3 Steps to Remove Mental Blocks

Remove mental blocks
Do you ever feel like your mind is a complete mess? Like there are so many thoughts and emotions going on that it's hard to focus on anything? You're not alone.

Mental blocks can occur from any number of things. The good news is that with angelic assistance and self-love, mental blocks can be removed.

Let's look deeper into the aspects of mental blocks. Then, I'll reveal the easy three step process to gain freedom over your mind.

What Are Mental Blocks and Why They Keep You Stuck

A mental block is any thought that holds you back in any way.

Oftentimes, you are your own worst critic in your mind. Your ego is what creates the unending loop of negativity.

The ego mind is designed to protect you. However, this often holds you back in life. The little voice in your head can get very loud, and keep you trapped for years or decades.

Thoughts of not being good enough, thoughts saying you cannot do something, or any other thought that brings you down are always harmful.

Ask Archangel Michael for help anytime. Simply say:

“Archangel Michael, please quiet my ego and calm my mind right now. Thank you.”

You have full power to release any thoughts that do not serve your best interest. 
You must take responsibility with mental blocks. Remove them! No one else can do it for you! 

Does Your Mind Contain Outdated, Ancestral Constraints?

Remove yourself from the old, outdated constraints of humanity that no longer apply. Clear the old stories of duality where men and women had certain roles and could not do specific things. Release the mental programming from being told to live life according to someone else's rules.

Humanity has been carrying around outdated programming for thousands of years. It's time to remove it, ascend higher, and start living the life you dream about.

Outdated programming within you is similar to trying to run outdated software on a new computer. It either does not work at all, or runs very slowly. Uninstall the outdated programming. Replace it with new, updated programming (new light codes from source), and everything works better. Your life flows easier with new light. Plus, it increases your vibration, and helps you ascend higher faster. 

Other People’s Perspectives Can Create Mental Blocks For You

Every opinion and perspective from each individual is based upon their unique past experiences up to this point in their life.

Everything around you goes through your unique filter when it enters your mind. How you view things, and the perspectives you form, are all based upon your life experiences.

When interpreting other people’s beliefs, view them from a higher perspective. And respond by staying on the middle path. What does that mean to stay on the middle path? It means to remain in the middle between two opposing sides when possible.

Respond from a neutral place of allowing other people to make their own decisions. However, do try to be helpful, encouraging, and supportive as much as possible. Let’s use this blog and myself as an example. 

Personal Example

If someone would’ve told me that having a blog is “hard work and will never lead to anything,” then this blog might not exist. I never imagined myself ever starting a blog until a friend suggested it.

Thankfully, my friend encouraged me to serve at the highest level if that was something I wanted to do. It gave me something to think about because I liked writing. But, I had some concerns about it. Shortly after starting this blog, I discovered how much I love helping people through writing. 

How To Immediately Release Negative Thoughts

There are a couple great ways to remove negative thoughts anytime they arise.

1. The Release and Explode Tool

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, imagine the energy from the negative thought leaving your mind. See it floating in front of you. Then, set the intention that you are using the violet flame to explode the negative thought. This is a safe way to break up and transmute negative energy so you, or no one else, has it re-enter into your energy field.

2. Use Positive Affirmations

Replace any negative thought with a positive affirmation. This helps retrain your mind to think more positively. Regularly using affirmations reprograms your subconscious mind so positive thinking becomes a habit.

Affirmations are even more powerful when you listen to them with theta sounds.  

Note: never listen to theta sounds while driving or operating heavy machinery.

Why Only Shifting Your Mindset is Not Enough

Your thoughts and words are energies. But if you ignore the types of energies within your subconscious mind and chakras, you can expect blockages to keep holding you back.

Do you currently like all parts of your life? If not, what needs to improve?

How do you improve those things? Since we live in a world where everything is energy, it's vital to do energy work.

In addition to removing mental blocks, it’s equally important to remove dense energies within your system. Cleanse your chakras and aura daily while you’re also working on clearing mental blocks. Dedicate a little time each day to improve yourself because no one can do it for you.

If you’re too overwhelmed with the amount of mental blocks, an Angel Energy Healing session can help. One session starts to remove unhealthy beliefs along with cleansing your chakra system.

Mental Blocks Reflect Your Outer Reality

The limitations within your mind reflect back at you, just like a mirror. They show up in the types of situations and experiences that appear in your life. After you start improving your energy and thoughts, give the universe time to improve your outer world. You first have to become an energetic match to your desires before they arrive. That is how the Law of Attraction works.

It's important to only focus on living in the present moment. This prevents past or future thoughts from controlling your mind. 
Nothing will improve until you take control over your thoughts, words, and habits. Do not allow your ego or other people to control your life! You can do this! You're meant to live happily and have all your dreams come true.

Easy 3 Step Process For Removing Mental Blocks

Use this easy, simplified process to remove mental blocks and get back on track. Following this plan daily helps you regain control over your thoughts, and can quickly become a positive habit.

1. Maintain Awareness

Consistently remain aware of your thoughts and feelings. Be patient with yourself while training your mind to always be aware. Notice your thoughts, feelings, and how you react to other people without thinking.

Take time throughout each day to reflect on the thoughts, feelings, and reactions you had earlier in the day. Continue reflecting at the end of each day until you're able to do this consistently within each moment.

Never judge yourself! Simply notice the types of energies present, and take action when needed. Remember that thoughts and feelings are all energies. It's what you do about the unpleasant energies that matters.

A good question to keep asking yourself is: Does this thought or feeling lead me closer to my dreams or keep me stuck? If any thought is not serving your highest, best interest, then clear it. 

2. Release Low-Vibrational Energies

Immediately release negativity or anything that does not feel good. Take a few deep breaths. And set the intention that you're releasing the unpleasant thought or feeling. When exhaling, imagine the thought or feeling leaving you. Ask your guardian angel everyday to help you master this process.

It's also helpful to imagine a waterfall of white light from source flowing through you after clearing density. While this part is not necessary, it provides you with new light to help boost your vibration. 

3. Use Positive Affirmations or Subliminals

Each time after releasing negativity, or anything that does not feel good, give yourself a positive thought. Either use a positive affirmation, or think about something you're grateful for having. This helps retrain your mind to think more positively.

Occasionally you might not obtain the level of success desired from using affirmations. If this happens, listening to subliminals is a powerful way to reprogram your subconscious mind beliefs. 

Click here to find a wide variety of subliminals that have been tested to prove effectiveness. 

Remember Your Soul's Infinite Powers

It's time to awaken to your full potential as an infinite soul of light. You really can be anything you want, and you truly can have anything you desire. All your dreams can come true when you take one step at a time with angelic assistance.

The fastest way to start aligning with the life you desire is through energy work. This includes eliminating mental blocks and reprogramming your subconscious mind by utilizing affirmations. 

Do Not Allow Mental Blocks To Hold You Back

The world is changing at a much faster pace than anytime in history. Now more than ever before, it’s important to know that you’re meant to step into the full power of your soul.

Mental blocks of feeling small, helpless, or undeserving only keeps you trapped. Seeing 11:11 is a wake up call from the universe to awaken to the unlimited powers of your soul. When you begin releasing density, life stops being so hard. And, you’re able to take one step at a time toward manifesting your dreams and desires.

Angels would love to help you every step of the way. Just invite them into your life, and take action steps based upon signs the angels show you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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