12 Laws of The Universe and How to Master Them

Sacred Geometry
It’s important to be familiar with all 12 laws of the universe because they work together. The true power contained within these laws of the universe comes after you apply them in your life.
Ask Archangel Sandalphon to assist you in learning and applying all 12 laws of the universe in your life. He is the archangel of universal wisdom. And can help you understand the aspects of each law so you can benefit from them.
There is a specific order for the laws of the universe. Learn them in numerological order, and focus on number one until you’re familiar with it. Then, move onto the next law, one at a time, after you’ve mastered each one. 

1. Law of Divine Oneness

This is the most important law because it’s the foundation for all other laws of the universe.

The Law of Divine Oneness means that we are all connected to one source light. Because all human souls came from the same light, it means that we’re also connected at the level of one collective consciousness. What this means is that at an energetic level, when one person has a thought, it creates an energetic ripple effect outward to other people.

When a group of people all have similar thoughts or feelings, the ripple effect is even more powerful, and will affect more people. For example, if a group of people focuses on spreading love and kindness, these energies ripple outward to other people around them. The more people who continue spreading love and kindness, the further the ripple effect travels. 

How To Master The Law of Divine Oneness

  • Recognize that every thought, spoken word, and action you have is affecting other people.
  • Be kind, compassionate, accepting, understanding, and loving toward others.
  • Send love and light to other people especially those who do not match your high vibration. The angels are happy to help you with this. 

2. Law of Vibration

Everything in the universe, including humans, is energy that vibrates at a certain frequency.

An easy way to remember this law is that like attracts like (which is also true for the fourth law of the universe, the Law of Attraction).
Energy Waves
Your vibration is consistently sending signals out into the universe to bring you more of the same types of energies. Or, at least very similar types of energies. Using the Law of Vibration helps you attract your desires easier. 

How To Master The Law of Vibration

  • Utilize positive affirmations to help reprogram your subconscious mind. You can listen to them in the background while you do other things.
  • Cleanse your chakras daily.
  • Meditate regularly to increase your overall vibration.

3. Law of Correspondence: also called the Law of Repeating Patterns

You might have heard of the saying “as within, so without.” This means that your subconscious beliefs and patterns are attracting more of the same into your life. Look at what types of patterns are repeating in your life.

A good way to start is to look at the big picture of your extended family history. What struggles have continued to repeat generation after generation? That is where you’ll find exactly what is holding you back. When you become aware of these types of blockages, you can release them faster.

If there are fears stored within your subconscious mind, those fears will keep appearing in your outer life. For example, if there is a subconscious fear about not having enough money, your outer life attracts experiences to ensure a continued lack of money. As within, so without. 

How To Master The Law of Correspondence

"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
- Lao Tzu

4. Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a direct result of the second and third laws of the universe, the Law of Vibration and the Law of Correspondence. It’s based on like attracts like.

It can be looked at as a mirror where your outer experiences reflect your inner energies. These include your thoughts and feelings of self-worth.

Your present reality is the outcome of the choices you made in the past. Plus, the types of energies contained within your energetic system.

For example, if you wish to attract more love in your life, but at the subconscious level you believe that you’re not loveable, this is what you’ll continue to attract. This is why it’s important to cleanse away beliefs, patterns, and thoughts that are out of alignment with what you desire. 

How To Master The Law of Attraction

  • Use positive affirmations related to the things you want to attract, and fully believe the affirmations you’re using are possible.
  • Focus on living your life as if you already have your desires.
  • Cleanse away low-vibrational energies to increase your vibration. 

5. Law of Inspired Action

The Law of Inspired Action is the process of taking steps toward manifesting your desires.

For example, if you wish to have a best-selling book, you need to take action steps to achieve that goal. The universe cannot deliver your desire without you being involved in the process. The action steps would include writing the book, editing the book, publishing the book, and advertising your book. This example works with any goal or dream. 

How To Master The Law of Inspired Action

  • Make a list of the action steps needed to achieve your desires. Then, break them up into smaller tasks, and keep working on your list.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Despite the long name of this law of the universe, it’s actually quite simple. It means that tiny actions you take hold great power to grow into bigger things.

For example, planting small seeds of positive thoughts into your daily routine creates potential for that seed to grow. Once it sprouts, then you’ll start noticing improvements on the physical plane. 
Law of Energy Transmission

How To Master The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

  • Every day, do something that makes you happy and elevates your vibration. The efforts from these small actions accumulate over time and increase your vibration.

7. Law of Cause and Effect: also known as the Law of Karma

Every action you make causes a reaction. During challenging moments, it's helpful to remember that everything you do affects both your energy and the people around you.

It’s also important to take care of yourself. Self-love is an important part of attracting your desires. 

How To Master The Law of Cause and Effect

  • Practice awareness and remember that the actions you put out into the world come back to you.

8. Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation is more than being about money. It equally works with love, kindness, and other good actions you put out into the world.

The universe will repay you in positive ways based upon the actions you take. If you show that you care about and love others, the universe will bring more love back into your life. 

How To Master The Law of Compensation

  • Serve others daily in any way that you can help them.
  • Trust that the universe will compensate you even if it takes some time for your rewards to appear.
  • Be open to receiving your rewards from the universe. Do not allow thoughts or feelings of sacrifice block your rewards. 

9. Law of Relativity: also called the Law of Perspective

Humans have a tendency of comparing themselves and the things they have to other people.

The Law of Relativity states that nothing is good nor bad. Everything is neutral.

You are simply expressing your perspective toward every challenge and every situation that occurs in your life. There are multiple perspectives that can be applied to any one situation. You have a choice of how to react along with the types of labels that you apply to every situation.

This law is very helpful when looking at the bigger challenges in your life. They’re not necessarily bad. Most struggles are tied to lessons, and it is through learning those lessons during life that your soul is able to grow.

How To Master The Law of Relativity

  • Adjust your perspective when viewing challenges in your life.
  • Never compare yourself to others.
  • Appreciate what you already have in your life. 

10. Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that there is always an opposite. For example, light and darkness. Good and bad. Love and fear. One cannot exist without the opposite of it.

This law helps you learn from mistakes. And, it assists you in discovering what you do not want, so you’re able to attract what you truly desire in life.

It’s important to know the opposite of the things you wish to manifest in your life. 

How To Master The Law of Polarity

  • If you’re experiencing something you do not like, focus on the opposite. Examining the opposite can reveal a new perspective of the situation which could be a lesson that needs to be learned.

11. Law of Perpetual Motion: also called the Law of Rhythm

Everything in life is always changing and adapting. The same way that seasons change from spring to summer to autumn to winter, the cycle is always in motion. And, it’s a natural part of the process.

Since everything in the universe is energy, you’re able to change the types of energies you want in your system.

When you’re in the flow with something, you can ride the wave and enjoy it. But, don’t try to force the wave to continue after it reaches its natural end. Just like waves in a lake eventually reach a shoreline and end, enjoy the riding the wave while it lasts. 

How To Master The Law of Perpetual Motion

  • Work with the natural cycles in your life. If you’re tired and need a nap, then take a nap.
  • Be grateful during the times you’re riding a wave of good things manifesting in your life. And know that at some point, the wave will end to give you a break.
  • Embrace every new cycle when it appears. 

12. Law of Giving and Receiving

The only way that this law can effectively work in your life is when you’re open to the flow in both directions. It’s equally important to receive gifts from others as it is to give gifts to people.
Law of giving and receiving

How To Master The Law of Giving and Receiving

  • Balance what you give and receive. Ask your angels to help you achieve balance in this area if you feel unbalanced. 

Angelic Assistance For Mastering Laws of The Universe

Call upon Archangel Sandalphon for assistance with learning, mastering, and applying the laws of the universe in your life.

Archangel Sandalphon suggests that you take one law at a time, starting with number one, the Law of Divine Oneness. And focus on it for one week.

The second week, focus on the second law of the universe while still applying the first law of the universe into your life. Continue adding on one more law each week, in numerological order. After 12 weeks, it will be much easier to notice how the laws of the universe are already playing out in your life.

Anything that needs improvements will stand out more, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals and attracting your dreams much faster. 

Say This Request For Assistance

"Archangel Sandalphon, please help me to fully understand, learn, and master all 12 laws of the universe. I am willing to put in the efforts to apply them in my life, and appreciate your help. I also ask my personal team of guides and angels to help me every day with this process. Thank you."

Master The 12 Laws of The Universe

Out of all the laws of the universe, the first one, the Law of Divine Oneness can take the longest to master. It’s the foundation of all other laws of the universe, and can be achieved easier with angelic help.

Ask Archangel Sandalphon to help you learn and master all of the laws of the universe, and enjoy the journey. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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