Soul growth is a profound and sacred journey that gently occurs over countless lifetimes. But how does your soul grow? And what steps are needed throughout your ascension journey to ensure your soul evolves to its fullest potential?
Discover the answers in this blog post about soul growth. Archangels bring forth their wisdom through a channeled message to illuminate your soul's growth.
Discover the answers in this blog post about soul growth. Archangels bring forth their wisdom through a channeled message to illuminate your soul's growth.
Channeled Message About Soul Growth
Greetings from Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Metatron, Orion, and Melchizedek. Throughout your ascension journey, you reach a point where it is essential to take a giant step forward for your soul growth to expand. This process is always based on your free will choices, especially when faced with duality from others and negativity in the world.
Remember that you are an eternal soul of light experiencing life in a human body. You are here to ascend and live the best life possible. You are not here to suffer while your soul grows through learning experiences.
You can use your free will at any moment of any day to declare a new beginning and shift away from duality.
Remember that you are an eternal soul of light experiencing life in a human body. You are here to ascend and live the best life possible. You are not here to suffer while your soul grows through learning experiences.
You can use your free will at any moment of any day to declare a new beginning and shift away from duality.
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Soul Growth Occurs Through Awareness
Through the power of practicing awareness, you are empowered with a potent spiritual tool that helps you shift and align with a smoother journey. When you are triggered by negativity, strong opinions, or other intense emotions, pause for a moment.
Your soul growth depends on how you choose to react.
Notice the types of emotions being brought up from within you. When another person or a global situation triggers you into intense emotions that are not based on love, pay attention to why you are being triggered.
Pause, acknowledge your emotions, and then take action to clear them to return to a state of love and oneness. By actively practicing awareness in this way, your soul growth soars to new heights.
Your soul growth depends on how you choose to react.
Notice the types of emotions being brought up from within you. When another person or a global situation triggers you into intense emotions that are not based on love, pay attention to why you are being triggered.
Pause, acknowledge your emotions, and then take action to clear them to return to a state of love and oneness. By actively practicing awareness in this way, your soul growth soars to new heights.
Reflect on Your Emotions
When someone or a situation triggers you, take adequate time to notice your feelings.
Do you feel angry?
Are strong emotions boiling up within you from someone speaking or taking actions that go against your values?
Do you feel hopeless, degraded, powerless, controlled, or sad?
How can you view the situation from a higher perspective?
What would happen if you could view other people's opinions and actions as learning experiences for their souls to learn and grow?
Would your viewpoints and emotions shift in a positive direction if you could see that other people are using their situations as a way for their souls to learn?
Do you feel angry?
Are strong emotions boiling up within you from someone speaking or taking actions that go against your values?
Do you feel hopeless, degraded, powerless, controlled, or sad?
How can you view the situation from a higher perspective?
What would happen if you could view other people's opinions and actions as learning experiences for their souls to learn and grow?
Would your viewpoints and emotions shift in a positive direction if you could see that other people are using their situations as a way for their souls to learn?
The Pace of Soul Growth is Unique to Each Person
Remember that every person is at a different point on their soul's evolutionary journey. Not everyone is ready to ascend or learn the lessons in their life.
Some people's souls require their entire lifetime, or perhaps several more lifetimes before they are ready to learn. Until their souls are ready to grow, they will keep repeating the same situations and challenges.
This happens because the soul is provided with opportunities to learn and grow through human lifetime experiences. It is up to free will whether or not each person's soul chooses to learn and when.
Some people's souls require their entire lifetime, or perhaps several more lifetimes before they are ready to learn. Until their souls are ready to grow, they will keep repeating the same situations and challenges.
This happens because the soul is provided with opportunities to learn and grow through human lifetime experiences. It is up to free will whether or not each person's soul chooses to learn and when.
What are You Projecting Outward
Engaging in negativity or projecting low-vibrational thoughts and words toward another person only adds to the problem. Speaking negatively about another person, including those in leadership positions, adds energy to the person continuing the same patterns. It also drags you down, prevents you from ascending, and holds back the entire collective consciousness.
Can you see how this does not help you? It also does not help the person you might disagree with or have opposing values with. Adding fuel to a raging emotional fire only prolongs the problem.
Can you see how this does not help you? It also does not help the person you might disagree with or have opposing values with. Adding fuel to a raging emotional fire only prolongs the problem.
Positive Transformations Begin with You
Improving your life and ascending higher always begins with you.
No matter what is happening in the world or your surroundings, you can show compassion to others while living a more heart-centered life.
Being compassionate and understanding how another person chooses to make poor decisions or mistakes helps you view those situations as a learning opportunity for the person's soul.
Duality will exist for as long as humanity is in the process of ascending toward 5D. It does not have to drag you down. You can choose to protect your energy while staying in a high-vibrational state aligned with love, light, and peace.
Putting yourself first is not selfish. It is how you become more aligned with your higher self, which also pulls humanity up with you. Each time you make progress on your ascension journey, you are helping the entire collective.
No matter what is happening in the world or your surroundings, you can show compassion to others while living a more heart-centered life.
Being compassionate and understanding how another person chooses to make poor decisions or mistakes helps you view those situations as a learning opportunity for the person's soul.
Duality will exist for as long as humanity is in the process of ascending toward 5D. It does not have to drag you down. You can choose to protect your energy while staying in a high-vibrational state aligned with love, light, and peace.
Putting yourself first is not selfish. It is how you become more aligned with your higher self, which also pulls humanity up with you. Each time you make progress on your ascension journey, you are helping the entire collective.
Key Points to Remember for Soul Growth
Rise above duality.
Soar higher.
No one can take away the love that you are within your soul…
Soar higher.
No one can take away the love that you are within your soul…
unless you give them the power to do so.
Embrace The Love You Are
Keep returning to your heart to feel the love and light sparkling within the middle of your soul. That magnificent spark that illuminates your life is composed of divine, unconditional love. Connecting with that light within your heart has the power to transform your entire life.
We are always available every second of every day throughout your entire lifetime, ready to help you. Reach up to the angels, feel our love and peace, and open up to the angels guiding you through any challenge in your life. We love you and send you our blessings of love, oneness, and peace through a waterfall of sparkling white light that surrounds you now.
We are always available every second of every day throughout your entire lifetime, ready to help you. Reach up to the angels, feel our love and peace, and open up to the angels guiding you through any challenge in your life. We love you and send you our blessings of love, oneness, and peace through a waterfall of sparkling white light that surrounds you now.
Thank you, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Metatron, Orion, and Melchizedek, for this uplifting message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.
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Or, explore Arcfusion Energy Healing with its unique ongoing support.