Angel Energy Healing Session

Begin to energetically align with manifesting all your dreams. And start feeling calm, peaceful, and uplifted.

Andrea had already had enough…!

A few months ago, I met Andrea…

A 34-year-old female who was on the brink of giving up…

Andrea felt that there was something deeply wrong with her…

Everything that she tried she failed at…

She insisted that she was more hard-working than her co-workers yet they were the ones who got promoted…

She worked incredibly hard at her relationships yet always found herself heartbroken…

Yet her friends seemed to be going out with their dream partners…

In fact, she was so terribly affected by her failures that she started to feel down…

A woman who as a girl had some really exciting dreams and aspirations had been crushed…

In short, Andrea had a broken mind, body, and spirit…

Andrea made another mistake

The mistake that Andrea made at this point is something that is so common…

People, when they struggle, tend to try and work even harder…

Hoping that it would get them the success that has been eluding them…

But lack of effort was never the problem…

The real reason, as I’ll disclose shortly, is something entirely different…

And so, I suppose there are 2 questions that arise here…

One, what was the actual reason behind Andrea’s struggle…?

And second, why in the world was she telling me about all of this…?

The real reason behind Andrea’s struggle

Well, to answer the mystery of Andrea’s misery, we must understand that everything is energy…

Something that is backed by the scientific community…

For some reason though, people rarely stop to think about that…

And because even we at the end of the day are energy, we can have something called vibrational differences that occur as a result of some kind of trauma…

This means that something in the past might continue to affect you to this very day…

When this happens there can be blocks in the body’s chakras or meridian system…

You can start accumulating heavy energies within your aura that leads to negativity…

You can start attracting dark entities…

As a result, you feel stuck in life and can’t manifest any of your dreams…

And eventually, it can also start to become visible in the form of actual physical ailments…

Why Andrea reached out to me?

And now for the second question…

Why would Andrea tell me about all of this of all people…?

Well, that’s because I, Brenda Lott, am a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angelic messages…

Over many years I have perfected this form of healing, have been a spiritual teacher to many, and have taught them to open up their hearts to angels…

In the process, I have guided people to heal from energetic imbalances that cause emotional and physical suffering as well as helped them grow and evolve spiritually…

And that is exactly what I did for Andrea…

Who managed to turn her life around and manifest all of her dreams…

And the best part is the feeling of peace and happiness that she achieved through ascending higher on her ascension journey…

Now the question is can you achieve the same…?

And the answer is yes, absolutely!

You see the story of Andrea is not a rare feat…

In fact, these are stories that I hear every single day…!


Introducing Remote Angel Energy Healing Sessions

In one session, I connect to archangels who flow cleansing and healing energies to you through my open heart to achieve:
  • Full chakra cleanse
  • Cleanse heavy energies out of your aura
  • Cut etheric cords that are draining you
  • Start to address past life issues
  • Remove energetic blocks
  • Increase your energetic vibration
  • Rebalance the mind, body, and spirit
Angel Energy Healing Session

How can I be sure it will work?

Look I understand…

You might have been told by some that such a session won’t work…

People create beliefs and then hold onto them…

To believe that an unseen power could be at work can be difficult for some…

Yet how come every day there are skeptics who turn into advocates of this process…?

I simply ask you to ponder over what must have transpired for people to completely change their minds about these sessions…

And if you find it within you to trust a process that has made so many people feel lighter, happier, calmer, and more peaceful then take action.

You can either spend that money on a dinner and some drinks…

Or you can get rid of the negativity and dark energy that has been affecting every single area of your life…

All of that from the comfort of your home as the angelic healing energy can be directed to any part of the world!

Simply relax for at least 20 minutes while the angels work on you.

Free Bonus

If you place an order today you will get a free home energy cleansing bonus.
After all, you do not need old, dense energies around you while you embark on the journey to positivity and happiness!
Family inside a home


“That was incredible, thank you Brenda! I felt like I was carrying a ton of weight before. I'm so grateful for this amazing experience with you. Thank you!” - Lili

"I felt like every bad thing was being pulled from me for just a minute and there was like a barrier so all this good can come in. Now I feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful." - Lori

"Seriously Brenda, I have been having a great week! What a difference from the last. The work you do is incredible! Thank you!" - Heather

"I felt a very relaxing wave of energy throughout my entire being during several points. Thank you for another powerful session." - Michael

"Thank you, Brenda, for this beautiful shower of angelic energy! I feel both relaxed and energized, and already feel my mind becoming more optimistic. There were some aspects of my life that had been causing me some frustration and uncertainty, but I feel like new life has been breathed into my path forward." - Ellwood


Is it safe?
Yes. The energies only come from archangels who know more about your mind, body, and spirit than what any human could ever know. Angels only help you in beneficial ways.

How long does a session last?
Sessions are 20 minutes long. However, the angels sometimes start early (if you are relaxing before your session starts) or will extend your session longer. It is fine to get up after 20 minutes even if you still feel the angels working on your energetic system. The angels will finish later when you are sleeping or resting. 

How does a remote session work?
Relax in the comfort of your own home for at least 20 minutes at your scheduled session time. During your session, the angels channel the energies down from the angelic realm, through my open heart chakra and hands, and into you. It is possible that you might fall asleep which is okay. Remember to set an alarm if you need to be up at a certain time. After your session is over, notes will be emailed to you in addition to a summary of everything that was covered in your session. If the angels provide any messages during your session, then those will also be sent to you.

Can archangels boost my overall wellness?
Every kind of transformation for the mind, body, and spirit always begins at the energetic level. Some people have experienced amazing improvements after a session, but this is not a guarantee that your experience will be the same. All forms of rejuvenation you receive come directly from angels, not from Brenda, and they always begin at the energetic level.

How is this different from meditating?
Your role is simply to relax and be open to receiving energies from the angels during your session. There is no accompanying meditation.

What if you fall asleep?
It is okay if you fall asleep because the archangels will still work on you. When you wake up, you may feel lighter or uplifted.

What if you miss your session or forget about it?
It is okay because the angels will continue working until the full amount of healing and cleansing energies have been delivered to you. The angels also continue flowing their healing energies toward you for a minimum of 24 hours after your scheduled session ends.

Get Your Remote Angel Energy Healing Session

Choose a date and time that works best for you!

Now Only $75 USD

Currently, sessions are booked out approximately 1 to 2 weeks.
By purchasing you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
Cancelation Policy 
Sessions need to be scheduled within 5 days of purchase, or it will be considered a cancelation by you. Sessions can be scheduled up to 3 months in advance from the current date. No exchanges for other services or products.

You may reschedule your session only once. There are no refunds when you cancel a session.

If I cancel your session, then you can choose between receiving a full refund or rescheduling.
All sales are final on energy healing sessions. 
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You understand that the energy healing and sound healing methods on this site are not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment, and they do not replace the services of licensed healthcare providers. By using this website, you understand, acknowledge, agree, and voluntarily accept all risk and responsibility associated with the services and information on this site. You hereby waive all claims, assume all liability, and release, hold harmless, indemnify, and agree to defend us from liability for any injury, claim, cause of action, suit, demand, and damages (including without limitation, personal, bodily, or mental injury, property damage, economic loss, consequential damages, and punitive damages) arising from or related to using the information and services on this site. By continuing to explore this website, you represent you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the disclaimer.