What is Angel Energy Healing

Angel Energy Healing
Are you tired of struggling and not feeling your best? How would your life improve if you could start feeling better soon? Angel Energy Healing may be the answer that you have been searching for.

Angel Energy Healing is a thorough energy healing modality. Because it refreshes and rejuvenates your mind, body, and spirit. And it does this all in only one session.

In this blog post, learn about Angel Energy Healing and how it can help you.

You will learn about: 
  1. 1
    What Angel Energy Healing is
  2. 2
    Why it works
  3. 3
    How healing with angels can help you
  4. 4
    Differences between angelic healing and other energy healing modalities
  5. 5
    How to open up to receive healing energies from archangels

1. What is Angel Energy Healing

Angel Energy Healing is energy healing that addresses energetic blocks that are causing issues in your life. Energy blocks create challenges in your life including physical issues when the block is very deep.

In a session, archangels dive deep to discover these blocks, and then gentry break them up so they can be safely removed.

Your entire mind, body, and spirit are cleansed and uplifted. Then, they fill you back up with divine unconditional love and healing light. This leaves you feeling relaxed, uplifted, and overall feeling better.

A session also refreshes your body’s entire chakra system and the body’s meridians (known as Qi). Plus, it works both within the physical body and outward from the body to repair the aura.

In addition to Angel Energy Healing help you, it also helps pets, relationships, and situations. 

Where Do The Energies Come From?

The healing energies come directly from archangels.

Some people might experience miraculous physical healing. However, each person's experience is unique.

Healing always begins at the energetic level. My role as a channeler is to be a bridge, through my open heart, between the angelic realm and earth. This connection helps the angels to more strongly send their energies toward you. And allows more focus to be held where you want healing energies sent. 

Benefits of Distance Sessions

Angel Energy Healing sessions can be conducted in-person or remotely. Distance sessions are just as powerful as in-person sessions. And may even be more effective.

The reason why is because you can relax in the comfort of your own home. This removes any nervousness that might arise from being in an unfamiliar environment.

Being open to archangelic healing energies is as simple as relaxing. And wanting to receive healing from angels. 

Healing for Your Emotions and Mind

Archangels have the ability to cleanse and uplift your emotions. Plus, they help reprogram your subconscious mind with positive beliefs.

They achieve this by removing toxic thought patterns and beliefs stored within the subconscious mind. Then, they provide you with a new, positive belief to replace the old one. 

Soul Lessons 

Soul lessons always must be recognized and understood first. Then you can move forward in life without them.

For example, if you have a soul lesson that causes unwanted emotions, the angels first help you learn the soul lesson. 

2. Why Energy Healing With Archangels Works

First, it is important to know that everything in the universe is energy including humans. We are all energy, vibrating at various frequencies. And we all have an electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body.

The reason why energy healing works is because as a human, you are a being of light. Caring for your energetic system creates benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. These benefits overflow into your physical, mental, and emotional systems.

You are an eternal soul inhabiting a human body. For the purpose of learning and growing through having a human experience. This is how your soul evolves.

You come from source light, and you are light composed of pure unconditional love at the core of your soul. When the physical body’s life ends, you will return to the light. Where you live on forever as a light being. 

Your Inner Light System

Within you is an energetic light system that needs to be cared for regularly. It is similar to how your physical body needs certain cares on an ongoing basis.

Your energy system includes your chakras, meridians, and the aura surrounding your physical body.

Every day you are exposed to dense energies from various sources. These include being around other people, watching the news, listening to music, and reading books.

Even characters in movies can affect you at the energetic level. That is why it is common to sometimes cry or feel anxious during intense parts of movies.

All of these dense, lower-vibrational energies accumulate first within the aura. From there, they move into the chakras, and then eventually flow out into the body’s meridians.

At this point, having a clogged up energetic system can lead to experiencing health problems or not feeling well in general. 

Benefits of Maintaining a Clear Chakra System

There are many benefits of clearing, and then maintaining your energetic system.

When the natural flow of source light is able to circulate unrestricted through your chakra system, life feels wonderful. All areas of your life become easier, you feel better, and your dreams come true.

Additionally, you will be able to connect with your unlimited potential in life. This all starts at the energetic level. Then, the benefits overflow into your human life experiences. 
What is Source Light?
The natural flow of light that shines through you comes from two places.

First, it comes from source light, which is also called Universal Life Force Energy. This is the origin of where all souls come from. All humans were created from the same vibrantly bright white source light. This light comes from above you, and it connects us all through oneness.

Second, the other stream of light is located within the center of the Earth. At the core of the planet is a bright ball of divine source light. Which also provides you with cleansing and healing energies.

Both of these light sources are composed of unconditional love, and are incredibly refreshing to connect to.

Allowing these sources of light to flow freely through you keeps your system clear, healthy, and your energetic vibration high. This is how you can feel wonderful and maintain feeling great. 

Energy Healing is Spiritual; Not Religious

Angel Energy Healing is spiritual healing that is not based on religion.

Certain religions refer to source light as coming from God or heaven. Source light can also be called divine white light.

Throughout this website, the words "divine" and "spiritual" are not intended to have any religious meaning.

“Divine” is described as “excellent, delightful, lovely, or the spiritual aspect of humans.”

The word “spiritual” means “relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”

3. How a Distance Session Can Help You

All individuals are unique. However, there are some common benefits among people who receive energy healing from angels.

During a session, people often experience increased relaxation, peace, and calmness.

Immediately after a session, and sometimes lasting for days, some people continue to feel relaxed and overall feel better.

These benefits are the result of having an increased energetic vibration. Which happens from energetically clearing away a layer of heavy energies. 

Sensations People Have Felt During Sessions

  • Sensing energies shifting within you 
  • Feeling negativity and stress being pushed out of you, and replaced with calmness, peace, and love
  • Seeing one or more colors, sometimes as colorful shapes
  • Tingling sensations in one spot, or in the entire body
  • Pulsating or pressure in certain areas
  • Sensing energy flowing throughout the entire body
  • Feeling love warming your heart chakra
  • Experiencing the angels holding your hand, hugging you, or wrapping an arm around you
  • Hearing your name being called (this comes directly from the angels)
  • Sensing angels surrounding you and comforting you
  • Feeling a waterfall of light pouring down on you
  • Experience a comforting sense of warmth
  • Receiving intuitive messages 
  • Feeling your heart chakra open up wide 
  • Tears may flow especially if a person has had an extra difficult life

Things People Have Experienced after Sessions

  • Feeling relaxed, peaceful, and calmness sometimes lasting for days
  • Significantly less stress for days, or even lasting longer
  • Not being bothered as much by challenging situations
  • Having everything go very well in all areas of life
  • Feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off of you
  • Noticing yourself ascending higher and glowing brighter
  • Feeling more self-love and love towards others

Possible Tiredness

It is helpful to note that certain people may temporarily feel tired during or after a session. This can occur from the archangels flowing high-vibrational energies through the body.

Any tiredness typically goes away shortly after the session has ended. If you tend to become tired easily, it is recommended to have time to rest afterwards. Or, to only receive a session shortly before going to sleep at night.

After Your Session

The angels will continue to flow healing energies toward you for at least 24 hours after your session ends.

It is recommended to drink water both before and after receiving a session to assist your body in remaining properly hydrated. This also assists the energies in returning to effortless flowing through your mind, body, and spirit.

Follow-up sessions are helpful especially for complex situations. And when you have been experiencing ongoing physical or emotional issues.

Sessions are helpful for people who do not cleanse their chakra system regularly. Because not using the chakras easily leads to blockages forming within them. When the natural flow of energies are blocked, it eventually causes problems. This includes the physical body’s health deteriorating over time.

Angel Energy Healing helps your mind, body, and spirit return to an optimal state of functioning. 

4. Comparison of Different Energetic Healing Modalities

Angel Energy Healing differs from all other energy healing modalities. The reason why is because of how the archangels powerfully take care of you during a session. Archangels completely surround you with their powerful energies throughout the entire session. Plus, the angels focus on whatever your soul and energetic systems needs most in the present moment.

Other energy healing modalities include Reiki and shamanic healing. EFT which is the Emotional Freedom Technique is also known as tapping. There is also sound healing, crystal healing, and other chakra energy healing modalities available. 

What Archangels Do During a Session

During your entire session, the archangels simultaneously complete two processes.

First, they cleanse away low-vibrational energies. These include negativity, stress, emotional scars, and other energetic blockages.

Second, as these are removed, the angels fill in the gaps in your energetic system with new white light. This new light contains unconditional love.

This prevents detoxification symptoms, so you continue to feel relaxed and uplifted after your session.

As the angels cleanse your chakras and aura, it opens up the mind, body, and spirit. Additionally, it increases your energetic vibration which helps you feel energetically lighter. 

Example of How Energies Work

Think of the mind, body, and spirit as a cup filled with different colors of liquids. The colorful liquids represent a variety of energies.

Removing the colored liquids that represent unpleasant energies opens up space inside the cup.

Next, these empty spaces are filled up with love and higher levels of light.

When blockages that were previously interfering with the mind, body, and spirit are gone, light is able to flow freely again. The result is an increased vibration, ascending higher, and overall feeling better.

This complex process prevents unpleasant detoxification symptoms. Other energy work modalities commonly involve a detoxification period after a session. The reason why is because your energetic system may contain gaps that need to be filled in. 

Example Compared to Reiki

In other energetic healing modalities, such as Reiki, you receive energies directly from another person.

For example, a Reiki practitioner flows universal life force energy through their body before it reaches you. If a practitioner has any undesirable energies within their system, those energies can be transferred onto you.

Receiving Healing Energies

In an Angel Energy Healing session, all of the energies come directly from archangels.

My role as a channeler is to act as a bridge by holding open the space between the angelic realm and earth.

This helps the angels to more strongly flow their high-vibrational energies through my open heart and into you. While I am part of the process, it is the archangels who perform the healing.

Additionally, the angels act as a barrier between you and I during the session. So our individual energies are never exchanged. 

5. How to Be Open to Receiving Angelic Healing Energies

When receiving an Angel Energy Healing session, there are ways to assist yourself in feeling the energies flowing.

First, remember to drink water before your session starts. And drink more water afterward.

Before the session begins, find a quiet spot to relax. And, turn your phone to vibrate mode to prevent getting startled during your session. Set an alarm if you need to be up by a certain time.

Either sit up straight in a chair, or lay down. Ensure you will be comfortable by having a blanket nearby in case you get cold.

Uncross your arms and legs so the energies are able to flow freely.

Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and quiet your mind. Focus on your unique experience and sensing the angels around you.

It is okay if you become so relaxed that you fall asleep. The angels will continue working on you. 

Archangel Michael Quiets Your Mind

If too many thoughts keep popping into your mind, ask Archangel Michael for help. He can assist you in quieting your ego and slowing down the pace of your thoughts.

Do this by saying: “Archangel Michael, please calm and quiet my mind. Thank you.”

You can also use this technique anytime, anywhere. It is important to always remember to thank Archangel Michael, or any angels, every time they help you. Expressing appreciation and gratitude toward the angels shows them you are willing to work with them.

What to do When Receiving an Angel Energy Healing Session

  • Sit up straight in a chair or lay down, whichever is comfortable for you
  • Arms and legs uncrossed
  • Relax
  • Close your eyes
  • Take a few deep breaths
  • Quiet your mind; ask Archangel Michael if you need help with this
It also helps to drink water before and after a session. Water helps your body stay hydrated, and assists the energies in flowing easier. 

What if You Fall Asleep or Forget Your Session

Distance Angel Energy Healing still works even if you fall asleep, or forget your appointment.

However, it is always best if you can relax and remain aware of the energies during each session. Receiving healing energies from angels is a special experience. Remaining aware helps you feel their beautiful energies. 

Experience a Beautiful Angel Energy Healing Session

The easiest pathway to transform your energetic system begins with Angel Energy Healing.

Once you start the process of removing undesirable energies, it opens up space within you to hold desirable energies. These include high-vibrational energies of love, joy, happiness, peace, and bliss.

The higher your energetic vibration, the much easier it is to align with your desires by using the Law of Attraction.

More people are recognizing the amazing power of Angel Energy Healing. Especially for bringing positive changes within the mind, body, and spirt. Will you be next to benefit from these beautiful angelic healing energies? 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of angel-sparkles.com. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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