How to Navigate The March Energies

March Energies
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed from these March energies? Whether it is intense emotions, negative thoughts, or undesirable situations. This month brings the transformational energies of the equinox, and invites you to take your ascension journey to new heights.

In this blog post, Archangel Gabriel and Orion offer guidance on how you can navigate through these intensifying energies. And take steps to reach your highest potential.

First, let’s look at the causes of these heightened energies, then dive into the angel card reading.

What is Causing These Heightened March Energies?

March contains elevated energies that can be used to support your ascension journey. The key is understanding how to navigate these energies.

The first big astrological influence is the full moon. This full moon means new beginnings, optimism, and hope for the future. It is also beneficial if you wish to take a leap of faith toward your dreams. Additionally, this particular full moon aids you in finding clarity.

Another significant influence this month is the March equinox. The overall theme of this equinox is centered around growth, rebirth, and increasing mindfulness. This makes the equinox an optimal time to release all fear-based energies. These include limitations, negativity, stress, doubts, and uncertainty.

Overall, equinoxes are a time to balance all areas of your life. Especially in ways that support you in breaking free from the past so you can fulfill your soul purpose. 

Solar Flares

Another astrological influence contributing to these heightened March energies are solar flares. When solar flares are strong, their energies affect your electromagnetic field, even beyond your aura.

Being spiritually awakened means that solar flares assist you in three main areas.

First is assistance with further expanding your consciousness. Second is solar flares aiding your physical body in becoming more crystalline. Third, solar flares support you in increasing your energetic vibration.

When waves of energies from solar flares flood Earth, your higher self is involved in the process of integrating the energies. It often takes a few days to fully integrate the energies from solar flares.

With an open heart and maintaining mindfulness, you can receive great benefits from these cosmic forces. 

Angel Card Reading for March Energies

Orion and Archangel Gabriel stepped forward to bring you this card reading about how to best navigate the March energies.

Step into a Fulfilling, New Beginning

The March energies are designed to assist you in letting go of everything that has been holding you back in life. So you can start to manifest more things you desire, and lead you toward an even more fulfilling life.

As new and positive manifestations are being lined up by the angels, you need to create space for them in your life. Releasing all that does not feel good to you opens up space for feeling fulfilled through manifesting the things you desire. 
You are Always Manifesting
Remember that manifesting works with both lower emotions and positive emotions. All manifesting is always based on the types of energies within your energetic system. Along with your prior decisions, actions, and intentions.

This also includes your thoughts, feelings, and even hidden subconscious mind beliefs. Any lower energies within you, whether hidden or visible, are the same types of energies you are attracting back into your life.

For example, feeling not good enough to receive abundance, is exactly what will keep showing up in your life. At least until that issue is resolved at the energetic level. Because you are always sending energetic signals to the universe saying to bring you more of the same.

This is why it is very important to address issues at the energetic level so you can become free from them. And move further forward in life. 

Challenges under the March Energies

Challenges during these March energies are centered around doing your regular spiritual activities. Due to the deeper layers of energies within you being stirred up, some days it may feel harder to want to cleanse your energy. Or you might be drained emotionally.

Becoming ungrounded is also more likely to happen due to the March energies. If needed, ask Grounding Angels to help you ground both your feet and root chakra to the center of the Earth. 

Cleanse and Protect Your Energy

The angelic guidance for resolving each challenge that appears is to cleanse your energy. And to protect your energy daily.

Even if you only take five minutes at the end of each day to cleanse with the violet flame, it helps. The benefits also accumulate each time you cleanse your chakras and aura.

Every morning, take one minute to protect your energy. You can do this by using one or more protective orbs of light. Or, ask Archangel Michael to place you inside the middle of Metatron's Cube for energy protection. Metatron's Cube is powerful and effective especially if you are sensitive to energies or are an empath.

Protecting your energy also prevents your aura from picking up excess heavy energies from others. And offers protection when you are interacting with people who are stressed, angry, or negative.

Take Your Next Step Forward

Throughout March, focus on taking your next step forward. What do you want to manifest this year, this month, and in the new season coming up after the equinox?

Formulate a plan for each goal and dream so you have a solid foundation for creating and manifesting. If you are unsure about the next step to take, ask your guardian angel for a clear sign that you can easily recognize. 
Reflect Upon Your Current Set of Energies
It is also beneficial to take a moment to reflect upon where you are in the present moment.

What types of feelings do you have right now that do not feel good? Write them down and be honest with yourself. No one else has to see your list; it is only for you.

Next, look at the types of thoughts you are having on a regular basis. Are they all positive, loving, or neutral? If not, write down which thoughts you need to clear away or reprogram through your subconscious mind.

Finally, examine what things from the past are holding you back. Have they been recurring for years? If yes, it indicates a soul lesson and/or past life issue that needs resolution and healing. 

Celebrate Your Progress

As March comes to a close, take a moment to look back at all your progress this month. And celebrate even the little achievements for they are building blocks to greater success.

Immense progress can be made this month even among difficult challenges. Remember that each challenge is present to assist you in releasing what is no longer serving you. So you can ascend higher and open up to manifesting your biggest dreams. 

How to Overcome Difficult Challenges

If you are struggling to navigate these March energies, there is help available from archangels. The angels are always willing to step in to help; just ask them for assistance.

Additionally, receiving Arcfusion Energy Healing is an optimal way to release energetic blocks. So you can open up to manifesting more things you want in life.

If you have several challenges that need resolution, then Angel Energy Healing is the better option for you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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