How to Ground When Grounding is Hard to Do

Grounding roots
Throughout your spiritual journey, there will be times when the basic task of grounding feels difficult. No matter how hard you try, for some unknown reason, you just cannot get grounded. You attempt to ground over and over again, focusing intensely, and yet you're still unable to feel grounded to the Earth. There are solutions to this problem that can immensely help you when this happens.

First, let’s look at signs and causes of being ungrounded along with additional ways to ground. Then, I’ll reveal three ways to get grounded during those times when grounding is hard to do. 

Do You Feel Grounded?

Many people have trouble grounding at times. The feeling of being disconnected from the Earth is a common experience for many who are on spiritual paths.

You may be experiencing this right now if you're reading this blog post. If so, I hope that what I'm about to share can help lessen your frustration, worry, or fear around not being able to ground yourself.

First, it's important to understand how grounding works for everyone. Grounding is an essential part of our human state including for people who are not on a spiritual path. Without proper grounding, we cannot exist in harmony with life nor as a soul of light living in physical form on Earth. 
Grounding brings you more:
  • Peace
  • Healing light
  • Emotional stability
  • Relaxation
  • Reduced feelings of stress
  • Improves your vibration
  • Assists you in anchoring into a higher timeline
Balance Harmony

What Causes You To Become Ungrounded?

There are many things in life that can drain your energy. Sometimes it's just the nature of being human. Other times you might feel off because your home environment isn't as clean or healthy as it could be. Whether you're feeling tired, stressed out, or sick, grounding can help you get back on track.
Causes of Feeling Ungrounded:
  • Experiencing physical pain
  • Tiredness especially after getting plenty of sleep
  • Feeling emotional
  • Being extra sensitive to other people’s energies
  • Physical illness

Signs Your Energy is Unbalanced and Ungrounded

  • Feeling irritated by being in a human body
  • Easily getting annoyed by other people and their actions
  • Feeling spacey or like you’re floating away from your body
  • Being affected by other people’s energies
  • Getting thrown off balance at the energetic level
  • Your mind gets distracted easily
  • Inability to focus when meditating or on one task
  • Overthinking things
  • Worrying or feeling uneasy
  • Desiring excessive material items
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Ongoing fatigue even when taking naps
  • Feeling like you don’t fit in
  • You’re eating more red colored fruits and vegetables than usual

Grounding Techniques

Let’s first look at some ways to get grounded. If these don’t work, then there are easier ways mentioned after these basic techniques.

Ways To Ground Your Energy

  • Visualize roots growing out of the bottoms of your feet
  • Send a grounding cord down to the center of the Earth from your root chakra
  • Meditate
  • Take a shower to release excess energy
  • Take a salt bath
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat healthy grounding foods: red fruits and veggies, dark chocolate, foods high in protein and fiber
  • Exercise by participating in your favorite sport
  • Go for a walk and focus on the sounds in nature (birds, leaves rustling in the wind, waves or running water)
  • Sit outside and observe nature around you (watch birds or a butterfly, the clouds, or notice the shapes of leaves on trees)
  • Dance to your favorite music
  • Drink tea
  • Carry a grounding crystal with you, or wear crystal jewelry
  • Practice earthing

Examples of Grounding Crystals

There are several crystals that are good for grounding, but hematite is the most powerful. If feeling ungrounded is an ongoing struggle for you, carry a piece of hematite in your pocket to help you remain grounded throughout the day.

Other crystals that are good for grounding include agates, black tourmaline, jade, obsidian, smoky quartz, and tiger’s eye. Just be sure to only buy from a reputable source to ensure you’re not paying for fakes. Most good suppliers of crystals will be able to tell you where the crystals came from. 

What is Earthing?

“Earthing” is a fancy term for grounding yourself. Typically, earthing means walking around barefoot on the ground, especially on grass so your energy can connect to the Earth.

There are also a variety of products available for indoor use that claim to help you ground. While I have not tried any of them personally, there are a couple good brands with great reviews if you’re interested in them. 
Bare feet in grass

How To Ground When Grounding Feels Difficult To Do

Here are some ways to get grounded when grounding is difficult to do. 

If you still feel ungrounded after trying these, using a grounding mat is very effective. 

Heart at the center of the earth

To help you fully reach down to the center of the earth, imagine a heart at the very center of the planet. Visualize the heart like the surface of a calm lake. When your energy reaches the heart, the shape of the heart ripples outward, just like miniature waves.

Different colors of light balls

Imagine your own light is forming into a ball of light below your feet. If it helps, see your ball of light as white light. Visualize the ball of light quickly dropping down to the center of the Earth, like if gravity is rapidly pushing your light down.

Follow your ball of light down. When it reaches the center of the planet, imagine your ball of light merging with Earth light that is golden colored light. See how your white light mixes with the golden light, creating a beautiful swirl of golden white light. 

Request help from grounding angels

Center within your heart. Then ask for grounding angels to connect with you and ground your energy for you.

While the grounding angels are doing this for you, deeply inhale source light. Remain still so the angels can ground you before you get up.

If it’s also challenging to connect to source light, call upon your angels for help with everything. They will assist you in connecting to source light so all you’ll need to do is inhale the light and relax while they ground you. 

Grounding Mats

As you ascend higher, there will be times when it's harder to remain grounded. 

Your energy may also start to affect electronics, make your wi-fi signal drop, or make lights flicker. 

When this happened to me, the only solution was using a grounding mat.

There are many grounding products available. However, it's important to only choose those that are good quality so you can be sure they will work properly. 

To help save you time, I did research to find a reputable company where you can find grounding products. 

Click here to visit Bio-Energy Products. They have grounding mats, grounding sheets, EMF protection, water bottles, and more.

Staying Grounded

Grounding is an essential part of your spiritual journey, and needs to be done on a daily basis. It’s best to make grounding a part of your daily routine. Carry a grounding stone with you if you’ve had times where you felt ungrounded for an extended period of time.

There are a variety of ways to ground your energy. Remember that angels are always available to help during those times when grounding feels hard to do. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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