Angel Card Reading for May 2022

May card reading
Find out what the angels want you to focus on throughout May to make the most progress now.

Thanks to Archangel Gabriel for channeling the information for this card reading. 

May 2022 Card Reading 

The overall energy for May contains two aspects.

First, it is important for you to believe in yourself, your dreams, and your future. Trust that you are being supported by the universe in co-creating your dream life with the angels.

Where do you want to be in your life in the next 10 years?

What about in 5 years from now?

Within the next year, what changes do you want to make in your life? What will make it easier for you to sail through any winds of change that appear?

Answer these questions to create your blueprint and outline for where you are headed. 

Angelic Support for a Smoother Ride

Just like a sailboat, coasting along the ocean, the angels will support you. Angels will remain on each side of you as you travel through the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. You are being guided every moment of every day.

And, you are being guided to help you stay on course with the journey that your soul chose for this lifetime. 

Apply Your Knowledge

The second aspect during May relates to applying your knowledge in the world. Part of believing in your dreams means using your gifts with support from angels to shine brightly in the world.

What one step can you take today toward fulfilling your soul purpose?

If you are currently unaware of what your soul purpose is, then your next step is to cleanse away another layer of heavy energies from the past. As you continue shedding away layers of the past, you increase your vibration more.

This is the direct pathway to discovering your soul purpose. By preparing yourself at the energetic level, these details can be made available to you.

Shine your light confidently this month while remaining firmly grounded in your knowledge, in your values, and in your beliefs.

Also, remain grounded into the Earth because this assists you in ascending even higher. 

Heightened Emotional Sensitivity is a Gift

One challenge for May indicates embracing your emotional sensitivity. Becoming more sensitive means that you are opening up more to your soul as you ascend higher.

As you shed layers of the past while living in a sometimes chaotic world, you may become triggered more often. There are triggers all around you from other people, loud noises, and pollution. All these things take a toll on you at the energetic level.

Embrace your sensitivity for it is a gift that allows you to more easily connect to hearing, sensing, and seeing messages from angels.

This sensitivity is what allows you to connect to angels in a more intimate way where you can communicate both ways. 

Apply Forgiveness Often

Another challenge throughout May relates to forgiveness. People often think about forgiving another person for being unkind or hurting them. However, this is only one part of forgiveness.

When forgiving, it should always be only for you first.

Are you hurting because of someone else's actions? If yes, forgive at first only so you can heal.

When healing yourself through forgiveness, it frees you from the chains of the other person. It frees you so the other person no longer has control over you, your emotions, and the past situation.

Also work toward applying forgiveness with yourself and others on a regular basis. It is a natural part of being human to make mistakes.

Using forgiveness as things appear helps you become the best version of yourself. And it assists you in preventing others from continuing to hurt you from past actions. 

Forgiving After You’ve Healed

The last step to work toward, after healing yourself first, is forgiving the other person. Remember that forgiveness must be genuine otherwise it does not work.

When you forgive someone, whether or not you directly tell the person that you forgive them is optional. There are many types of circumstances where you may no longer be communicating with the person who harmed you.

Forgiving is very powerful, healing, and freeing. However, it does not mean that you have to allow the person who hurt you to come back into your life. 

Trust Your Intuition

Throughout May, it is extra important to listen to your intuition. And trust your inner guidance.

Your soul often shows up through your intuition by trying to lead you toward the correct decisions. Plus, it helps you in knowing which people are beneficial for you while showing you which people to avoid.

If you need assistance with trusting your intuition, ask the angels for help. And, read this blog post to help trust your intuition more. 

New Doors Opening Up

During May, a new door opens for you to access higher levels of light from the universe. Plus, this door opens for you to access your infinite possibilities for this lifetime.

Access this infinite possibility first through your heart. Second, by removing all the thoughts, feelings, and outdated beliefs that are holding you back in life. Third, by continuing to increase your vibration to energetically align with your dreams and wishes. 

Connect with Nature

Take a moment to relax with nature. Get outside when possible to go for a walk, or sit outside.

If you are unable to get outside, there are ways to still connect with nature from the comforts of being indoors. Try opening a window to let refreshing winds flow into your home.

Or, bring nature into your home. Such as a plant or fresh flowers to brighten up your home and increase the vibration of the physical space.

Take a moment to relax among the sounds of nature whether its birds chirping outside or listening to music with nature sounds.

Connecting to the healing energies provided by nature refreshes your mind, body, and spirit. And rinses away a layer of stress and tension. 

Ground to Gaia Daily 

Take time every day to ground yourself to the center of Gaia. Grounding provides you with many benefits including feeling more connected to oneness. Plus, it is how you access more healing love and light from the Earth.

If you're ungrounded, it can be more challenging to be around other people. The reason why is because other people may cause you to more easily feel irritated or bothered by their natural human actions.

Grounding also helps you stay more centered within the light that is already all around you.

Imagine your inner column of light, or roots, like tree roots, reaching all the way down to the light at the core of Gaia. Then, feel your feet securely inside this light to ground yourself. 

Expand Your Knowledge and Your Goals

Is there anything you have been yearning to learn? If yes, now is the time to take action.

Also, write down your new goals and dreams for the upcoming months. The progress that you have potential to make this month will align you with a higher timeline.

The goals that you presently have may become outdated or not big enough to fulfill you later. Review and update your biggest dreams now for the world is shifting to allow you to reach even bigger dreams. 

The Outcome for May

Now is the perfect opportunity to tap into your unlimited infinite potential. Allow the brilliance of your soul light, your infinite potential, to shine through you in physical form.

One way to do this is by expanding your soul light out into the world to enhance your life while touching the lives of others. The power of love from shining your soul light also comforts and uplifts people around you.

Embrace your uniqueness for it is exactly what the world needs, and is exactly what will lead you toward feeling fulfilled. 

Personalized Angelic Guidance

Sail through your ascension journey easier with personalized angel messages.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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