How to Choose Crystals for Ascension

Crystals Uses and Meanings, Crystals for Ascension
Using crystals for ascension is a beautiful way to enhance your journey. Their unique energetic vibrations provide you with a wide variety of benefits.

Crystals are there to support you on days when you are struggling or when you need some relief from stress.

When you do not feel good, crystals can act like a best friend. Always there for you, and willing to help you feel better.

Holding a crystal for a few minutes flows the healing energies into your hand, which then flow throughout your mind, body, and spirit.

Let's look at the best crystals for your ascension journey. And help you find a new crystal companion. 

How to Choose Crystals for Ascension

There are many crystals to choose from. However, not all will be a good option for you in the present moment. Always choose crystals intuitively and only buy those that your heart is drawn to.

As you ascend, your favorite crystals may change. Or you might discover new favorites to add to your collection.

Answering these questions will guide you to the crystals that are best for you at this time.

What do you want support for right now on your ascension journey?

Do you need help feeling grounded or want more energy protection?

Is emotional support needed?

Would you like to enhance your intuition or strengthen your connection to the angelic realm?

Do you want a crystal for feeling calm and peaceful?

Are there past traumas or deep energetic blocks that need to be cleared?

Do you need to gain trust or confidence? 

Benefits of Using Crystals for Ascension

Crystals can support you in a variety of ways, making them an excellent tool for your spiritual journey.

One of the amazing things about crystals is that each one often has several benefits. So you can sometimes find one crystal that might cover two or three of the benefits that you are seeking.

A Few Benefits of Crystals:
  • Cleansing
  • Block negativity
  • Prevent psychic attacks
  • Assist you in connecting to angelic realm
  • Balance
  • Peace, calm, relaxation
  • Mind, body, spirit healing
  • Emotional healing
  • Grounding
  • Clarity
  • Energy protection 
With so many benefits available, it is no surprise that crystals are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for ascension. If you are looking for guidance and support on your journey, consider incorporating crystals into your life. You may be surprised at how helpful they can be.

How to Use Crystals for Ascension

Crystals have been used for centuries as a tool for healing and self care because of how easy they are to use. All it takes is holding a crystal in your left hand, the receiving hand, and tuning into its beautiful energies as they flow into you.

You can also meditate while holding a crystal to feel its energies. If you are laying down, place a crystal on your chest or over whichever chakra you wish to focus on.

You could also create a crystal grid around yourself, sit in the middle of it, and meditate. This will surround you with the energy of the crystals and help to magnify their power.

Whatever method you choose, incorporating crystals into your meditations deepens your experience. And brings you a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Quickly Cleansing with Crystals

There are plenty of times when you might need a quick cleanse after being in a public place, or after a stressful challenge. This is where crystals can help, specifically selenite.

Sweep your aura on all sides, head to toes, with a piece of selenite after you have been exposed to negative energy. It does not matter if it is a selenite palm stone, wand, tower, or tumbled stone.

The Best Ways to Store Crystals

When you get crystals, decide if you want to keep them out where you can see them, or store them away.

For storage, it is best to place them inside a dark cloth bag. This will help to protect your crystals and prevent them from picking up and storing unwanted energies.

Sometimes crystals come inside a transparent bag. These types of bags allow the crystals to pick up energies. Using a dark colored bag will prevent your crystals from picking up energies when you are not using them. 

Helpful Tip for Very High Vibrational Crystals

If you have a new crystal that is very high vibrational, you may want to place a blanket or small cloth over it at night. Especially if you have it inside your bedroom because it has potential to keep you awake at night.

The blanket or small cloth will help to reduce the amount of energy it emits and allow you to get a good night's sleep. 

Tips for Cleansing and Charging Crystals

One of the most important things you can do for your crystals is to regularly cleanse and charge them. This helps keep them free of negative energy, and ensures that they are functioning at their highest level.

One method is to let crystals sit out under the light of a full moon. Put them in a tray or dish in a safe place outside. Or, set them on a window sill for the moonlight to cleanse them.

Selenite is great for cleansing and charging crystals as it amplifies their energy. Set your crystals and crystal jewelry on top of a selenite slab or inside a selenite dish overnight.

Another easy way is to hold your crystals in an open hand. Ask the angels to flow white light through them to remove any lower vibrational energies. And to recharge the crystals for you. 

Popular Crystals for Ascension

Some of the most popular crystals for ascension include selenite, amethyst, and rose quartz. Set these in your sacred space or carry them with you throughout the day.

Selenite is a powerful cleanser and amplifier of energy. It is source light that has manifested in the physical realm.

Amethyst shields you from negative energy, and helps cleanse away energetic blocks.

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and self-acceptance. It helps to dissolve old wounds so that you can move forward on your path with an open heart.

Once you know what benefits you desire from crystals, then explore the options to choose which ones your heart is drawn to. Trusting your intuition leads you to the perfect crystals for your unique needs in each present moment.

Click here for a list of individual crystals with their benefits. 

Favorite Crystals for Ascension

As you ascend higher on your spiritual path, it is important to surround yourself with high vibrational energies. Crystals are a wonderful source of high vibrational energies.

By using crystals, you receive the personalized support needed to cleanse old wounds. Plus, they aid you in accessing higher realms of consciousness, and receive guidance from your guides.

Choose crystals intuitively, and trust that the right ones will find their way to you at the perfect time.

What are your top 3 favorite crystals? Leave a comment below to share your unique experiences with crystals. My favorites are selenite, larimar, and indigo gabbro. 

Where to Find Genuine Crystals

It is not always easy finding a reputable seller when looking for crystals. That is why I already did the research for you. This website has genuine crystals, and they have a variety for you to choose from.

Click here to visit Conscious Items. They have crystals, crystal jewelry, and gift sets.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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  1. EXCELLENT! Wonderful basic information and guidance on reasons from a personal perspective and need for crystal selection. PEACE&LUV

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