December Card Reading

The most important message from the angels in this December card reading is to recenter within your heart. What unique gifts are inside of you that your soul is pushing you to share with the world?

Are you embracing your unique gifts, or hiding them?

Oftentimes, fears of what others might think is a huge block to overcome. Yet, you are the only one who can end the fears and patterns of the past.

When you are ready to start sharing more of your gifts in a way that brings you the most joy, ask the angels for help. They will guide you each step of the way while showing you where you need to step out of your comfort zone.

Keep reading this December card reading to discover what to expect this month. And what to focus on for a smooth transition into the new year. 

December Card Reading Shows to Ascend Higher

Throughout December, there are ample opportunities for you to continue ascending higher. And to tap into the wisdom and gifts contained in your soul. Focus within the center of your heart chakra to unlock the door to your soul. Notice the unique gifts and passions inside your soul that are ready to bring more joy into your life.

Utilize your unique gifts in the way they were intended to be shared with the world. What one thing can you do now that will lead you toward shining your brightest? And take you another step closer toward living your dream life?

When you know the answers, remember to remain grounded daily. For it is through grounding that you are able to reach new heights and ascend higher. 

December’s Challenges

The challenges during December indicate awakening to a new level. How you start this is by removing more of the past that is weighing you down.

What is inside of you that still needs healing? Each time you heal more from your past, it assists you in awakening to the next highest level.

How well are you doing with maintaining awareness? Remember that your feelings always reveal the truth about what is inside of you. By noticing your exact feelings and recognizing where they are coming from, it aids you in knowing what to heal from.

When you release the past, it assists you in being able to more easily share your gifts with the world. Because you are freer to express your divine I Am outwardly. The I Am affirmations that uplift you including "I am love," "I am light," and "I am unlimited." 

Create Your Dreams with Light

The angels are recommending to spend some time at least once a week creating with light.

What this means is to visualize your dreams. And feel the feelings that you will have after those dreams have already manifested. Hold those feelings and visions out in front of you, and place each dream into a ball of light.

Then, send your wishes upward into the universe while thanking the universe for making your dream come true.

This exercise helps you become very clear about exactly what you desire. While also assisting you in aligning with each dream through the Law of Attraction

What to Focus on During December

The angels would like you to step into the flow of abundance. Where are you already experiencing abundance in your life?

This is a great starting point because it assists you in seeing more things to be grateful for on a daily basis. When you remember to apply gratitude in your daily life, it directly leads to manifesting more things into your life to be grateful for.

Where are you currently not in the flow of abundance?

What steps are needed so you can obtain abundance in all areas of life?

Is healing needed to remove an energetic block that is keeping you out of the flow of abundance?

For example, do you have a financial struggle? If yes, review your beliefs about money to reveal the block.

Or, is there an emotional block in your subconscious mind? Search for it by examining your feelings and belief patterns. 

The Outcome for December

As the month and year comes to a close, take a moment to reflect upon the magnificence of your soul’s light.

Close your eyes, and request for angels to surround you. Then, travel deeper into the middle of your heart chakra, one step at a time, going deeper and deeper. Returning to recognize the wisdom contained within the depths of your soul. The wisdom that illuminates your next step forward for the new year.

When you are more centered in your heart and within the light, it assists you in shining brighter. And confidently standing as a beautiful soul of light sharing your unique gifts with others. 

Angelic Assistance for Overcoming Past Wounds and Blocks

Sometimes it might feel impossible to overcome your biggest challenges. Or, you might become hopeless that not much is improving despite your best efforts.

You do not have to suffer anymore trying to overcome life’s tough challenges. These issues can be resolved by first addressing them at the energetic level.

The angels can remove the root causes of the issues by breaking up the energetic blocks. Which then frees you from the past, and uplifts your ascension journey.

Receiving an Angel Energy Healing session is the best way to overcome challenges and start feeling better soon. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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