How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose

Are you searching for your true purpose in life? Feeling like something is missing, but you do not know what it is? You are not alone; many people feel this way. But do not worry; discovering your soul purpose is not as daunting as it may seem.

Using some simple techniques and tools to explore within can help you gain clarity on the meaningful mission that calls to your heart. So you can begin making a difference in the world through doing what you enjoy.

This blog post will guide you through five ways to uncover the powerful truth hidden deep inside your soul. So get ready for an inspiring journey toward living your highest potential. 

How to Discover Your Soul Purpose

The soul always seeks out reconnecting to source light as an important step on its ascension journey. You can do this by connecting with your heart and the light and love that is already within you.

There are different ways to connect to source light, and the angels are always happy to assist you anytime. When you are connected to the love within your soul and to source light, it is much easier to discover your soul purpose.

5 Ways to Discover Your Soul Purpose:

  1. 1
  2. 2
    Ask Archangel Uriel for assistance
  3. 3
    Arcfusion Energy Healing for finding clarity
  4. 4
    Merge with your higher self
  5. 5
    Learn something new that you are drawn to

1. Meditate to Cleanse Your Energy and Ascend Higher

Meditating daily helps you ascend higher, increases your vibration, and aids you in finding your soul purpose. One of the most powerful tools to cleanse your energy is through meditating with angels and source light.

It also helps you to remove energetic blocks that are holding you back from starting to fulfill your soul purpose.

Click here for a free chakra cleansing mediation with the angels that you can download.

Or, sit in a quiet space and visualize yourself surrounded by a beautiful waterfall of white light. Allow the white light to fill your heart with love and your aura with positive energy. Take several deep breaths while feeling the heaviness and stress being pushed away from you. Then, notice how the light refreshes and uplifts you.

2. Archangel Uriel Helps You Discover Your Soul Purpose

At the end of meditations, it is a wonderful time to ask Archangel Uriel to reveal one of your unique gifts. Since you are already relaxed with a clear mind and open heart, it is easier to receive angelic messages.

Pay attention to thoughts that suddenly appear in your mind and intuitive feelings. You might receive a message related to something that you already love to do, or a talent that you have not fully explored yet. Make notes, and take inspired actions such as learning something new.

If you are unsure about any message you receive, ask the angels for clarity. Do this by requesting that they send you the message again in a way that you can clearly understand. 

3. Arcfusion Energy Healing for Finding Clarity

Energetic blocks can prevent you from discovering your soul purpose. Arcfusion Energy Healing can start to break up those energetic blocks for you. So you can ascend higher and discover your soul purpose.

Remember, your soul is always seeking out the path that brings you the greatest joy and fulfillment in life.

4. Merge with Your Higher Self

Your higher self is the aspect of your soul that remains in the higher dimensions. And it is the best version of yourself that you could become during this lifetime.

Connecting to your higher self and merging with your higher self brings in more skills and wisdom into your human life experiences.

Begin by taking several deep breaths to relax and quiet your mind. Then, focus within your heart.

How to Focus in Your Heart

To make it easier to focus within the center of your heart, imagine that you are taking an elevator from the middle of your mind down into your heart.

Start by visualizing or sensing a smaller version of yourself standing in the middle of your mind. Step into an elevator that appears in front of you. Push the heart button inside the elevator to go down to your heart. Sense the ride down into your heart where the elevator stops.

Step out of the elevator, and notice the bright light within your heart that is shining like a beautiful star in the sky. Now you are focused in the center of your heart.

Next, gently bring your attention from your heart up to the top of your head. Keep going upward, ten feet above your head to connect with your higher self. 

What to say to Your Higher Self

In a relaxed, meditative state, think or say: “I now intend to connect to my higher self. I request that my higher self downloads and integrates into me divine love. Along with the qualities and characteristics that I am now ready to embody into my life at this time. And so it is. Thank you.”

Spend at least two minutes waiting for this process to complete while feeling the love from your higher self. Repeat this process twice a week until you discover your soul purpose. You could also do this daily if you prefer. 

Benefits of Merging with Your Higher Self

  • Discover and fulfill your soul purpose
  • Strengthens intuition
  • Calmer and quieter mind that is easier to focus
  • Improves how you interact with others
  • Brings more love and joy into your life

5. Learn Something New

What do you enjoy doing and what are your passions?

Recognize what topics you are interested in for clues to start discovering your soul purpose. If you were going to buy a new book to read, what would you choose to read?

Now take it a step further. If you were going to take an online course, what would you want to learn?

You might have several interests, so start by making a list. What stands out on that list as potentially being your true calling? 

Enjoy the Journey

Remember to enjoy the journey of discovering your soul purpose. And when you find it, send gratitude to the angels for helping you.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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