Messages for March Through June 2021

Angelic messages
This blog post is quite different from others, and is a perfect example of how the angels work in our lives. What started out as only writing an angel oracle card reading for this post quickly turned into adding in a channeled message from Orion.

When working with angels, I’ve discovered that it’s best to follow and trust their guidance. Even when you have no idea why the angels are leading you to take certain steps, it often leads to something special or amazing.

So, while this blog post might look unique from others, I’m just going with the flow and following what the angels would like this post to be. After all, this is their blog too, which I’ve always made clear from the very beginning. I’m a co-creator with the angels with this website. 

Channeled Message From Archangel Orion

Greetings from Orion. The main message that I have for you is to start living a more heart-centered life.

Stop focusing on material items, drama, and negativity. And all other things that do not matter in the long run.

What matters the most is shining your inner light brightly in the world. It is vital to share your gifts, your unique gifts, with the world. When you focus on love and living a heart-centered life, then you will be fulfilling your soul purpose. 

Release Things That Are Holding You Back

What is most important to do right now is to release everything in your life that no longer serves you. Let go of the past. Forgive. Extend forgiveness both ways. Ask for forgiveness, and also send out forgiveness. And, continue to apply forgiveness in your life as things come up. This will help you live the highest vibrational life possible for you in the present moment.

Through practicing mindfulness you will see and understand how everything begins at the level of the heart.

When you are confused, focus within your heart. Then, ask your angels to assist you in knowing the right thing to do, the next step to take, or what choice you should make. They are here to assist you and encourage you to keep remaining positive and moving forward.

The Year Ahead

Know that this year ahead will contain major improvements. They will be coming in waves. Just like the waves that flow across a lake or ocean. One wave after another moving in at the perfect pace. Not too fast, and not too slow.

Waves of big improvements will be coming this year. When those waves appear, enjoy them for what they are and what they can offer you. Take advantage of those energies when they appear.

Then, make time to enjoy the breaks in between the big waves of improvements. Resting is also important on your journey. You need time to rest your physical body, to play, and have fun. Use the periods of rest to replenish and nourish your physical body with what it needs most. Also, spend time out in nature to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. And, meditate every day to cleanse your energy. 

Navigate Changes with Your Angels

Keep inviting your team of angels and guides to connect with you daily. Make time for them. Ask questions and receive their answers intuitively. The more you practice, the easier it becomes to receive their messages and guidance right away.

There are big changes coming this year and beyond. Even after 2021, big improvements will continue to come, but at a slower pace than what they will be arriving at this year.

Focus on living a heart-centered life in every way that you can, and shine your inner light brightly. The universe will take care of your needs. When you're serving humanity by living your soul purpose, the universe will take care of you and everything you need. Your human material needs for food, shelter, and clothing will be provided for you when you do what you came here to do by sharing your unique gifts with the world.

Angels Are Always By Your Side

Always remember that your angels, and your personal guidance team are with you all the time. They never leave you. Call upon them for assistance anytime. And then be patient while they bring you the answer. Or, you can receive an answer quicker through your intuition by strengthening your intuition. All of the angels love you dearly, and will always be here for you. Thank you for doing your part to help improve the world. We love you.
Thank you very much Orion for the special message and guidance for this year. 

Angel Oracle Card Reading For Late March through June 2021

These messages are for embracing the energies present in the world right now.

If you’re reading this after June 2021, then the angels most likely led you to this page because it contains a message for you in the present moment. 

What will ground you this season?

Connecting with your authentic vibration. Just like Orion said in his message, focus on living a more heart-centered life. When you do this, you’re tuning both into your soul and your authentic vibration. This aligns you with the highest possibilities for your life.

Additionally, remember to ground your energy daily. When you’re grounded, you’re able to increase your vibration, ascend higher, and align with a higher timeline for your life. 

What will nurture you right now?

Relaxing and allowing light into your mind, body, and spirit. It’s vital to connect to source light to nurture your soul. In the same way that your human body needs water and food, your soul requires connecting to source light for energetic healing, rejuvenation, and to boost your vibration.

What will blossom for you this season?

By centering within divine source light, you expand your consciousness and your heart. Each time you open your heart to the angelic realm, you’re opening yourself up more and more to the infinite possibilities the universe offers you.

What gives you strength this season?

Write down your challenges to help release them, and love your challenges for what they are. When you’re able to understand the reasons behind your challenges, it’s easier to accept them, learn from them, and be freed to move on from those lessons.

What should you focus on during these next three months?

Nurture your physical body with healthy foods and plenty of water which will contribute to feeling better. If you need help with choosing healthier foods, ask your team of guides and angels to help you daily. Request that they remove any cravings you have for unhealthy foods. And, to replace those cravings with an appetite for healthy foods that nourish your body.

What do you need to release from your life?

Grounding yourself daily greatly helps you to open up to the natural flow of source light through your energetic body. When you do this, releasing things that no longer serve you becomes easier to do. If you’re unsure about what needs to be removed from your life, or what types of densities are still within your system, ask your guardian angel to show them to you. It also helps a lot to ask for a definitive and clear knowing that what you’re being shown is what needs to be released.

Applying forgiveness is very powerful. When you’re able to extend forgiveness both ways, it frees you from the past. It’s equally important to forgive yourself just as it is to forgive others who caused you hurt or harm. 

What should you embrace?

Crystals contain incredibly powerful and amazing energies. Carry a crystal with you in your pocket, or wear crystal jewelry to bring the beautiful energies crystals offer into your life.

You can also feel their energies by holding a crystal in your left hand, close your eyes, focus within your heart, and feel the energies. It might take a couple minutes to start feeling the energies, so be patient while your soul is connecting with the crystals.

Be sure to only buy crystals from a reputable supplier who can tell you where they came from. This prevents you from paying for fake crystals. Use your intuition to choose which crystals are best for you. Your soul and your angels will lead you to the best crystal for the present moment. Pocket stones are inexpensive and are a great way to get started using crystals. 

What do you need to care for in your life?

Call upon your guardian angel to nourish your relationship with them. Spend a minute or two daily talking to your guardian angel. Ask for whatever you would like assistance with that day. Or simply thank your guardian angel for watching out for you and protecting you.

By strengthening your relationship with your guardian angel, it helps you open up to the infinite possibilities available to you in life. The reason why is because you'll be receiving angelic guidance that leads you, one step at a time, toward co-creating your dream life with the universe. 

Embrace Uniqueness in Your Life

Communicating with angels is always a very special experience. Sometimes the angels will show you a step to take, and you will have no idea what is going to happen. Every time that has happened to me, it’s been an opportunity to trust and follow the guidance from angels. The results have been amazing every time I trusted the angels, and everything always turned out much better than I would’ve imagined. Give it a try in your life and see what happens.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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