How to Download New Light Codes

Download Light Codes
Have you ever heard of light codes and their significance in spiritual growth? If not, then you are in for a fascinating journey into the world of energy and vibration.

Light codes are energetic patterns that carry information from the universe to help you evolve on a spiritual level.

In this blog post, explore what light codes are, where they come from, and how they can upgrade your energetic system. Plus, learn about the benefits of downloading new light codes. Get ready to unlock the power within you.

What are Light Codes and Their Origins

Light codes are energetic imprints embedded within light that assist the human body in functioning. Because you are composed of light, keeping your energetic system updated is important.

Light codes are sometimes referred to as personal light codes or light fingerprints. These patterns emit specific healing and informational frequencies based on your unique needs. And serve as tools for healing, ascending, and personal growth.

Light codes are created in the higher dimensions and come from Source.

There are two types of light codes: mandatory and optional.

Mandatory light codes are required to keep the human body alive. This is why these types of light codes are automatically downloaded into all humans.

Optional light codes go a step further by helping you in more specific ways, especially with ascension. 

Understanding Light Codes

To understand light codes, first start by acknowledging that everything is energy.

The universe constantly sends you messages in the form of energetic vibrations. Codes are one way these messages are transmitted.

Light codes contain sacred geometry, colors, symbols, platonic solids, and frequencies. Each code works in unique ways based on what you need in addition to awakening your consciousness and activating your DNA.

When you receive light codes, your energetic system undergoes a transformation. It is like upgrading your operating system on a computer. You become more aligned with your higher self and your soul purpose. Your vibration rises as old patterns and blockages are released, allowing you to embody more light and love. These codes also unlock your natural healing abilities. 


  • Updates your energetic system with critical updates to keep your system functioning
  • Ascend higher
  • Increases your vibration
  • Clarity
  • Expands consciousness
  • Assists your carbon-based body in becoming more crystalline
  • Upgrades your DNA
  • Connects you to unity consciousness
  • Heightens intuition
  • More easily connect to wisdom and knowledge from your soul
  • Deeper connection to your spiritual guides

How to Download New Light Codes

Downloading new light codes is a powerful way to accelerate your spiritual growth. New codes are always being created. Therefore, it is best to ask for new light codes to be downloaded into you at least once a month.

You can do this by setting an intention and being open to receive. Then, sit still for a few minutes as the codes flow down from the higher dimensions and into you.

Simply ask the universe to send you all new light codes that are available at this time. If desired, ask the angels to assist you in this process. 

Sample Invocations

Use one of these invocations to download new codes, or create your own version.

"I set the intention that I am open and ready to receive all new light codes that are available at this time. Thank you."

"Archangel Michael, please connect with me now. Please download all new light codes into me that are available at this time. Thank you."

Integrating New Light Codes

Integrating light codes into your energetic system occurs automatically. Your higher self assists in the process to ensure the codes are appropriately integrated at a gentle pace.

When new codes are downloading into you, it is possible to experience physical sensations. Such as tingling or warmth as the energy moves through you. Allow yourself to surrender to the process without resistance. Trust that these codes are activating dormant aspects of yourself that are ready to awaken.

As you continue to integrate more codes over time, pay attention to any shifts in your energy field or consciousness. You may notice synchronicities occurring more frequently. Or insights coming through with greater clarity.

Embrace these changes as signs that you are evolving and expanding into higher states of awareness. Remember that you are a divine soul of light having a human experience. Let the light within you shine brightly.

What are Your Experiences?

Have you ever downloaded new light codes? I'd love to hear about your experiences. Share your journey and insights in the comments below.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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