12 Ways Angels Help You through Energy Healing

Healing can take many forms, and one of the most powerful and uplifting ways is when it comes from angels. Through energy healing, angels help you in many ways. From clearing negativity to providing clarity and elevating your energetic vibration.

In this blog post, explore 12 ways angels can help you on your healing journey. And discover easy ways to boost your journey with assistance from the angels. 

How can Angels Help You

Angels Provide you with support in various aspects of life, including with your healing journey. When you receive energy healing from angels, you receive healing for your mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

Emotionally, angels comfort you during tough times, helping to alleviate feelings of fear, anxiety, or sadness. They can instill a sense of peace and hope, which can be instrumental in emotional healing.

Physically, angels remove energetic blocks that are contributing to physical issues. As each energetic block is gently dissolved, your energetic system heals. Which then can lead to noticeable improvements at the physical level.

Mentally, if your mind is overly busy or has a difficult time focusing, angels help you by calming your mind. A quieter mind also assists you in focusing on living in the present moment instead of being stuck in the past or worried about the future. 

Angels Help with Spiritual Healing

Angels also guide you toward spiritual growth and enlightenment. Part of this process involves releasing old patterns and forgiving past hurts. So you heal and can ascend higher.

Another way angels assist you spiritually is through energy protection. Whether it is protection from negative energies or harmful situations. This sense of safety enhances your healing journey.

Additionally, angels help you navigate your journey by helping you understand soul lessons. So you can recognize, understand, and learn them. And therefore, become free to move forward in life. 

12 Ways Angels Help You through Energy Healing

There are many ways angels can help you through energy healing. However, these are 12 of the most common benefits of healing with angels. 

  1. 1
    Remove energetic blocks
  2. 2
    Sever cords that are draining you
  3. 3
    Repair auric damage
  4. 4
    Rinse away stress
  5. 5
    Increased energetic vibration
  6. 6
    Calm and quiet your mind
  7. 7
    Find clarity
  8. 8
    Ease physical ailments
  9. 9
    Ascend higher
  10. 10
    Heal emotionally
  11. 11
    Remove outdated subconscious mind blocks
  12. 12
    Balance your mind, body, and spirit

1. Remove Energetic Blocks from Your Chakras and Meridians

When angels remove energetic blocks from your chakras, it opens up the natural flow of vital life force energy within you.

Imagine this natural flow of energy like a river flowing effortlessly through you. When there is an energetic block, it acts as a dam, holding back the river of energy from reaching all parts of your physical body. Over time, the lack of light flowing leads to physical ailments.

After angels remove these energetic blocks, light rushes into areas that had been lacking vital life force energy. The benefits begin within the chakras, then expand into the body's meridian system.

In addition to feeling better physically, it boosts your overall wellness and vitality. 

2. Sever Energetic Cords that are Draining You

Because of living in this energetic world, it is normal for people to attach energetic cords to each other. These etheric cords are unseen lines that connect you to people around you.

Like vines that can strangle a tree, these cords drain your energy. Casting a shadow over you emotionally and physically.

Severing these energetic cords is not an act of severance but one of liberation. It is a form of spiritual hygiene that is beneficial for both you and other people.

This act does not sever ties nor end relationships; instead, it purifies them. It washes away the dust of negativity and burdensome emotions, leaving behind a clearer connection. And offering an opportunity for a fresh start.

It is an energetic detox, a release of the heavy chains that have been weighing you down. It is a rejuvenating breath of fresh air for your mind, body, and spirit. 

3. Repair Auric Damage

Your aura is a vibrant extension of you - a dynamic, invisible force field that is continuously at work. Its main purpose is to scan your surroundings for any potential threats.

Yet its job does not end there. Like a cosmic sponge, your aura also absorbs and stores energies from the people around you.

When your aura has picked up toxic energies, they can become a hidden poison, seeping into your physical health. A stressed aura can weaken your immune system, leaving you susceptible to illnesses.

This is where angels help you by cleansing your aura, and mending any damage within your aura.

The benefits might not always be tangible. You might feel a subtle shift if you are sensitive to energies, or you might not notice any immediate change. However, the impact is profound, subtly elevating your overall well-being.

4. Rinse Away Stress to Feel Relaxed

Imagine your stress as a heavy, tangible layer clinging to you. Through the soothing touch of energy healing, angels gently wash away this burdensome layer. Helping you relax into a state of tranquility.

The energetic vibration of stress, if left unchecked, can seep into your physical health like a silent intruder. With potential to cause a variety of physical ailments over time.

That is why it is vital to manage stress and cleanse away the heavy energies after a challenging day.

In addition to feeling more relaxed, the angels help you to deal with stress in better ways. Thereby preventing you from being affected in a significant way when challenges appear. 

5. Increase Your Energetic Vibration

Energy healing with angels is like an ethereal elevator, lifting you into a heightened energetic vibration.

This elevated vibration helps you to feel lighter and invigorated. Along with experience more joyful moments.

As you ascend further, the angels assist you in holding higher levels of light. Which helps you achieve and maintain an elevated vibrational state.

6. Calm and Quiet Mind

Angelic energy healing serves as a serene guide, helping to ease the restless waves of busyness within your mind. Along with paving the way for you to anchor yourself firmly in the present moment. Freeing you from the invisible chains of the past and future uncertainties.

When your mind is calm, clear, and focused, life becomes easier. 

7. Find Clarity

The angels will always assist you with gaining clarity on decisions and situations for your journey through life.

This can be achieved through energy healing, or on your own by meditating with angels.

Simply close your eyes, breath deeply, and ask either Archangel Jophiel or Archangel Raguel to rinse away uncertainty. And to provide you with clarity in a way that you can easily recognize the answers. End by thanking the angels.

Then, trust that you will receive a clear answer and be patient while the angels line up a way for you to receive the answer. Their guidance might be instant or arrive after a few days. 

8. Feel Better by Easing Physical Ailments

Angelic energy healing helps you feel better at the physical level too. This happens by first dissolving the energetic barricades that obstruct your natural flow of energy. And replenishing you with the radiant purity of new white light.

Miracles may seem like rare phenomena, but with the angels, they can manifest in the form of physical healing.

If a miraculous transformation occurs for you, remember to express your gratitude to the angels.

9. Ascend Higher on Your Spiritual Journey 

Energy healing with angels acts as an ethereal ladder. Helping you climb higher by tackling the most significant roadblock in your life at any given moment. And by purifying your energetic system.

This divine intervention propels you to vibrate at a higher frequency. Setting in motion a natural ascension that swings open the doors to new life trajectories.

The angels ensure your ascent is not just a physical elevation, but a spiritual evolution, transforming you from within.

10. Heal Emotionally from Past Wounds

Angelic energy healing serves as a soothing balm for emotional wounds from the past. If the path to healing necessitates forgiveness, angels will tenderly help you. First by comprehending the significance of releasing your grasp on grudges, anger, and resentment. Enabling you to forgive as part of your healing journey.

Even though the mind may recall painful memories, their energetic impact will no longer affect you. This happens when the angels neutralize the energies from the hurtful experience. Which frees you from the negative effects of these old wounds, allowing you to move forward in life. 

11. Remove Outdated Subconscious Mind Blocks

Energy healing with angels also aids you by eliminating subconscious mind barriers. These barriers might be hidden from your conscious awareness. Yet they hold the potential to entrap you in recurring cycles of past patterns and struggles.

The angels meticulously dismantle your biggest subconscious block. Then, they instill a positive belief in its place. This divine intervention not only eradicates the negative but also fosters the growth of positive beliefs. Creating a balanced and healthier mindset.

12. Balance Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

One of the most exquisite advantages of healing with angels is their holistic approach to your well-being. Nourishing your mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.

There are no risks involved, only benefits.

Consider giving energy healing a try today. And experience for yourself the remarkable ways in which healing with archangels can uplift and improve your life.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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