How to Shift to Focus on Love and Gratitude

Focus on Love and Gratitude
When you are maintaining a busy lifestyle, it can be easy to lose focus or not take enough time for what is important. This is when taking a moment to instantly shift your mind to focusing on love and gratitude can turn everything back around.

With a little practice, it’s possible to stay centered in love. Here are a few tips on how to refocus your energy to keep your vibration high.

Focus on Love and Gratitude 

Are you getting wrapped up in your day-to-day tasks? If yes, this can lead to forgetting to connect with your heart.

Refocus on love by starting with gratitude. Take a look around you and notice all the good things you already have that you can express gratitude for having.

Doing this helps you to instantly shift into a more positive mindset. Plus, it changes your energy so you can switch to a higher vibration.

Let gratitude pave the way to refocus on love anytime you need to shift your perspective. 

Mediate with Angels and Source Light

Another great way to return your focus to love is by establishing a daily meditation practice with angels. This does not have to be time-consuming.

Simply close your eyes and focus within your heart. Then, ask your guardian angel or an archangel to connect with you.

Imagine a waterfall of white light flowing all around you and through you. Visualize the light rinsing away stress, tension, and everything that does not feel good to you.

Stay in this peaceful, refreshing waterfall of light for however long you wish.

During this time, you can also telepathically communicate with angels. Ask the angels a question and intuitively receive an answer. Or, imagine white light flowing into a particular emotion or area of your physical body where you desire healing.

A short, daily meditation also helps you stay connected to your higher self and aids your mind in being clear of distractions. 

Channeled Angel Message about Refocusing on Love

Greetings from Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Jophiel. There will be many times throughout your life where you will need to refocus on love.

Life can have a multitude of situations and unexpected experiences that have potential to pull you down. Oftentimes, at least one other person will be involved.

Therefore, cutting etheric cords during these times is important. And, it will immensely assist you in more quickly recovering. It also helps you return your focus to love and gratitude. 

Fill Your Days with Love, Joy, and Gratitude

Make a goal for each day to be good by focusing on love and gratitude. This creates a solid foundation for living many more beautiful and uplifting days.

Days that are based in love, forgiveness, and understanding. While also accepting things you cannot control, and trusting in the angels, the universe, and your intuition.

Each day, aim for the goal of infusing as much love, gratitude, and joy into the day as possible.

As co-creator of your life with the universe, exactly what you create begins with you.

Yes, your energies and beliefs do play a significant role. However, you have the freedom to choose to switch your focus on love within each moment when you get off track. 

View Challenges from a Higher Perspective

Reflect upon how you tend to react when faced with an undesirable experience, or being near a negative person.

Does it start to affect you energetically and emotionally? If yes, you have the free will to stop reacting.

View the situation from a higher perspective. How would the angels see the situation from their viewpoint?

If there is at least one other person involved, can you see if you are possibly providing that person with an opportunity to learn something? Maybe you will even have a chance to help improve their life?

How do you do this? Start by showing them love because love heals everything. 

Pause and Focus on Love

When you are in a challenging situation where another person is affecting you, take a moment to step back.

Focus back on love and decide how to respond.

Would the person possibly be open to you pointing out a solution for their problem?

Or, is it better to silently send them love and light while remaining quiet?

Refocusing on love always begins with you making the choice to shift your focus and your energy.

As always, you never have to do this alone. Angels are always next to you, ready to assist instantly when you ask for help. 

How to Refocus on Love

How do you remain centered within love and gratitude?

One way to help yourself stay on a positive pathway is through using a visual aid. Imagine a target with love in the middle. This is your aim for each day.

The outer layer represents reflection because this is how you recognize if you are off track.

Gratitude is the next layer, and is your starting point during times when you get off track.

If desired, draw this image on a piece of paper and keep it someplace where you will see it daily.

When you see this image, take a moment to check on your progress in a non-judgmental way. If you need to shift back to gratitude and love, take the initiative to do so right away. 
Target to Focus on Love

Do a Weekly Review

As you ascend higher, you will revisit things from the past that may cause you to feel unbalanced.

This is why we also suggest doing a weekly review on the same day of the week. Take a look at how the previous seven days went.

Did you stay focused on love and gratitude the majority of the time?

Which types of experiences stood out as being amazing?

Were there any unexpected blessings?

Where do you need to change your perspective?

When challenges appeared, did they occur with the same person?

Is your mind too busy and unable to focus?

Are your emotions clinging onto something from the past that is holding you back?

Utilize your feelings as a guide because they always reveal the truth to you. Then, take time to address the undesirable feelings and remove them to re-center within love.

Angels Assist You in Focusing on Love

We are always here for you to aid you in refocusing on love. And in re-centering with divine white light.

From all of us in the angelic realm, we love you. And we send you a waterfall of white and gold light to help you remain focused on love and gratitude.
Thank you, Archangels Gabriel and Jophiel for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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