertility
  • Growth and strength
  • Rebirth
  • Peace
Tree of Life


The Torus represents continuous creation. It is a three-dimensional shape that looks like a donut and is generated by a circle revolving around an axis in its plane.

The human collective consciousness looks like the torus. Because it can only expand so far before folding back over into itself.

  • Found in all life forms, atoms, and stars
  • Several layers of torus symbols found within the human aura
  • Energy flows through the center and loops back around in a continuous stream from head to feet
  • Unity between your inner and outer worlds
  • Assists in keeping your energy field clear

Yin Yang

The Yin-Yang is well-known from Chinese philosophy that represents the concept of dualism.

  • Represents two opposing halves
  • Interdependence; one cannot exist without the other
  • Inner transformation
  • Light and darkness
  • Cycle of life
  • Death and rebirth
  • Day and night
  • Positive and negative
  • Active and passive
  • Balance and harmony
Yin Yang

Enhance Your Life with Sacred Geometric Symbols

Incorporating sacred geometry into your spiritual practice can be a transformative experience.

Explore the different symbols and their meanings to deepen your understanding of the universe and your place in it. With consistent use and intention, these symbols benefit your mind, body, and spirit.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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