Discernment vs Judgment for Your Ascension Journey

Discernment vs Judgment
As you work to ascend in these times of great change, it is essential to develop your discernment skills. And, to recognize discernment vs judgment.

Combining your intuition with discernment is a wonderful tool for your ascension journey. It aids you in knowing what is in your best interest while not judging yourself or others.

Remember that everyone is traveling at their own pace and in their own way. You are supposed to be unique from everyone else. So, be kind and compassionate with yourself, and give everyone else the same courtesy. 

What is Discernment vs Judgment

Discernment is the ability to see things clearly, without judging, so you can make wise decisions for yourself. It also helps you to understand and discriminate between truth and falsehood, light from darkness, and love from fear. Or, sometimes between different degrees of right and wrong.

Discernment begins by paying attention to your intuition. How you feel is a wonderful indicator whether something is in your best interest or not. If anything does not resonate with you, let it go.

When looking at discernment vs judgment, the major difference is that when you use discernment you do not judge the person or information.

Instead, you simply see it as not being for you while accepting the person’s right to be different from you. You remain non-judgmental and move on peacefully away from the information that does not feel right for you. 

Discernment vs Judgment Example

Doing this does not mean that the person is not good for you. Instead, it means that a particular piece of information does not resonate with you in the present moment.

Perhaps you will resonate with the information at a later date? Or, it might not be right for you at all during this lifetime.

Remember that everyone is unique. And everything everyone else believes, says, or does will not always relate to your life’s journey.

Judging is the process of forming an opinion about the person or information, often in a negative way. Discussing with another person why you disagree with the information can be beneficial. Especially if done as a learning experience in a neutral way while having an open mind and listening to your intuition. 

Why Discernment is Important

Discernment is an important tool on your ascension journey because you will be presented with much information. Some of the information will be true and in your highest interest, while other information may be untrue or not good for your journey.

Discernment allows you to sift through the information and choose what is right for you. Practicing discernment is not judgment. It is paying attention to how you feel while peacefully letting go of what does not resonate with you. This is discernment in action.

When you are able to discern what is and is not for you, you become empowered to apply what feels right and leave the rest behind. 

How to Use Discernment

Cultivating discernment on your ascension journey means being free from the influences of your ego.

When learning or reading anything new, notice how you feel about it. Do you resonate with it?

Is your body giving you signs of starting to feel nervous, or that something is not right? If yes, pay attention and trust your intuition.

When you are unsure whether or not something is good for you, take a moment to tune into your inner guidance. How do you feel about it?

Would it help to take a break away from the information or person, then come back later to make a decision?

If desired, ask your higher self or angels to assist you in making choices that are in alignment with your soul's purpose and highest interest. 

Practicing Discernment vs Judgment Helps You Ascend Higher

Judgment is a lower frequency emotion based in fear and separation.

When you are operating from a place of discernment, you are coming from a place of love and compassion. You are focused on the highest good of yourself, or possibly the highest good of several people.

Becoming skilled at using discernment helps you grow and expand further on your ascension journey.

Discernment is not always about what is right or incorrect. It also applies to things that cannot be categorized, such as whether or not to believe something unseen is beneficial for you.

For example, when you connect with angels, using discernment aids you in knowing whether you are connected to an angel or another spirit. If the energy around you does not feel right, tell it to leave. Then, start over again. 

Developing Your Personal Discernment vs Judgment Process for New Information

When applying discernment, pay attention to see if your thoughts are influencing your feelings.

Practicing discernment means not immediately reacting to a person or information. It involves remaining calm and taking as much time as you need to figure out if it’s something you resonate with or not.

The next time you learn something new, focus on how you intuitively feel about the information.

Notice whether or not your feelings change as you continue reading and learning. Keeping an open mind without judging from the ego mind aids you in digesting the information so you understand it.

Discernment is about being able to see all sides of a situation first, then making a decision based on what is in your highest good.

To develop discernment, pay attention to your intuition. How you feel is a wonderful indicator of whether the information is in your best interest or not.

Benefits of Using Discernment vs Judgment

As you practice discernment, you will find that you start making choices that are more beneficial for your life.

Recognizing the difference between discernment vs judgment goes alongside having an open mind. Sometimes you will benefit by being opened up to new information that makes your ascension journey better. Other times, it will help you to stay away from that which is not in your highest interest.

It is also essential to understand and recognize each person’s uniqueness. You will not always resonate with everything from the same person all the time.

This does not mean you should avoid that person or their creative works or information. It means to accept their uniqueness when you do not resonate and leave that particular information for other people. Take only the information that is best for you based on your intuitive feelings. 

Combining Discernment and Awareness

Mastering discernment is when you are able to receive an answer regarding whether or not something is good for you.

Achieve this is by listening to and trusting your intuition. Or, by connecting to your soul's wisdom which is located within your heart.

Discernment is a skill that aids you while learning new things, and when listening to new concepts from others.

Combining the tools of awareness with discernment is an optimal way to sail more smoothly along your ascension journey. Click here to read a blog post about developing mindfulness. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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