How to Master Mindfulness Living

If you are looking to progress on your spiritual journey, then mastering mindfulness living is important.

Mindfulness provides you with the clarity needed to observe your feelings and thoughts. And to do this without judgment or criticism. It also helps you identify patterns that do not serve you, so you can take steps to improve them.

Mindfulness creates a greater sense of awareness of yourself overall. This is why mindfulness is also referred to as practicing awareness.

In this blog post, explore how mindfulness living can uplift and improve all areas of your life. And assist you with ascending higher more easily. 

Mastering Mindfulness Living is the Foundation of Your Spiritual Journey

Mindfulness creates a solid foundation for both your life and your spiritual journey.

It is essential to be mindful about your thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout each day. Because all your thoughts and feelings contain an energetic vibration. Which can drastically improve your life or hold you back for years.

Remember the Law of Attraction and how everything is energy. You can utilize the Law of Attraction to more easily attract your desires by starting at the energetic level.

Practicing mindfulness is an important first step in this process. Which then leads you to a happier and more fulfilling life. 

How to Start the Process of Mastering Mindfulness Living

Mastering mindfulness living is easier to do when you dedicate some time each day to practicing. After only a few days, you will start forming a new habit that serves you very well. And eventually this becomes a beneficial habit that you do automatically.

Start with small steps and be consistent. This is not a skill that can be achieved overnight.

5 Steps to Mastering Mindfulness

  1. 1
    Keep your mind focused on living only in the present moment
  2. 2
    Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and belief patterns throughout each day in a non-judgmental way
  3. 3
    Pause when faced with negativity from another person
  4. 4
    Choose how to react, and aim for responding only in a loving or neutral way
  5. 5
    At the end of each day, reflect upon the day to see where improvements are needed

1. Focus on the Present Moment

One aspect of mastering mindfulness living is focusing on living in the present moment. Let go of thoughts about the past or future.

Pay attention to your surroundings, the people you are with, and the sensations in your body. Being present can help you connect with the people around you. And appreciate the beauty of nature.

2. Be Aware in a Non-Judgmental Way

Mindfulness is being consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Additionally, it is essential to be aware of your spontaneous reactions to others. Doing this helps you recognize what is holding you back in life. So you can release those things. And transform all areas of your life along with feeling better.

When you start practicing mindfulness, you might be surprised by the number of thoughts that appear in your mind. It is okay to have negative thoughts; the important thing is not to judge them. Observe them like clouds passing by and let them go.

Being non-judgmental about your thoughts and emotions also leads to cultivating a sense of peace and calmness.

Choose to view emotions for what they really are: just energies. 

3. Pause when Faced with Challenges

When faced with a challenging situation with another person, take a moment to pause. Recognize your thoughts and feelings. Especially if another person triggers you into negative thoughts or intense emotions.

View the situation from a broader perspective. How would the angels see this situation? Are you learning something from it? Or, are you trying to teach someone a better way?

Afterward, take a moment to review these questions:
Does the same person trigger you?
Is the same thought or feeling repeating itself in your life?
Do you have a belief or pattern that is keeping you stuck? 

4. Choose Your Reaction

Pausing provides you with an opportunity to choose how to react to the other person. Strive toward reacting only in a loving or neutral way. Or, walk away without saying anything when possible.

Be forgiving of yourself when you revert to reacting in a negative way. And think about how you can improve next time this same type of situation appears.

Formulate a plan now so you are well-prepared to face any challenge. 

5. Reflect upon Your Progress

Dedicate at least two weeks to consciously practicing mindfulness living. Consistency is the key to building this positive habit that helps you ascend higher.

Start out small by choosing three different times throughout the day where you can spend a moment reflecting. Ideally, try to choose times during the morning, afternoon, and night.

During these times, think about your interactions with others earlier in the day.
How did you respond to other people?
What were your thoughts and feelings?
Is there a way you can improve next time?

Remember to also give yourself credit for having positive thoughts, good feelings, and for acts of kindness. 

How to Handle Unpleasant Emotions and Thoughts

Pay attention to your feelings because they always reveal the truth to you. Mindfulness exposes the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs within your system that are no longer serving you. So you can remove them.

Avoid clinging onto old patterns of negativity and limitations. Holding onto them only allows these unpleasant energies to return again later.

When lower emotions appear, only give them 90 seconds. Then, let them go. And return your focus to the love within your heart and things that you are grateful for having in your life.

How to Remove Dense Energies

Cut Cords with Angels

Notice when a person, place, or activity makes you feel heavy, tired, or lowers your mood afterward.

These are signs that you might have etheric cords that are draining you. Ask Archangels Michael and Raphael to cut these cords for you. 

Your body is continuously sending out energetic messages to the universe to attract more of what you are currently in alignment with. Mindfulness leads to an increased energetic vibration. Which helps you to more easily attract good things into your life through the Law of Attraction. 

Be Patient with Yourself

Remember that your journey of mastering mindfulness living will not be perfect. There will be days when you struggle to stay mindful, and that is okay. Be patient with yourself, forgive yourself, and keep practicing.

Practicing mindfulness living is not a one-time thing, but rather a lifestyle. It is about making small changes in your habits, being present in every moment, and cultivating a peaceful life. At first it might seem daunting, but with consistent practice and patience, it becomes easier.

The benefits of mastering mindfulness are endless. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving focus and decision-making. So start small, be consistent, and enjoy the journey.

When you need help with clearing blocks, an Angel Energy Healing session provides you with deep energy cleansing. And leaves you feeling refreshed, uplifted, and in a more positive mindset. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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